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XBox 360, PS3 or Wii? ( ESPN on 360 for TWC)

I'm gonna pick up either a PS3 or Xbox 360 soon, and I need some help deciding. Here's how I've broken it down so far:

  • The only game I really want to play is NCAA Football. Being able to play Halo 3/Halo Reach might be nice, but honestly I don't know if I'll have the time to play anything else, so this doesn't amount to a dealmaker or dealbreaker for me. I don't really care about any other games, so exclusive titles on one platform or another don't mean much to me.
  • Netflix - I already have Netflix streaming on my Wii, but I want a machine that can do better than the 480p.
  • I do not care about online play. I won't use it.
  • Having tried both in stores, I prefer the Xbox controller.
  • Blu-ray is not THAT important to me, although it would be nice to be able to watch Blu-ray for any movies that Netflix is not streaming. I'm convinced that streaming is soon to be king and physical media won't matter too much for movies in the not-so-distant future.
  • I want to be able to load updated/custom rosters for NCAA Football. Whichever platform makes that easiest would be preferable to me.
Also, given all of the above, how important is HDD/storage, and how should that affect my buying decision?

Thanks in advance for the advice.
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The 360 is significantly cheaper, particularly with the deals you can find on it. It isn't as good of a deal if you want to watch blu rays, but we are quickly moving towards streaming content, especially as Hulu, GoogleTV and others flood the market.

The 360 controller is a lot more comfortable for long periods. The ps3 is a good controller also, it just isn't as ergonomic, so the hand strain is less with the 360. Neither is a negative though. We aren't talking about an original Xbox controller or anything.

The big advantage of the hard drive is installing a game to the HD. You still have to have the disc in the drive, but it only checks the disc once (to prevent privacy) then runs quieter loading everything from the hard drive. This is quieter and makes certain things load faster. It also puts less strain on the disc. This is not essential for enjoyable gameplay. Besides that, I save very little to the hard drive. Downloading movies is pricey and dumb. I'd rather own the movie or rent a physical disc through netflix. Downloading game demos is mildly fun but only something I do when I don't have a game to play. Those can take up 1 gig each.

Roster loading is easy for both. You will get a larger volume of editors and users on 360, but it's pretty well covered for both.

If you buy a 360, I recommend getting it at Costco. That way if anything ever happens to it (including being dropped in a puddle during a move), you get 100% of your paid cash back. Not market value or store credit. You get dollar bills, which means you profit from the return if the console drops $50-75 between your purchase date and the return date.
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If the only thing you're going to be doing online is netflix and uploading rosters, then PS3 is probably the way to go. The XBox guys will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that even doing those things requires you to have an XBox live account. PSN is free...for now.
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jlb1705;1799196; said:
I'm gonna pick up either a PS3 or Xbox 360 soon, and I need some help deciding. Here's how I've broken it down so far:

  • The only game I really want to play is NCAA Football. Being able to play Halo 3/Halo Reach might be nice, but honestly I don't know if I'll have the time to play anything else, so this doesn't amount to a dealmaker or dealbreaker for me. I don't really care about any other games, so exclusive titles on one platform or another don't mean much to me.
  • Netflix - I already have Netflix streaming on my Wii, but I want a machine that can do better than the 480p.
  • I do not care about online play. I won't use it.
  • Having tried both in stores, I prefer the Xbox controller.
  • Blu-ray is not THAT important to me, although it would be nice to be able to watch Blu-ray for any movies that Netflix is not streaming. I'm convinced that streaming is soon to be king and physical media won't matter too much for movies in the not-so-distant future.
  • I want to be able to load updated/custom rosters for NCAA Football. Whichever platform makes that easiest would be preferable to me.
Also, given all of the above, how important is HDD/storage, and how should that affect my buying decision?

Thanks in advance for the advice.

I am in the same boat...haven't owned a gaming system in year but TDD has been talking about us getting one so we can have people over to play things like Rock Band, Rapstar, etc. I am totally against the idea but if it means I get to sneak in a few dynasties on NCAA, then okay...

The only games I have ever played throughout history are NCAA and Tiger Woods. The only games I have seen recently that I could see myself playing in addition to those two are NBA2K11 and Red Dead Revolution. Like jlb I always liked being able to import the actual NCAA rosters.

