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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

Totally forgot about Brock. Although this came out recently....


Brock added back to UFC roster. Who knows what it means but interesting.

I just hope/wish WWE could do something with the Intercontinental to build it up....so many top flight guys that deserve top status and having a belt worth something is a start. Now the IC match was insane and I think it was right for the Miz to retain, but I just don't want to see it go the way of the US Title...maybe MITB is a start to keep building it.
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Rollins will be a tweener but have full fan support against 10 superman punch and 8 spears a match Reigns. Styles carried that talentless assclown again last night. Took most of the lumps and table falls. And still executed several high quality tech moves. And Booman Reigns just kept punching and spearing.

Sadly of all the wrestlers who have had to go on the shelf for various injuries can't this fuck stick pull a hamstring or something? I don't think I've hated a wwe performer more than this guy. Sure I've hated heels but that was part of the act. This guy just suuuuuuuucks
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Totally forgot about Brock. Although this came out recently....


Brock added back to UFC roster. Who knows what it means but interesting.

I just hope/wish WWE could do something with the Intercontinental to build it up....so many top flight guys that deserve top status and having a belt worth something is a start. Now the IC match was insane and I think it was right for the Miz to retain, but I just don't want to see it go the way of the US Title...maybe MITB is a start to keep building it.
In a sense it won't matter, they undid all the US Tilte building Cena did when NardSack and Kalisto had all of those clunkers. I'm not anti-small guy (though Mysterio bugged the shit out of me), but why they took the belt off ADR to give it to a tag wrestler to wrestle NardSack on pre-shows is beyond me. The US belt is back to being one of the 5th level regional belts in the NWA days again. So, the IC belt is great right now...but will soon return to Western States Heritage Championship level, thanks to the assclown writers.
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Did anyone see Cody Rhodes statement after his release that he asked for? Long story short is he called out two head writers saying all his pitch ideas went unanswered by "one head writer trying to be Brian Gewirtz and another to busy hitting on developmental divas." LMAO. I'd love to be a fly on the wall backstage for this company. It's amazing how inept the writers are. There's like a team of 20 when they really only need probably 5 quality writers.
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Did anyone see Cody Rhodes statement after his release that he asked for? Long story short is he called out two head writers saying all his pitch ideas went unanswered by "one head writer trying to be Brian Gewirtz and another to busy hitting on developmental divas." LMAO. I'd love to be a fly on the wall backstage for this company. It's amazing how inept the writers are. There's like a team of 20 when they really only need probably 5 quality writers.

and they immediately write Rollins back in as a heel...JFC. i'm about done.
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and they immediately write Rollins back in as a heel...JFC. i'm about done.

To his credit, I thought Seth did a really great job on the mic. Not many can sway a crowd like that.....the crowd will still be his during MITB and the boos all on Reigns.

Who will the last 2 spots go to for MITB? Orton, Cena, Wyatt, Lesnar? Maybe surprise everyone with a NXT guy, Balor, Joe....or I can dream of Nakamura :)

Wouldn't be surprised to see AJ Styles and Cena clash once he's back also, hopefully that's what they're holding that out for AJ and actually let him go over.....but I know there's no chance of that.
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To his credit, I thought Seth did a really great job on the mic. Not many can sway a crowd like that.....the crowd will still be his during MITB and the boos all on Reigns.

Who will the last 2 spots go to for MITB? Orton, Cena, Wyatt, Lesnar? Maybe surprise everyone with a NXT guy, Balor, Joe....or I can dream of Nakamura :)

Wouldn't be surprised to see AJ Styles and Cena clash once he's back also, hopefully that's what they're holding that out for AJ and actually let him go over.....but I know there's no chance of that.
A non-WWE guy going over a returning Cena? Good one :lol:
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WWE just announced they are going back to the brand split between Raw and Smackdown, Smackdown being moved to Tuesdays....rosters will be split.

Not sure what to think....I didn't like this in the past, but now they have the roster talent to not have guys like AJ Styles get lost in the shuffle. I guess this is good?
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WWE just announced they are going back to the brand split between Raw and Smackdown, Smackdown being moved to Tuesdays....rosters will be split.

Not sure what to think....I didn't like this in the past, but now they have the roster talent to not have guys like AJ Styles get lost in the shuffle. I guess this is good?
The problem is the midcard is a wreck. They don't even have one good midcard, now they will need 2.
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The problem is the midcard is a wreck. They don't even have one good midcard, now they will need 2.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that....there is a lot of young talent on the roster, not including guys in NXT who could add to that (Nakamura, Balor, Samoa Joe).

It's not the talent of the wrestlers or the depth of talent, it's the writing talent or lack thereof. I don't watch SD but others seem to think that writing staff is much more talented than the Raw team.
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