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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

They debuted at the Smackdown taping this week. From what I've read, the crowd didn't really "get it" and were totally dead during their match. Time will tell as that's the frustrating thing about WWE fans right now. The fans who like NXT don't necessarily outnumber the fans that show up to watch Raw and Smackdown. So you're left with guys that were over in NXT hearing crickets once they hit the Bigs. Like what happened with The Ascension. Those dudes were certified bad asses in NXT, then they threw some shoulderpads on them and tried to make them LOD 2015 and totally killed them.
That was like the worst idea ever.
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Yeah that was brutal looking. Probably a grade 3, but he will hopefully be OK. Thing is, in that line of work, there are only so many of those your brain can take. Hope he will fully recover quickly.
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