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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Steve19;1896906; said:
Not at all. I'm just asking you to provide us with links where you assert the same values for your own team that you are asserting here. If indeed you haven't, then perhaps that would be one conclusion.

Frankly, I am getting very tired of fans from SEC teams coming to an Ohio State board to talk about high ethical standards.

I don't post on Arkansas message boards, but I'll play along and answer your questions, one by one.

John Pelphrey has been fired for performance. I assume that one of the issues that led to his dismissal was his being approached by the grandmother of a potential recruit who asked him for a photo. He was stupid to allow himself to get into that position and he damn well should have known better.

John Pelphrey did a lot of things right in his 4 years. Stan Heath left our APR was in the shitter, our discipline was non-existent and the overall state of the program was god-awful. For the work he did in turning all that around, and for the top ten recruiting class he signed, in all honesty, I though he should have been given one more year to turn things around in the W/L column, extremely minor NCAA violation notwithstanding. He should get dinged for that no matter where he ends up.

Lance Brauman was sleazy. He's gone and good riddance. He never should have been allowed anywhere near our historic, hallowed Track & Field program. The stain he left shames Razorback fans everywhere.

The Ted Herrod scandal is another stain on the Razorback program. Herrod's relationship with Frank Broyles is one of the things that finally dislodged Broyles from his perch atop Razorback athletics, and for that, I am grateful. The Razorbacks were investigated for four years for overpaying several players by an average of $215 for summertime jobs in Dallas. The Razorbacks were judged and punished by the NCAA appropriately. Had it been me, both Frank Broyles and Houston Nutt would have lost their jobs over it.

The recent personalized jersey violation is yet to be resolved to the best of my knowledge, but should be dealt with swiftly - something that didn't happen in the Ted Herrod scandal - and fairly. I'm very disappointed that it has happened. I am absolutely certain that our coaches knew better, and they should be held appropriately accountable.

So while I can't give you any links where I've said any of that on a public message board, I am on record here and now with my opinion on those issues.

But I will take exception to your characterization that I am 'baying for blood' in regards to OSU and Jim Tressel.

I'm certain that I have been consistent in saying that I don't think it is/was a fireable offense, just as I have been consistent in saying that the Tattooed Five were rightly allowed to play in the Sugar Bowl. Furthermore, I have been nothing but respectful and polite as a poster here on Buckeye Planet. I haven't engaged in trolling, I haven't engaged in name calling and I haven't engaged in pettiness.

I understand your frustration, I honestly do, but just as honestly, saying "oh yeah, but what about you guys!?" is a weak position to take. If you want to start a thread about 'The Sins Of The SEC', I will happily participate.
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SmoovP;1896943; said:
I understand your frustration, I honestly do, but just as honestly, saying "oh yeah, but what about you guys!?" is a weak position to take. If you want to start a thread about 'The Sins Of The SEC', I will happily participate.

What do you think about Dana Altman (says a guy who is in Omaha)? LOL
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scarletmike;1896932; said:
Really guys? Are we going to try and run out two of the best "outsider" posters we have around here over stating what you or I can find out if we walk out our front door and talk to people who aren't tOSU fans? Because really, that is exactly what Gator and Smoov are stating; exactly what I hear whenever I talk to the average Purdue, IU, or Notre Dame fan around here. Those are regional school fans that know more about tOSU than fans outside of our region (say, the SEC or BXII) would know, yet they hold many of the same (mis)conceptions and thoughts of our program(s) as those outside our conference and region. In reading other team's forums through various linkage in threads here, I get the impression that we are generally the most fanatical and informed sports fans on the internet (Gator, Smoov, hang with me, because I'm not trying to make us sound like pompous windbags, because we do that well enough on our own), and are not at all representative of the rest of the 99% of sports fans who follow sports and individual programs "closely." Gator and Smoov have even said as much in many, many posts praising BP and its members as some of the most intelligent discussion for college and other sports on the 'Net.

Heck, I consider myself a pretty dedicated fan, yet I can't recite or even know where to begin looking for some of the [Mark May] the rest of you can cite like back of your hand. I don't follow recruiting much, I don't know the record of teams outside of tOSU and the occasional scUM team during any given season. I think I would be a pretty good representative of what most people outside of BP would consider an "overly-informed" fan, and I can tell you that I am pretty much at the extreme end of "informed," and I have met some pretty big fans of other programs.

The fact of the matter is, what Smoov and Gator have stated about outside perceptions is pretty much true. We, as the informed fans we consider ourselves to be, may look down upon, not appreciate, or want to acknowledge that truth, but it is there to stay. The average BP member does not even closely resemble the average "informed" fan, and those "informed" fans hold the opinions stated by Smoov and Gator. So give it a rest, guys. Yes, Gator may be a little too overzealous about trying to make his point, and Smoov may be at times as well. But when you all are attacking and posterizing them as being what is wrong with fans outside of BP...that is quite frankly ridiculous and is partly how tOSU fans gain some of the negative reputation we have (right or wrong) attained.

