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I visit a lot of different message boards and visit a lot of different blogs. Personally, I find non-stop Razorback talk by Razorback homers on Razorback boards boring. I like to see how the other half lives.

So hear me now and believe me later while I am telling you that the reason I keep coming back to BP is because it has the highest ratio of good stuff/idiocy that I've come across yet.

Also, I hate you all.
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SmoovP;1897015; said:
I visit a lot of different message boards and visit a lot of different blogs. Personally, I find non-stop Razorback talk by Razorback homers on Razorback boards boring. I like to see how the other half lives.

So hear me now and believe me later while I am telling you that the reason I keep coming back to BP is because it has the highest ratio of good stuff/idiocy that I've come across yet.

Agreed. I'm glad to see that some fans are actually not the homers - but they're actually college football fans (along with supporting their teams).

I go over to other boards, and they're talking about bringing back the option, or how Roy Helu is going to be a first round draft pick (ugh!)

It's refreshing to get a different view on your team from other fans, no matter how horrible it sounds
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Tressel's emails were forwarded to Pryor's mentor in Pennsylvania


When Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel learned last spring that some of his current players were in trouble, he shared the information with someone he thought could help his star quarterback even though he said he didn't tell his bosses.
Tressel forwarded the information to Ted Sarniak, a mentor to Terrelle Pryor, after the coach received emails warning that Pryor and at least one other player had sold memorabilia to a local tattoo-parlor owner who was under federal investigation for drug trafficking, multiple sources have confirmed to The Dispatch.
Sarniak, 67, is a prominent businessman in Pryor's hometown of Jeannette, Pa. He befriended the quarterback years ago and accompanied him on recruiting trips to Ohio State and other universities.
During a news conference on March 8 to announce NCAA ethics violations by Tressel, the coach said he kept the information to himself to protect the confidentiality of the federal investigation and for the safety of his players.
But Tressel also nodded his head and said "um-hmm" when asked whether he had forwarded the emails to anyone.
Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith quickly intervened to prevent Tressel from answering that question about the matter currently under investigation by the NCAA. The university suspended Tressel for the first five games of the coming football season and fined him $250,000 for failing to report the information to Ohio State officials or the NCAA, but the NCAA could accept or increase the penalties when it issues a final ruling.
Pryor and four other players also have been suspended for the first five games. A sixth player has been suspended for one game.
When asked whether Tressel had passed the information to Sarniak, OSU officials said, "We are not discussing any issues relative to the case until it is resolved with the NCAA."
In a public-records request, The Dispatch asked Ohio State officials for emails involving Tressel and Sarniak, and the university is reviewing its records. So it remains unclear when Tressel forwarded emails to Sarniak, whether the businessman received them and, if he did, what happened as a result.
The Dispatch made numerous attempts to reach Sarniak for comment, both by phone and in person. His wife said the family would have no comment.
Doug Archie, OSU's director of compliance, said Sarniak served as Pryor's contact person during Ohio State's recruiting efforts but is not considered a booster.
"Mr. Sarniak and Terrelle Pryor have been friends for a number of years, and their friendship dates back prior to Terrelle's enrollment at Ohio State," Archie said in an email to The Dispatch. "As the friendship developed, Mr. Sarniak is someone who Terrelle has reached out to for advice and guidance throughout his high-school and collegiate career."
Archie said the university thoroughly examined the relationship between Sarniak and Pryor before the nation's top college recruit arrived on campus as a freshman in 2008.
"The university continues to monitor the association between the two in case any concerns arise," Archie said.
Sources said that Sarniak has served as Pryor's mentor at the request of his family, and Tressel thought that Sarniak could help counsel the quarterback after Tressel realized that Pryor was among the players involved with a man under federal investigation. Sarniak, who has owned the Jeannette Specialty Glass company since 1976, has attended some Ohio State football games in the past three years.
"Teddy has done a lot for Terrelle, and Terrelle has done a lot for Teddy," said Ray Reitz, Pryor's former coach at Jeannette High School. "Terrelle is loved back here around Jeannette, and I think he and Coach Tressel have done a helluva job at Ohio State. He is a kid and has made mistakes, but there are some people that have wanted to see Terrelle fail since he left here."
Pryor arrived at Ohio State in the summer of 2008 after leaving Jeannette, a blue-collar town cut into western Pennsylvania's foothills about 25 miles east of Pittsburgh. It is home to about 10,000 residents, many of whom have been hit hard by a depressed local economy.
Pryor was the most ballyhooed quarterback recruit for the Buckeyes since Art Schlichter in 1978. He led Jeannette to state championships in football and basketball his senior year.
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SmoovP;1897015; said:
So hear me now and believe me later while I am telling you that the reason I keep coming back to BP is because it has the highest ratio of good stuff/idiocy that I've come across yet...

