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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

So brand split is coming. We now know Shane will run SD and Steph will run Raw. Any guesses on who their general managers will be? Certainly Steph will choose Triple H, but I've heard several names thrown around Shane's camp.

Daniel Bryan being the odds on favorite I think
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I think Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan are excellent choices for GM of Raw and SmackDown.

I'm most interested to see which six NXT wrestlers are going to get the call up. I'm thinking Finn Balor, Shinsuke, a female wrestler (I don't follow NXT closely enough for a name here), and what other three?
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Dozens of wrestlers sue WWE over neurological injuries

World Wrestling Entertainment Inc was sued on Monday by dozens of retired wrestlers seeking to hold the company responsible for neurological injuries they claimed to have suffered by participating in its bouts.

The complaint was filed on behalf of wrestlers including Joseph Laurinaitis, known as "Road Warrior Animal;" Jimmy Snuka, known as "Superfly;" Paul Orndorff, known as "Mr. Wonderful," and others, as well as some former referees.

It accused the WWE of concealing the risks of head trauma stemming from performing, and classifying the plaintiffs as "independent contractors" rather than employees as a means to evade liability.

"WWE placed corporate gain over its wrestlers' health, safety, and financial security, choosing to leave the plaintiffs severely injured and with no recourse to treat their damaged minds and bodies," the complaint said.

Entire article: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/07/19/dozens-wrestlers-sue-wwe-over-neurological-injuries.html
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Can't wait to hear the fans chants when Roman Reigns comes out Sunday....poor guy has no idea what's waiting for him. Even though I'm not a fan of his, I wouldn't mind at all if he won and then became a total d-bag heel just to piss everyone off, but I have a feeling we're going to see some kind of wacky finish to somehow split off two belts for Raw/SD.
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But they actually have a chance to do something interesting with Heath Slater. They seem to be making some noise with the articles about him being the only guy on the roster not drafted. If they play their cards right, that could be a really interesting story line. Having him show up at both shows trying to get a spot or something.
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I know my interest in Raw is basically nil with the draft they had. I'll take Ambrose, Cena, Styles, and Wyatt any day of the week.
While I can see this position in the here and now, it doesn't bode well for this to be a long term thing. First, having SD getting 2 of every 5 picks severely weakens the show. Then, 3 of the top 4 picks are guys in their mid to late 30s. Then the show doesn't get the tag titles, or the women's title, or the cruiser weights. I doubt this brand split lasts long...they may not even be planning for it to.
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I'm assuming SD only got 2 picks while Raw got 3 was because SD is only a 2 hour show. Raw will still have some interest because of the new Cruiserweight division. Guys like Fin Balor and Neville are exciting to watch.

I haven't been interested in the Diva's division since Kharma left. When she was coming out and beating up the Bella's that was awesome. Wish that would have continued and was sorry to hear about her real life loss.
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