Now, if you wish to run me out with pitchforks and torches, you'll be able to find me in the basketball forum enjoying our amazing run and discussing other tourney games. As for Gator and Smoov, don't think I like either of you just because of this. :wink:

Gator can talk all he wants about his perceptions and maybe even extrapolate that for his NOLA neighbors, Smoov can do the same for section of Arkansas, and you can feel free to be the representative voice for your corner of Indiana -- but it's the purely-speculative extension of these local opinions into statements about national "perceptions" that are baseless, meaningless, unproductive, and better suited for the shallow discussions we can find on ESPN or a Scout board, not here at BuckeyePlanet where we should be able to expect better.

No one's running them, or you, off the boards, but some of us hold outsiders to the same high standards we hold for ourselves, and this educated-guesswork about "perceptions" falls short IMO.
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BayBuck;1896948; said:
Gator can talk all he wants about his perceptions and maybe even extrapolate that for his NOLA neighbors, Smoov can do the same for section of Arkansas, and you can feel free to be the representative voice for your corner of Indiana -- but it's the purely-speculative extension of these local opinions into statements about national "perceptions" that are baseless, meaningless, unproductive, and better suited for the shallow discussions we can find on ESPN or a Scout board, not here at BuckeyePlanet where we should be able to expect better.

No one's running them, or you, off the boards, but some of us hold outsiders to the same high standards we hold for ourselves, and this educated-guesswork about "perceptions" falls short IMO.

Again, maybe you should take a look around and realize that we are hardly representative of 99% of the rest of the college sports fans in the nation. As such, it is quite frankly stupid to expect outsiders and the average fan to live up to those expectations.

Also, if the perceptions found in the B10, SEC, and Big XII area of the nation are all pretty similar, I don't think it is much of a stretch to say that is likely the national perception as well. And I believe several people wondered what the perception was outside Buckeye Nation. Smoov and Gator provided such, it was deemed beneath an intelligent sports fan, and is how we have arrived where we are in this discussion. If you don't wish to know, don't ask. You will often find the answer unsatisfactory in these matters.

But what would I know about such lofty discussions? I'm merely the average fan you and others so love to deride.
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I gave scarletmike a GPA for his previous post.

One of the best things about BP is that we have fans from other programs that contribute to the discussions. It would be a bad thing for BP if we run off fans from other programs just because they express opinions that don't shine a warm glow on tOSU, its players, and its coaches.

On the other hand, BP isn't going to tolerate those who visit just to stir the pot or cast apersions on the Buckeyes. Posters who have been around for a while, and posted reasonably, have gotten the benefit of the doubt and will continue to receive that, but there are limits.

Even our regular posters who are fans of other teams need to realize that the topic has gotten old, and that even those of us with fairly thick skins have grown tired of seeing the same stuff being revisited. We've been dealing with this for the last 3 weeks, and most thoughts have already been expressed.

So before posting in any thread relating to JT and/or tattoo-gate, please consider whether you're adding something new to the thread. And if you choose to do so, try to post it in a concise manner. If you choose not to post, thank you.

I thought about bolding some of my points, but that might appear to be poor form right now.

Edit - I just saw smoov's post above. It's length was OK since it was in direct response to a question from a moderator, and it was still a helluva lot shorter than some posts we've seen (not that I have anybody specific in mind :tongue2:)
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BayBuck;1896948; said:
Gator can talk all he wants about his perceptions and maybe even extrapolate that for his NOLA neighbors, Smoov can do the same for section of Arkansas, and you can feel free to be the representative voice for your corner of Indiana -- but it's the purely-speculative extension of these local opinions into statements about national "perceptions" that are baseless, meaningless, unproductive, and better suited for the shallow discussions we can find on ESPN or a Scout board, not here at BuckeyePlanet where we should be able to expect better.

No one's running them, or you, off the boards, but some of us hold outsiders to the same high standards we hold for ourselves, and this educated-guesswork about "perceptions" falls short IMO.

Except for the fact that a great deal of the discussion on BP is baseless, meaningless, unproductive speculation by OSU fans using scientific guess work to exonerate JT, beat the "others sin worse" excuse to death or shout from the roof tops for their disdain of any outside opinions. Its the type of thing we sat here and laughed at the scUM boards for engaging in for the past 3 years and, at least IMO, something we should expect better of at BP.

From where I stand the outsiders aren't the ones causing this to go round and round. They give us their perception of outside opinion on OSU and they get trashed for it not being unassailable scientific fact. Very little is said on a sports fan site that isn't essentially an opinion.
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scarletmike;1896953; said:
Again, maybe you should take a look around and realize that we are hardly representative of 99% of the rest of the college sports fans in the nation. As such, it is quite frankly stupid to expect outsiders and the average fan to live up to those expectations.

Also, if the perceptions found in the B10, SEC, and Big XII area of the nation are all pretty similar, I don't think it is much of a stretch to say that is likely the national perception as well. And I believe several people wondered what the perception was outside Buckeye Nation. Smoov and Gator provided such, it was deemed beneath an intelligent sports fan, and is how we have arrived where we are in this discussion. If you don't wish to know, don't ask. You will often find the answer unsatisfactory in these matters.

