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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Coqui;1896194; said:
Unless he's already told them everything. Which is a possibility.
???????? I have no doubt that Tress told them everything. If he misled them again after everything that's happened, it would mean that he is either stupid - or the type of person that would be dishonest after being asked specifically about what happened. He is neither, IMO.

I think he made a bad judgment call thinking he had it all covered internally. Incredibly talented people who are skilled, high achievers get a sort of invincibility thing going sometimes. An "I got this.." mentality.....because they in fact have "got it" 99.9% of the time. I believe that he was greatly embarrassed and humiliated by the revelations, and that he told tOSU everything he knew in January. I refuse to believe that there has not been FULL disclosure after all that has happened.

That would be simply mind-boggling.
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Jax is taking a lot of heat for assuming what appears to be a contrary position on this board. However, intelligent discourse and debate has been a hallmark of this forum and should never be discouraged. Frankly, it's what makes BP great. Jax maintains an unpopular view and is therefore self-righteous?

I assure you that most people outside the Buckeye nation currently perceive Coach Tressel and tOSU football program in a negative light. Sure, there are plenty of haters ready to pounce at the slightest indiscretion, but to seriously diminish the gravity of Coach Tressel's transgression may be greater evidence of self-righteousness.

As spectators on the outside, we can presume there is information that has yet to surface. To that extent, we can reasonably speculate and give Coach the benefit of the doubt. On the other end of the spectrum we should also be able to ask what integrity looks like with respect to the person at the center of this controversy. If Coach Tressel maintains that one of the "purpose" components of the Block O is a "commitment to personal integrity," isn't this fair discussion in light of recent events?
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CalvinistBuck;1896235; said:
I assure you that most people outside the Buckeye nation currently perceive Coach Tressel and tOSU football program in a negative light.

Nothing could be further from the truth. If you let your opinions be formed by a bunch of internet boards or internet media, then I can see why you would come to this conclusion. I encourage you to get out and speak to some people that are actually involved in athletics. Every single one of them will tell you the whole thing wreaks of NCAA hypocrisy 101. Why do you think so many coaches have come to JT's defense?
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heisman;1896242; said:
Nothing could be further from the truth. If you let your opinions be formed by a bunch of internet boards or internet media, then I can see why you would come to this conclusion. I encourage you to get out and speak to some people that are actually involved in athletics. Every single one of them will tell you the whole thing wreaks of NCAA hypocrisy 101. Why do you think so many coaches have come to JT's defense?


The conversations I've had with folks outside of these boards have been mostly sympathetic for Tressel and the University, not much* anonymity at all. When I start getting dirty looks for wearing my Buckeye gear around town and in the restaurants and bars then I'll start to worry, but in striking up random conversations with strangers I've not now nor ever heard any sort of weighty negative perspective toward The Ohio State University from the general public.

*I do know a couple of scUMmers, but they're smart enough people to know what's good.
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Jaxbuck;1895852; said:
He signed a document swearing he knew of no violations when he in fact did.
I continue to reiterate that when one hears a rumor from a documented unreliable source, that is not the same as "knowing" something. And Chris Cicero is known by all who have worked with him as an unreliable flake. So this idea that Tressel "knew violations had occurred" is still very unproven IMO.
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Gatorubet;1896051; said:
"what does 'knowledge of violation' mean?" Is that violation one that is proven?...suspected?....alleged?.......likely?

I have to think that this is understood to mean reasonable suspicion of...
No. "Known" and "possible" are not synonyms. "Known" and "strongly suspected" are not the same thing. (Please also refer to the "Global Warming" thread.)
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SloopyHangOn;1896246; said:

The conversations I've had with folks outside of these boards have been mostly sympathetic for Tressel and the University, not much* anonymity at all. When I start getting dirty looks for wearing my Buckeye gear around town and in the restaurants and bars then I'll start to worry, but in striking up random conversations with strangers I've not now nor ever heard any sort of weighty negative perspective toward The Ohio State University from the general public.

