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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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TS10HTW;1889721; said:
The problem I have with this thinking is if we expect perfection we are ultimately going to be disappointed. Nobody is perfect. Rejecting a man because of his errors in judgement and refusing to look outside of an extremist view point that holds coaches to some sort of perfect image is crazy.

This is the problem with college athletics right now. It's a win at all costs but don't break a single rule while doing it. Tell me how was Auburn and/or ole miss not subjected to suspensions regarding cam and not reporting "possible" violations? The point: there is not one perfect person walking the planet right now. (including the fine folks at the NCAA) The last perfect person to walk on this earth was nailed to a cross.

I agree. No one is perfect, he should be forgiven and we should move on after proper punishment has been handed out. I also actually agree its not a huge violation as it stands right now.

The problem we have at play here is a grown man who has actively cultivated an image of being perfect, or at very least holier than thou. Now he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and there is going to be more backlash than there would be for a Bruce Pearl or whomever.

Gator brought up a Tebow comparison and the one big difference I see is that Tebow's Holier Than Thou (HTT) image was more externally media driven than Tressel's. Timmy didn't run away from it but I don't think he set out to create it. Tressel has worked hard at crafting it for years.

Now its proven to be a lie and, rightfully so, he's going to catch hell for it.
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Jaxbuck;1889734; said:
I agree. No one is perfect, he should be forgiven and we should move on after proper punishment has been handed out. I also actually agree its not a huge violation as it stands right now.

The problem we have at play here is a grown man who has actively cultivated an image of being perfect, or at very least holier than thou. Now he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and there is going to be more backlash than there would be for a Bruce Pearl or whomever.

Gator brought up a Tebow comparison and the one big difference I see is that Tebow's Holier Than Thou (HTT) image was more externally media driven than Tressel's. Timmy didn't run away from it but I don't think he set out to create it. Tressel has worked hard at crafting it for years.

Now its proven to be a lie and, rightfully so, he's going to catch hell for it.

100% Agree.

He's gonna catch hell for it and I'm not saying I agree with his decision to not speak up sooner, at any point. I'm disappointed as most are I'm sure. But most of the folks in the media and in fanbases across the country already had a slanted view of JT/tOSU and this is their end all be all referendum on his character and/or career. Fuck em all.

Those media members/fanbases need to get their shine boxes and get back to fuckin work.
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Jaxbuck;1889734; said:
Tressel has worked hard at crafting it for years.
I firmly believe that this is an issue with your perception of his image rather than actions taken by Jim Tressel. The cynic in you won't let you believe that he really is, at heart, a simple, loving person. I feel like a fuckin' hippy.
Now its proven to be a lie and, rightfully so, he's going to catch hell for it.

Actually, in my pov, it's proven to an affirmation of the way Jim Tressel put his players above himself. You win with people.
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TS10HTW;1889741; said:
100% Agree.

He's gonna catch hell for it and I'm not saying I agree with his decision to not speak up sooner, at any point. I'm disappointed as most are I'm sure. But most of the folks in the media and in fanbases across the country already had a slanted view of JT/tOSU and this is there end all be all referendum on his character and/or career. Fuck em all.

Those media members/fanbases need to get their shine boxes and get back to fuckin work.

They will eventually but its sure as hell not going to stop in a week or so.

I guess its easier for me than some because I don't listen to sports talk radio, I don't watch ESPN unless a game is on, I don't go to other teams boards and I usually only talk sports with people I know who are of course respectful when it's face to face.

If I did any of the things listed above I'm sure this would feel a lot more hellish to me. As it stands right now, people trashing Tressel for being a phony doesn't really bother me. People bashing OSU because of Tressel pisses me off at Tressel, not the fans of other teams.
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Jaxbuck;1889734; said:
I agree. No one is perfect, he should be forgiven and we should move on after proper punishment has been handed out. I also actually agree its not a huge violation as it stands right now.

The problem we have at play here is a grown man who has actively cultivated an image of being perfect, or at very least holier than thou. Now he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and there is going to be more backlash than there would be for a Bruce Pearl or whomever.

Gator brought up a Tebow comparison and the one big difference I see is that Tebow's Holier Than Thou (HTT) image was more externally media driven than Tressel's. Timmy didn't run away from it but I don't think he set out to create it. Tressel has worked hard at crafting it for years.

Now its proven to be a lie and, rightfully so, he's going to catch hell for it.