alexhortdog95;1897018; said:

It's refreshing to get a different view on your team from other fans, no matter how horrible it sounds

That depends on the fans. Personally, the only place outside of BP I can read a thread without questioning whether the people partaking are mentally handicapped is Shaggy Bevo, and even there it's spotty. I've said it before and I'll say it again, bias or no bias, BP is easily the BEST sports forum I've ever seen.
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MaliBuckeye;1897677; said:
The one who lent Terrelle his 'vette for the junior prom? Well, crap... here we go again.

64 year old men shouldn't be driving Corvettes, they should be driving Cadillacs and Grand Marquis.

Tressel is toast. Great man and a wonderful guy to be a role model as a father. But his credibility is shot with too many people to ignore any longer. I hate to say it but it's time fall on the sword.
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DaveyBoy;1897680; said:
Tressel is toast. Great man and a wonderful guy to be a role model as a father. But his credibility is shot with too many people to ignore any longer. I hate to say it but it's time fall on the sword.
I never thought I'd ever be saying this, but it's getting to the point where I'm feeling the same way. More stuff just keeps coming out and it ain't pretty. Whether he was doing it in what he thought was the best interest of his players is irrelevent in the grand scheme of things. Dark days may be ahead. I hope I'm wrong, but I just have a very ominous feeling about all of this. I'm running out of optimism.
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SloopyHangOn;1897670; said:
That depends on the fans. Personally, the only place outside of BP I can read a thread without questioning whether the people partaking are mentally handicapped is Shaggy Bevo, and even there it's spotty. I've said it before and I'll say it again, bias or no bias, BP is easily the BEST sports forum I've ever seen.
Yeah. Shaggy is the second best...unless you put more value in MS paint, in which case they leapfrog to one on Thujone's bizarre genius. :lol:
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Perhaps it's just me, and given the night I just had with the kids it's absolutely possible, but I don't think that really changes much other than it more or less clears the University's compliance department given the information known. I don't really think this changes much with respect to the NCAA - we already knew he fucked up and now we are seeing the details of the fuck up. I'm not going to flop around like a Dook basketball player unless one of these emails, whenever they show up (and I'm sure the Disgrace will produce them eventually), shows JT compromising himself.

While I'm sure Gator will be along shortly to post 30-40 times on the subject, right now this might be the detail we were missing from the press conference, but Smith and Gee had to have known about it going into this scenario and likely have seen the emails in question. Let us remember they prevailed upon JT to not resign (or so we have been told)....
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SmoovP;1897707; said:
Jeebus, it's like chinese water torture.

It has to stop at some point, doesn't it?

Whenever the NCAA rules.

I doubt much else is going to happen. These are just the details of the screw-up. Until we can read the actual emails I don't think there's much benefit in speculating.

For instance, right now my brain can go one of three ways with this email:

1. This is JT trying to shake loose SOMETHING because Pryor stonewalled when he was confronted.

2. JT was going all Barry Switzer on us and he was trying to figure out a way to cover it up

3. In something similar to #1, JT doesn't believe the initial source and goes to someone with an in with Pryor in an attempt to find out something.

This doesn't at all excuse the mistake - and I'm certain quite a few will see it was exacerbating the issue. It just re-illustrates the point that this was completely out of JT's purview and trying to be a control-freak within the program won't work.
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BuckeyeMike80;1897708; said:
Whenever the NCAA rules.

I doubt much else is going to happen. These are just the details of the screw-up. Until we can read the actual emails I don't think there's much benefit in speculating.

For instance, right now my brain can go one of three ways with this email:

1. This is JT trying to shake loose SOMETHING because Pryor stonewalled when he was confronted.

2. JT was going all Barry Switzer on us and he was trying to figure out a way to cover it up

3. In something similar to #1, JT doesn't believe the initial source and goes to someone with an in with Pryor in an attempt to find out something.

This doesn't at all excuse the mistake - and I'm certain quite a few will see it was exacerbating the issue. It just re-illustrates the point that this was completely out of JT's purview and trying to be a control-freak within the program won't work.

I know that you so much want to believe that this is simply "a mistake". I too want to believe it but am trying to be realistic in this world of 24/7 media and new cycles. But it wasn't just a mistake. It was a systematic cover-up of the players' relatively minor (yet still suspendable) offenses. The cover-up is much worse than what is being covered up.

