Steve19;1896422; said:
Negative attitudes toward Ohio State athletics have more to do with perennial success at Ohio State than anything else. It's so easy to rationalize one's own mediocrity by attributing the success of another team to cheating.
Clearly, there are several schools out there that make cheating an art form. Ohio State isn't one of them and neither is Jim Tressel. Make no mistake. Tressel's behavior has tarnished his image forever and hurt the Ohio State brand. He has provided the easy opportunity to say, "See, I told you Ohio State had to cheat to be that good."
But, the haters were haters already.
There is a whole lot in what has transpired to have even neutral fans think negatively of tOSU. More specifically, fans who had no prior negative attitudes towards tOSU. Saying "They all hated us anyway" does not cover all of it. Haters gonna hate is true for some of it. Percentage can be debated; I have no idea how to quantify that. Certainly the SEC is giving you no slack at all, nor, I assume, will your in-conference rivals.
But there are folks with
no prior axe to grind that will see - let's call it a vignette. They will notice the way the tat-gate 5 violations were announced, and almost immediately was followed by the announcement that they all allowed to play in the Sugar Bowl. Some will remember AJ Greene and wonder why the penalty was delayed. And then they will learn how Coach Tressel knew about it all along. They may remember him being at the December presser. They will have seen the reporting of the March Press Conference, which was not a PR masterpiece, what with Gee's bone-headed "I hope he doesn't let me go" statement. The press reported the next day or so more about the e-mails, which was widely posted on websites and blogs. They - or the blog writers they read , will compare that info to what was said in the presser. And - I know this will shock you - some will get a negative view that is entirely based upon the limited information they read in the e-mails in light of the way the press conference was handled. That is followed up by the timing of the "Voluntary" 2 to 5 game ban, which looks like a calculated attempt at sanction management having less to do with repentance and more to do with strategy.
While all of this is going on,
nobody will be thinking of the enormous good that one James Tressel has done for your program at tOSU for years and years.
All they know will be what has happened since December, and some vague memory of MoC, and possibly some knowledge of ESPN focusing on how Tressel's YTS program was sanctioned after he left. Those people are NOT haters, nor WERE they haters. They are just not as well informed about the people and facts as fans of the institution. What you fail to see is that there are plenty of folks who do not give a [Mark May] so much who are being - led - to a negative conclusion by the totality of information THAT THEY KNOW ABOUT.
Haters are gonna hate. Sloopy and you are right. But there are fans who did not give a [Mark May] about tOSU, and who did not have an axe to grind, who now have a negative opinion of you because of the Sugar Bowl deal with the NCAA and the various things arising from tat-gate and the revelation that Tress knew all along.
Their perception does
not mean you are horrible cheaters. Their perception does
not mean that Tress is some slime ball like Kiffin. But you really need to know that reasonable non-haters do, in fact, have a basis for thinking poorly of tOSU right now. Hell, "haters" in the media help create that impression. But the casual fan sees and reads the coverage as it is put out there. It is not "hating" to be led down a path that was blazed by the players and Tress. The fact that the path was hi-jacked and resurfaced by haters is a problem. And Steve, none of that will make any difference as to the type of program you run, or the type of man Tress is. No difference whatsoever. The program is not an Auburn, and Tress is not a Kiffin.
But please, some of you need to stop insisting that any one who has a negative perception of tOSU right now is a former hater who is just hating on your because of your success. While you do not deserve all the [Mark May] you are getting, you deserve some. Blaming it only on "haters" is short sighted, and short sightedness is not the path to removing that perception and giving the world a better, truer vision of what y'all truly are.