But what would I know about such lofty discussions? I'm merely the average fan you and others so love to deride.

Hell, I'm a Husker fan that wanted to get rid of the train wreck crap by leaving the Big Texas conference. All eager, and then this happens. I remember saying to my buddy, "Well, crap."

I just would hate to see the HOPEFULLY epic battle that our two teams are supposed to have on October 8th reduced to a bunch of Media crapola. I think both teams, coaches, and fan bases deserve better.
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BB73;1896954; said:
I gave scarletmike a GPA for his post.

One of the best things about BP is that we have fans from other programs that contribute to the discussions. It would be a bad thing for BP if we run off fans from other programs just because they express opinions that don't shine a warm glow on tOSU, its players, and its coaches.

On the other hand, BP isn't going to tolerate those who visit just to stir the pot or cast apersions on the Buckeyes. Posters who have been around for a while, and posted reasonably, have gotten the benefit of the doubt and will continue to receive that, but there are limits.

Even our regular posters who are fans of other teams need to realize that the topic has gotten old, and that even those of us with fairly thick skins have grown tired of seeing the same stuff being revisited. We've been dealing with this for the last 3 weeks, and most thoughts have already been expressed.

So before posting in any thread relating to JT and/or tattoo-gate, please consider whether you're adding something new to the thread. And if you choose to do so, try to post it in a concise manner. If you choose not to post, thank you.

I thought about bolding some of my points, but that might appear to be poor form right now.

LOL - guilty as charged. As far as the bullet points, LOL

Also guilty as charged on length, LOL

Damn, you know how to kill a guy? ROFLOL
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Jaxbuck;1896958; said:
Except for the fact that a great deal of the discussion on BP is baseless, meaningless, unproductive speculation by OSU fans using scientific guess work to exonerate JT, beat the "others sin worse" excuse to death or shout from the roof tops for their disdain of any outside opinions. Its the type of thing we sat here and laughed at the scUM boards for engaging in for the past 3 years and, at least IMO, something we should expect better of at BP.

From where I stand the outsiders aren't the ones causing this to go round and round. They give us their perception of outside opinion on OSU and they get trashed for it not being unassailable scientific fact. Very little is said on a sports fan site that isn't essentially an opinion.

O'Reilly? Is that you?

You sure do know how to hypocritize.
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tOSU football program needs to repair its image with its own fan base..First and foremost. tOSU has been through the media bashing after MoC but this time I think there is enough discontent within our own to give a crap about what those outside are saying. People who post from other football factories should be well aware that one innocuous E-mail can turn things upside down in a nano second. Dancing on our grave will be of little solace when the NCAA visits your campus! I think JT could have resigned or been released for what he did..but Gene and Gee did not take that route so lets see what plays out..with the NCAA and the 2011 season. Its all speculation on what happens from here ..but speculation is the life blood of sports talk radio and message boards!
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SloopyHangOn;1896963; said:
O'Reilly? Is that you?

You sure do know how to hypocritize.

and you obviously are incapable of either distinguishing between the poli and football forums or adding to this discussion other than half baked one liners aimed at me personally.

Wasn't someone just opining about the standard of posting expected at BP?
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scarletmike;1896953; said:
Again, maybe you should take a look around and realize that we are hardly representative of 99% of the rest of the college sports fans in the nation. As such, it is quite frankly stupid to expect outsiders and the average fan to live up to those expectations.

Also, if the perceptions found in the B10, SEC, and Big XII area of the nation are all pretty similar, I don't think it is much of a stretch to say that is likely the national perception as well. And I believe several people wondered what the perception was outside Buckeye Nation. Smoov and Gator provided such, it was deemed beneath an intelligent sports fan, and is how we have arrived where we are in this discussion. If you don't wish to know, don't ask. You will often find the answer unsatisfactory in these matters.

But what would I know about such lofty discussions? I'm merely the average fan you and others so love to deride.

The point (as BB says) is we've been over all this hypothesizing again and again (it's been more answered than asked by now), and it's completely beside the point of what it actually happening and going to happen here at OSU. Is it really considered a newsflash that rubes nationwide think OSU is dirty and Tressel is a cheater? They did before, they do now, and Francisco Franco is still dead. These "perceptions" are for ESPN soundbites; BuckeyePlanet is the place for meaningful and relevant Buckeye sports discussion.

Jaxbuck;1896958; said:
Except for the fact that a great deal of the discussion on BP is baseless, meaningless, unproductive speculation by OSU fans using scientific guess work to exonerate JT, beat the "others sin worse" excuse to death or shout from the roof tops for their disdain of any outside opinions. Its the type of thing we sat here and laughed at the scUM boards for engaging in for the past 3 years and, at least IMO, something we should expect better of at BP.

From where I stand the outsiders aren't the ones causing this to go round and round. They give us their perception of outside opinion on OSU and they get trashed for it not being unassailable scientific fact. Very little is said on a sports fan site that isn't essentially an opinion.

I'm sure nobody will be shocked that this is where you stand on this matter. But really, implicitly comparing Tressel to RichRod? :shake:
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