You and many others are simply spinning and rationalizing a cardinal sin...check that, a series of cardinal sins. Hiding the initial emails from compliance would have been "a mistake". But eventually and especially in September when he signed the compliance document that expressly asks for disclosure of such incidents he commits another mistake. Then in December when the player incidents become public knowledge and he witnesses them getting suspended for 5 games it becomes another yet bigger mistake.

Eventually Tressel comes forward....but too late. The mistakes had become a cover-up. Whatever the motives were in Tressel's heart and mind (and I am still not willing to believe that he did it to simply keep the players eligible) they can't dismiss the systematic cover-up.

At the very least Tressel's image is tarnished to all but his biggest believers. This will eventually hurt the program even if he stays.

It sucks but it's time for JT and OSU to either come forward with full disclosure so as to put some of the fire out or to simply have JT fall on the sword. Man alive does this suck. But JT is smart and loves OSU....he will not drag OSU down with him.
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maybe i am just on fumes from my 6 month old waking up 10 times last night but...

i don't think this changes anything. JTis in trouble for not disclosing the emails to anyone at ohio state. This public records request proves he did not disclose emails to anyone at ohio state.

The rest is just more info for the haters to use, but doesn't really mean anything regarding the infraction. I pretty much have been relegated to watching only the games anymore do to the "sensationalization" of coverage on gameday/sportcenter/around the horn/pti. I will tune in to watch the games this fall....then tune out. Who cares what anyone says once the NCAA ruling is finalized.
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DaveyBoy;1897718; said:
I know that you so much want to believe that this is simply "a mistake". I too want to believe it but am trying to be realistic in this world of 24/7 media and new cycles. But it wasn't just a mistake. It was a systematic cover-up of the players' relatively minor (yet still suspendable) offenses. The cover-up is much worse than what is being covered up.

You and many others are simply spinning and rationalizing a cardinal sin...check that, a series of cardinal sins. Hiding the initial emails from compliance would have been "a mistake". But eventually and especially in September when he signed the compliance document that expressly asks for disclosure of such incidents he commits another mistake. Then in December when the player incidents become public knowledge and he witnesses them getting suspended for 5 games it becomes another yet bigger mistake.

Eventually Tressel comes forward....but too late. The mistakes had become a cover-up. Whatever the motives were in Tressel's heart and mind (and I am still not willing to believe that he did it to simply keep the players eligible) they can't dismiss the systematic cover-up.

At the very least Tressel's image is tarnished to all but his biggest believers. This will eventually hurt the program even if he stays.

It sucks but it's time for JT and OSU to either come forward with full disclosure so as to put some of the fire out or to simply have JT fall on the sword. Man alive does this suck. But JT is smart and loves OSU....he will not drag OSU down with him.

the story said:
So it remains unclear when Tressel forwarded emails to Sarniak, whether the businessman received them and, if he did, what happened as a result.

Hilarious that the Disgrace even put this line into the story. We just don't know. Sorry to burst your over-reactive bubble. Until I read the emails and see something damming within them I'll just wait.

However, this won't affect OSU in the slightest if this revelation is true. It's clear the university knew of this information when it reported to the NCAA.

I think you're over-reacting to a detail yet again and you are compounding the drama by worrying about the 24/7 new cycle (as if that really matters).

AS for a massive cover-up, good God, but the drama in your post is hilarious to read at times.

Just say it - Tressel is a liar. You know you want too. And fuck the news-orgnizations in the sports world - it's not as if they DON'T have an axe to grind against just about everyone because they clearly do. Controversy creates ca$h.

Tlangs;1897722; said:
maybe i am just on fumes from my 6 month old waking up 10 times last night but...

i don't think this changes anything. JTis in trouble for not disclosing the emails to anyone at ohio state. This public records request proves he did not disclose emails to anyone at ohio state.

The rest is just more info for the haters to use, but doesn't really mean anything regarding the infraction. I pretty much have been relegated to watching only the games anymore do to the "sensationalization" of coverage on gameday/sportcenter/around the horn/pti. I will tune in to watch the games this fall....then tune out. Who cares what anyone says once the NCAA ruling is finalized.

I had a night like that with my 11 month old last night. Maybe it's the weather change.

But you're correct, these are just details that are already known to THOSE THAT MATTER, i.e. the University (which has let it be known that they persuaded JT not to resign over this already) and the NCAA, which is yet to rule.

I guess I'm just not pessimistic enough about the NCAA to think they are going to bring the hammer unless there's something REALLY bad in those emails that we haven't read yet.
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