*I do know a couple of scUMmers, but they're smart enough people to know what's good.
There has to be some polls up about this whole deal. And Sloopy is both right and wrong. While he is right about being skeptical about the outside tOSU perception being negative based upon what CalvinistBuck or Ubet says, it would be equally naive to gauge the national perception by means of "conversations I've had with folks outside of these boards (being) mostly sympathetic for Tressel and the University, not much.....animosity.... (damn spell check Sloop :p) at all."

And it is not unfair to ask what they know of the situation before you ask them how they feel. If they only saw the "I was scared"..say "Federal Drug Case" a whole bunch - "I'm proud to say you are my friend Jim" clip - but never read the e-mails - then they obviously may have a different view of Tress and the administration than if they had followed it closer. There were many folks on here that had BRE and ARE (before reading e-mails) opinions that were a little to vastly different.

So any poll would have to be large enough to get a valid sample. Ubet reading the SEC rant and EDSBS is not gonna be what they think in MAC land. Y'all are getting crucified in the SEC...not that you care :lol: That is a "duh" comment I guess. :p How it is perceived in Big-10/12 and PAC-10 and ACC circles could be radically different, for sure.

So Sloop, ScUM aside, what do the Badgers and Sparty and State Pen think of it?
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I didn't read everything you posted, all the formatting and smilies gave me temporary ADD.

I don't think it was my intention to say that everybody in the world thinks the same as the few people I've talked to, those few who hold no [strike]anonymity[/strike] [strike]an anemone[/strike] animosity toward Tressel or tOSU. I thought the point that heisman made was that it's asinine to take the opinions of a few people whose job it is to stir shit as general public opinion. I was simply saying that I might believe the hype when people who don't have a stake in it start chiming in.

I think there's a difference between an overwhelmingly negative perception throughout the entire country (which is, I believe, what you're peddling) and the typical negative perception that comes with being a program like tOSU, one that's magnified by being in the news with a black cloud overhead, that is generally held by those who are already prejudiced and biased.
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SloopyHangOn;1896270; said:
I think there's a difference between an overwhelmingly negative perception throughout the entire country (which is, I believe, what you're peddling) and the typical negative perception that comes with being a program like tOSU, one that's magnified by being in the news with a black cloud overhead, that is generally held by those who are already prejudiced and biased.
Oh yeah - I think that is true. The casual reader non-sports fan will not care so much. And the sports fans that DO care will be super critical - largely because they - as sports fans - already have a dog in the hunt, so to speak.

I never got much hatin' on tOSU before the 06, 07 BCSCGs. Gators loved y'all for your Snake killing in early 97. :banger: The bad blood for tOSU started in the SEC versus tOSU days of 06, 07, and continued on till the present. As there is a palpable anti-SEC anti-south vibe to the Big-10 (either in response to the fall out from 06,07 or earlier) the critics will be harsh in ACC/SEC country. The Fredos of your world will be on you too.

But blaming the bad PR on haters hatin' is perhaps too easy an out as well. ESPN has to have a poll...if for no other reason than to trash y'all. :lol:
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Gatorubet;1896273; said:
...the sports fans that DO care will be super critical - largely because they - as sports fans - already have a dog in the hunt, so to speak.


This is why I find public perception largely irrelevant. If it doesn't have anything to do with the fans I personally am safe from the heat and therefore can heave a hearty chuckle at anyone who gets in a tussle about the fact that tOSU is a dirty, cheating program with a dirty, cheating coach.
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MaxBuck;1896250; said:
I continue to reiterate that when one hears a rumor from a documented unreliable source, that is not the same as "knowing" something. And Chris Cicero is known by all who have worked with him as an unreliable flake. So this idea that Tressel "knew violations had occurred" is still very unproven IMO.

This is an interesting point to consider. Having read the emails, Tressel's responses are more along the lines of what I'd expect to receive after sending him pages of diagrams of play suggestions for the offense:

"Hey Mark !! Thanks for the tips !! Have a Happy Easter !! GO BUCKS !!"

It doesn't indicate that he takes the sender very seriously. Does he respond to Gordon Gee that way?

"Gordo !! Thx 4 da contract extensions !! The missus and I could sure use a few extra mil !! lol c u in barbados, homie !!"

