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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

What I just read says WWE knew of the failed test ahead of the PPV but let him compete so they could take the title off of him. But it still doesn't add up with RAW last night. Oh, well. As my 14 year old daughter calls him 'Booman Lames' won't be on TV for 30 days and I can enjoy this short lived Ambrose run.
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What I just read says WWE knew of the failed test ahead of the PPV but let him compete so they could take the title off of him. But it still doesn't add up with RAW last night. Oh, well. As my 14 year old daughter calls him 'Booman Lames' won't be on TV for 30 days and I can enjoy this short lived Ambrose run.
Why the F do they make a triple threat? I guess they could get him out of the title picture that way. No way they put the belt on him with strikes already
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With the brand split they likely didn't have many more options in the future since they'll be split, but also they're trying to strike up as much interest as possible heading into the brand split.

I guess this explains the sudden huge shift in the Vegas line. Can you imagine how bad the crowd is going to be towards him when he returns? He had heat before but this is going to go to a new level.....and it would be the ultimate Vince middle finger to have him win the title back....oh the building would burn down in DC!
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Wonder if it'll come out what he was actually suspended for.........I have memories of crowds chanting "steroids" at Scott Steiner and I laugh. But with the vitriol people have towards Roman Reigns, the worst thing WWE can do is ever put a microphone in his hands again. He'll be drown out by chants worse than Vickie Guerrero ever dealt with.
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Pair him with Paul Haymen and turn him heel and run with it.

Eh, this is what Stone Cold said on it last week.....

"You cannot put Paul Heyman with Roman Reigns. People would know you're putting Paul Heyman with him because there is a problem. And I love Paul. Nobody loves Paul more than I do or has more of an appreciation for how he helped me and was an instrumental part of my career.

"Paul Heyman works with Brock. The magic works between Brock and Paul because of their dynamic and their chemistry. If you put him with Roman Reigns, people will know that Paul E.'s the band-aid."
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He is not going to get any better. His haters are 10x worse than Cena haters and now he has this ugly blemish tied to his name. his in ring work has gotten better. But his mic work is abysmal at best.

'I'm not a good guy. I'm not a bad guy. But I know a guy'
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Already looking forward to NXT: Back to Brooklyn

Looks like Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Samoa Joe for the title with Finn Balor heading up to the main show as part of the draft, Joe can't be far off. American Revival seems ready to follow as well. I'm not big on the women's prospects but Asuka, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch....that gives me some hope.
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