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Presser was delayed until tonight due to Gee's needing to be at the State of the State address this afternoon.

Jaxbuck;1885727; said:
From what we have to go on right now this is the part that still bothers me as well. I am having a hard time completely buying a man of Tressels age and experience got so flustered he just made a big booboo that oh by the way kept some players eligible and helped him win games.

Second point is that JT polishes his image and works the public like no one in recent memory so when I see a 24ish hour delay to get the presser ready I am a bit skeptical when everything is geared to play to the home fans emotions for the guy.

Thirdly, I'd like to know when he was "cleared" to discuss this because I can't help but wonder where all this remorse and hand wringing was before they were outed. When was he going to come clean?
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ORD_Buckeye;1885752; said:
The one lingering criticism of JT that I hear in my circles is that he does treat the program like too much of his own personal fiefdom, immune from the larger ad and university leading to make decisions without seeking counsel from his superiors or considering the larger implications. Sometimes this has all worked out fine (giving TS his second and third chance when there was considerable pressure to cut him loose) other times (not nipping MoC in the bud, not booting Reynolds for the rest of the season) his judgements have come off as shortsightes and in hindsight mistaken.

I feel that today we probably witnesses both the culmination and the end of that managerial style. From now on, I hope, JT is going to be a lot more aware of the bigger picture and the AD's office and Bricker Hall are not going to be left out of the loop.

Arguably at the root of the bad blood with Ken Doll too (pushing Dave Kennedy out), although IMO Kennedy had fiefdom issues of his own and I supported JT in that apparent spat. The core of JT's managerial style seems to be control, elimination of variables, and absolute confidence that his way is the right way (both tactically and morally) (as often reflected in play calling) and the criticism you cite makes sense in that context. We'll see if, after this rude awakening, he's capable of addressing that blind spot in his otherwise clear and expansive vision. Still, all in all, his good far outweighs his not so good IMO.
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Jaxbuck;1885755; said:
If it isn't OSU in question do you buy that at face value from some other schools AD?

We were just about to come tell you all about it when you caught us keeping it quiet?

You think you can do an investigation and complete a self-report of NCAA violations in 24 hours? That seems far-fetched, to me at least.
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Coqui;1885762; said:
This could be easily verifiable by news sources though.

Didn't stop them the first time though did it?

I dunno but I have a hard time taking anyone 100% at their word after they just got caught with their hand in the cover up cookie jar. I also don't buy that grown men get "scared" into putting their hand in said cookie jar.
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BearBuck27;1885766; said:
You think you can do an investigation and complete a self-report of NCAA violations in 24 hours? That seems far-fetched, to me at least.

I agree. I have a feeling you can't just self-report something like this in the span of a day (but I have no way of verifying this, and I doubt the other side of this argument does either). And I guarantee they didn't just throw the "we were working the the NCAA" line out there if they weren't. That would be remarkably stupid.

I would believe Auburn if they said they were working with the NCAA and something similar happened, honestly.
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3074326;1885749; said:
I agree with him not suspending the players, as that would have potentially compromised the investigation because of all the questions and digging that would be associated with that.

How many times per season do we hear that some school has benched a player for "violation of team rules", with the addendum that no further information is being disclosed? If there was actually a fear for anyone's safety, then my question is: What on EARTH was JT doing keeping this information to himself? Isn't that the exact time most people would contact the authorities?

I still don't understand how some random attorney can email him and command his cooperative silence, outweighing any contractual obligation to the NC2A or the University.

Given how Coach handled this particular email situation, I fear his Inbox will soon be flooded with pleas for assistance from scores of displaced Nigerian princesses.
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Jaxbuck;1885769; said:
Didn't stop them the first time though did it?

I dunno but I have a hard time taking anyone 100% at their word after they just got caught with their hand in the cover up cookie jar. I also don't buy that grown men get "scared" into putting their hand in said cookie jar.

I'm not trying to excuse anything regarding this but news outlets can easily contact the NCAA and see if there was a self reported violation regarding this a month ago. I'm not able to prove the, "we were going to be done by th end of this week" part, but you can definitely prove that it was reported a moth ago.
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People, read the document the LBJ linked. This has definately been an ongoing investigation by both the University and the NCAA since early January. As Smith said in the press conference, this was going to be outed by the University very soon anyway, but the leak to Yahoo up the time table.

If you still don't believe it, then take your tin-foil hat over to Cleveland.com or ESPN.
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BearBuck27;1885766; said:
You think you can do an investigation and complete a self-report of NCAA violations in 24 hours? That seems far-fetched, to me at least.

Its been a hell of a lot longer than 24 hours since Tressel knew he did something wrong. I am skeptical of them saying they were investigating it when you caught us but as many have pointed out the "with the NCAA" part would indeed make that pretty damn dumb.

Bigger picture is that its hard to take them at their word now.
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Jagdaddy;1885765; said:
Arguably at the root of the bad blood with Ken Doll too (pushing Dave Kennedy out), although IMO Kennedy had fiefdom issues of his own and I supported JT in that apparent spat. The core of JT's managerial style seems to be control, elimination of variables, and absolute confidence that his way is the right way (both tactically and morally) (as often reflected in play calling) and the criticism you cite makes sense in that context. We'll see if, after this rude awakening, he's capable of addressing that blind spot in his otherwise clear and expansive vision. Still, all in all, his good far outweighs his not so good IMO.

Sad thing is that the managerial arrogance that led to his being at that podium this evening could have been nipped in the bud over a minor issue like the Robert Reynolds situation had Gee been in place then. Holbrook either didn't care or felt too polotically weak with the board to try.
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