Captain Hindsight;1884739; said:This just reasserts the universally known sentiment that everybody hates a winner. We have been the best and most consistent program the past decade and any hater would bite at any chance to further degrade this prestigious program that we have seen flourish year in and year out.
My honest take on this whole situation is that the players are at fault. I feel that they covered up their actions, like most scared, immature student-athletes would do. It's just truly a shame that they're metaphorically crucifying these players for actions that took place over a season ago, as Pryor, Posey, Herron, Adams, and Thomas have all shown great maturation throughout this difficult ordeal.
It really sounds like there may be a big problem at hands, and these journalists are just going to let the tension gradually accumulate until, oh, I don't know, say 1:30pm tomorrow, when there is no news on SportsCenter. Then, some grundle licker from ESPN will leak even more unenviable news that was relayed from some other nimrod.
I want to say that I have "faith" in Tressel's conscientious demeanor, as he has demonstrated great character and leadership at the university throughout his ten-year tenure. However, the fact of the matter is that we just don't know what happened. Go figure that some [censored]stick leaked this story in the late PM, and is leaving frantic fans' minds to aimlessly wonder about the "what if's." So unfortunately, speculation will only result in even more unneeded tension and stress. Get some sleep, folks. I know it'll be difficult for most of you and me, but what's been done is done. I [censored]ing love this university and no matter what happens, we'll still be Buckeyes.