Maybe, but I think there's a case to be made that he didn't think that it was reliable info and that he never followed up as a result. I'd be curious as to how much email he gets a day. The responses almost seem like something he sent from his phone and not a computer, which would also be interesting to know, though I doubt we ever will.
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BrutusBobcat;1896275; said:
It doesn't indicate that he takes the sender very seriously. Does he respond to Gordon Gee that way?

"Gordo !! Thx 4 da contract extensions !! The missus and I could sure use a few extra mil !! lol c u in barbados, homie !!"

Are you suggesting that Coach Tressel was lying in his press conference with Gene and Gee? Because that is what you are suggesting with that line of thought. And if he'd lie about many of the things he said in the presser (at least the things contradicting your theory), then everybody's theory is shot to Hell.
Last spring practice, I received some emails regarding an ongoing federal criminal drug-trafficking case. And in those emails, and I think you may have them, I'm not sure, it was pretty graphically outlining some of the parties involved and was obviously of tremendous concern to me ? It elicited obviously a different emotion than you typically get from someone who needs a hospital call or a visit. It kind of jogged in my mind some of the toughest losses I've ever had in coaching. I get a lot of good emails saying that people enjoy the job that our guys do or their professors not happy with their behavior in class.
This one was obviously much different than that. I've had a player murdered. I?ve had a player incarcerated. I've had a player get taken into the drug culture and lose his opportunity for a productive life. So it was tremendously concerning. Quite honestly, I was scared. Especially the fact that two of our current players were mentioned in the emails, and as we sit in homes, we talk about how we?re gonna take care of these young people, and we're gonna treat them like they're our own.
Admittedly I probably did not give quite as much thought to the potential NCAA part of things as I read it. My focus was on the well-being of the young people. In those emails it was very emphatic that there be confidentiality. The tenor, as I read them, perhaps because of my emotion, was that it was serious and that confidentiality was critical. As I thought about a plan of action, the most immediate thing that I did is ramp up the discussions that we have about the importance of who you associate with, where you are, company you keep, and so forth.
[Video failed for a moment. Don't think I missed too much.]
With the seriousness of what was discussed in the emails, and also the confidentiality component, we worked very hard to make it a teachable moment, and as time went on, in my mind what was most important was that we didn't interfere with a federal investigation.
Confidentiality was requested by the attorney, so I followed that
When December came and we were given info from the Attorney General's office that six of our athletes were involved, that was concerning. It was encouraging that no one was involved in any federal drug trafficking and there was no criminal investigation. That was a huge relief. At that time I knew there would be NCAA ramifications that we would deal with immediately, which we did.
I also felt during that entire [ordeal? Definitely missed a word] that I upheld the highest confidentiality that made it safer for our young people. I asked for a little advice as to how I should've taken this forward. I've learned that I probably needed to go to the legal counsel person at the university and get some help as to how you handle criminal investigations and confidentiality and perhaps gain the protection that you might need from within the process.
I'm disappointed that this happened at all. I take my responsibility for what we do at Ohio State seriously. And for the game of football. And I plan to grow form this, and I'm sincerely saddened by the fact that I let some people down and didn't do things as well as I could possibly do. I am pleased that the young people involved are safe. They're not involved in any criminal activity. They're all in college and they're all going to graduate from Ohio State.
To me that's what it's all about. But I understand that we?ll have sanctions, I will have sanctions. But the only thing that I've talked to our team about after there was discussion in the media last night, was a quote I had heard George Bush say that the most pathetic thing is a leader who's looking for self-pity. So at no point in time in this moment or on the moments ahead with my team am I looking for anything other than doing what needs to be done.

But - WOW!!!!!
The red indicates that he indeed did ask for advice - only not from tOSU counsel or compliance!! That is the missing story, and the likely reason that Gee and Gene were not as upset about it. I am surmising, but it appears that he sought some bad advice as to what to do about it. And, while not a defense to duty to report, it may be a mitigating factor if he got bad advice/legal advice from a third party that was a big part of his decision not to report. Now, will that hold water for the entire April to December period I do not know but it may provide some cover, or at least an explanation.

I had not noticed that before, but that would in fact explain the nodding head in response to the question about "did you forward it on".

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