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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

Pretty happy with the main matches last night. Don't know how long Dean Ambrose will be allowed to carry the belt but I'm just happy they let him carry it. My all time favorite performer was Roddy Pipper. Roddy never carried the WWE or WCW belts in his entire career. Not once. Personally I consider that fact alone to be a grave injustice. I feared Ambrose was heading down that path. I doubt he carries it into summer slam but the three guys put on great matches and get the most reaction from the fans so I really am looking forward to the triple threat at SS.
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If they manage to take it off him tonight, that would be a real pisser. A 24 hour reign is just as shitty as no reign at all......I hate when they do that.

Christian was one of my favorite performers of the last 20 years and when they did that to him with Edge in his corner, only to have him lose the next night to Orton was terrible.
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If they manage to take it off him tonight, that would be a real pisser. A 24 hour reign is just as [Mark May]ty as no reign at all......I hate when they do that.

Christian was one of my favorite performers of the last 20 years and when they did that to him with Edge in his corner, only to have him lose the next night to Orton was terrible.
Kane as well, back in the day
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Well, there's the predictable triple threat. Weird to waste it on a D level PPV. My guess is the Shield is splitting during the draft.

I think with the low ratings they are feeling the pressure more than usual - Cena vs. Styles and Reigns vs. Rollins at MITB...now the triple threat match at Battleground. Maybe Vince is starting to learn, or someone else is getting more power...
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As we reported just moments ago, WWE has suspended Roman Reigns for 30 days for violating the company’s Wellness Policy. While suspended Reigns will not be allowed to work any WWE Live events, Raw, Smackdown, or any other televised programming, and will have to be pulled from all other scheduled appearances.

As of Monday night, Reigns was scheduled to take part in a triple threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the July WWE Battleground pay-per-view, against former SHIELD partners Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. WWE.com notes that his suspension is “effective immediately”, which would make Reigns’ return date July 21st, just three days before the event.

As of now, Reigns is still eligible to compete at WWE Battleground, should the company decide not to scrap the main event, but they would most likely have to write him off television with some kind of scripted injury. Obviously, he would miss out on all promotion of the match, as well as the go-home episodes of Raw and Smackdown.

The biggest thing is that Reigns will most definitely miss the WWE Draft, which we now know is scheduled for the first live edition of WWE Smackdown on Tuesday, July 19th.

Read more at http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/720985-roman-reigns-wwe-battleground-update#erjORzFbW7pIdCUX.99

So by that he can still wrestle at Battleground
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