JT has cultivated an image, and everyone will make their own judgment as to whether he really cares about his players or whether he just wanted to foster such an image in order to meet his own goals, or something in between. I still don't believe we've heard the whole story behind what happened, so for the most part I'm reserving judgment. (Also, since I'm actively moderating these threads, I don't want to appear to strongly lean one way or the other).

I believe that many folks in the national media are happy to try to tear that image down, in a similar way to tearing down a religious leader caught with his pants down or a self-righteous politician caught getting payoffs or otherwise breaking some laws. They see JT as a hypocrite because he has violated NCAA rules, and some have schadenfreude in trying to expose him as such.

Personally, I believe there's a significant difference between coaches like Bruce Pearl or Kelvin Sampson who repeatedly commit NCAA violations and, then break NCAA rule 10.1 trying to cover their own backside; and JT breaking rule 10.1 by not reporting an e-mail he received that probably indicated NCAA eligibility issues for a couple of his best players. I realize that not forwarding the information, whatever his reasons were, certainly benefited JT's football program by allowing those players to stay eligible, at least for a while.

I also think there's a large difference between tOSU's aggressive self-reporting on NCAA issues, and places like USC and Auburn who seem to circle the wagons and attempt to stonewall the NCAA in order to minimize any potential sanctions.

Most reports on the JT and tOSU situation fail to make either of those distinctions. Many BP posters are aware of this and find it very frustrating.

EDIT - I realize that although tOSU is aggresive on self-reporting, the press conferences in December and last week had 'spin' aspects to them. I was uncomfortable with the way Gene Smith acted in December, and I think that Gee's "I just hope he doesn't fire me" comment was poor form.
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Jaxbuck;1889734; said:
The problem we have at play here is a grown man who has actively cultivated an image of being perfect, or at very least holier than thou.

I've never seen Jim Tressel do anything that equates to 'actively cultivating an image of being perfect' or of being 'holier than thou'.

I see a very different problem here; that of people ascribing motives to others based on their own beliefs.
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Muck;1889763; said:
I've never seen Jim Tressel do anything that equates to 'actively cultivating an image of being perfect' or of being 'holier than thou'.

I see a very different problem here; that of people ascribing motives to others based on their own beliefs.

I take authoring books telling others how to live their lives as exactly that. Same for the incessant bible thumping.
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Muck;1889763; said:
I've never seen Jim Tressel do anything that equates to 'actively cultivating an image of being perfect' or of being 'holier than thou'.

Jaxbuck;1889768; said:
I take authoring books telling others how to live their lives as exactly that. Same for the incessant bible thumping.

Muck;1889763; said:
I see a very different problem here; that of people ascribing motives to others based on their own beliefs.

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SloopyHangOn;1889765; said:


Based on his bookes, speaches his given, and my brief meeting with him I believe JT tries to be the best person he can be in what his experience tells him that it. I have never heard him say or imply he is better than anyone in any way.

I feel sorry for those that feel they should or have a right to judge any other person. Yes, actions can be judged and what he did was wrong by the letter of NCAA rules. However, I can't say that what he did was or was not wrong because intent is not known.

At the end of the day, in my eyes, it seems the action he took with not reporting (possibly with good intent) is less agregious than the comments Bo Ryan made as intent and human disrespect were clear. I guess if you play the game you play by the NCAA rules regardless of how disfuntional they may be.

I hope and trust JT's intent was earnest but only he and the big guy (not Weis) know.
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Everybody needs to stop talking about the religious aspects here.

This is the football forum, and discussing the actions of the coach and his faith is going to do nothing but cause problems. So don't.
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Jaxbuck;1889693; said:

We still want to believe the myth of Tressel so lets rationalize away the things he's been caught doing even though a large percentage of the pedestal we place him on has been built on the mistaken belief he is cut from an ethically/morally superior cloth than everyone else.

That's the same type of all in/hold the rope/Barwis!! type of delusional hero worship from up north we have had so much fun making fun of for the past 3 years.

I've also never heard of JT claim he was a better person than anyone else. The fact is he may not be cut from a higher moral cloth than you or I, but JT sure as hell is when compared to other CFB coaches.

To call him a "myth" while choosing to dismiss all the evidence that points toward it being true to an extent (helping out MoC when he had no obligation to, countless present/past players' testimonies, etc) is ignorant and simply vindictive IMO.
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