One concern is connectivity. I use a wireless router in my place to connect to the Internet. I've seen advertisements for an Xbox 360 wireless network adapter, which I assume would plug into a USB port on my computer. Anyone have any success/problems with that?

I already have a Blu-Ray player so that is not an issue. Online playing capability is also not much of a dealbreaker for me because I doubt I will use it much, if ever. I always shied away from the Xbox because I was so used to the PS and PS2 controllers. In fact I've never really played a game on an Xbox or Xbox 360. But then again it's been so long it will be like starting over anyways.
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FWIW, bucks4me's son (10 yrs old) just got a brand new Xbox 360 for free through school for his efforts during a fund-raising drive. Since all his best buds' have 360s, he has his heart set on having all the new games on it. Because of that, we've got little need for our PS3 anymore.

So, if anyone is still holding out on buying a next-gen console, I've got a 60Gb original launch model PS3 on the market I'd be willing to sell.

Off the top of my head, some games:

Heavenly Sword
Guitar Hero: World Tour (complete band kit)
Eye of Judgment
Killzone 2
CoD: Modern Warfare 2
Bioshock 2
Little Big Planet
Assassin's Creed
Grand Theft Auto IV Collectors Edition (safe deposit box, etc ...)
Fallout 3 Collectors Edition (lunchbox, bobblehead, etc ...)
Dante's Inferno
Brutal Legend
Half-Life: Orange Box
Unreal Tournament III
LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

... I'm probably forgetting a couple, that's off the top of my head. Everything is well taken care of, including all original boxes and packing materials.
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wadc45;1799331; said:
One concern is connectivity. I use a wireless router in my place to connect to the Internet. I've seen advertisements for an Xbox 360 wireless network adapter, which I assume would plug into a USB port on my computer. Anyone have any success/problems with that?

The old 360 arcades did not include WiFi at all ... you had to buy the adapter separate to put on the 360 or use its wired Ethernet. This is not the case anymore. The basic 4Gb 360 now has 802.11n built in.
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If the only thing you're going to be doing online is netflix and uploading rosters, then PS3 is probably the way to go. The XBox guys will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that even doing those things requires you to have an XBox live account. PSN is free...for now.
There is a workaround for both if you don't have online access (including PSN):
... I'm probably forgetting a couple, that's off the top of my head. Everything is well taken care of, including all original boxes and packing materials.
Are you looking to sell them together? I might be interested in just the console (plus maybe a racing game or two for the wife).
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wadc45;1799331; said:
One concern is connectivity. I use a wireless router in my place to connect to the Internet. I've seen advertisements for an Xbox 360 wireless network adapter, which I assume would plug into a USB port on my computer. Anyone have any success/problems with that?

You can buy/make an ethernet "rollover"/"crossover" cable and connect the 360 to a laptop or wireless capable desktop and then "bridge" that connection in Windows to get wireless connectivity to your router. Basically, you're using the PC's wireless card to connect the xbox to the router/internet. Very simple to do and you don't have to buy the $100 (or whatever ripoff price it's at now) xbox adapter. If you have the ability to plug the xbox into a laptop or desktop while you're using the xbox, this is the way to go. Only thing you need is the ethernet cable. Much cheaper solution than buying that ridiculously overpriced xbox adapter.


If you need more info about "rollover"/"crossover" cables, just say so...
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jwinslow;1799356; said:
Are you looking to sell them together? I might be interested in just the console (plus maybe a racing game or two for the wife).

Whichever. I'll sell off the games individually on eBay if I have too. I figure if anyone on BP wants first pick, it saves me eBay listing and final value fees. There's no reason for me to have all three consoles and a PC. We may wind up liquidating a lot of it (including the Wii, my vintage 3DO collection, Genesis, Sega Master System, &c). I've got lots of gaming goodness in the man cave.

I'm even selling my pinball machine. :(
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Dryden;1799369; said:
Whichever. I'll sell off the games individually on eBay if I have too. I figure if anyone on BP wants first pick, it saves me eBay listing and final value fees. There's no reason for me to have all three consoles and a PC. We may wind up liquidating a lot of it (including the Wii, my vintage 3DO collection, Genesis, Sega Master System, &c). I've got lots of gaming goodness in the man cave.

I'm even selling my pinball machine. :(

I'd buy Killzone 2 off of you. Is that the first uncharted or Uncharted 2? I'll buy it as well if it's Uncharted 2.
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