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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

Glad to see he was released already. When I saw it I immediately thought of that Mexican wrestler that died in the ring last year after snapping his neck on the ring ropes
Yeah, this was more of him hitting his head on the edge of the ring on the bounce. JBL later during the KO match talked that up as the hardest part of the ring because there's a steel beam there. Glad to see he is doing better.
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WWE Monday Night Raw
Mon, Jul 04 @ Nationwide Arena
Columbus, Ohio
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ugh.....a going home show for a PPV and your main event is a contract signing for the Divas division? GTFO..........Terrible ending.

It'll never happen but we can wish they'd go to 2 hour shows....and get rid of contract signings.

They've been hiding Sasha Banks....she'll beat Charlotte at Summer Slam I'd guess.

Also, looks like Shinsuke Nakamura will wrestle Austin Aries at the June NXT Takeover event....NXT Takeover's >>>> WWE PPV's
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I can't stand Roman Reigns. Shame AJ will never win the title in WWE. They basically spent the whole match saying winning it is the only achievment that matters in wrestling, basically shitting on everything AJ has done in his career.

Nice run in by Rollins at the end. He's instant babyface now. The fans hate RR so much it's hilarious.
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Roman Reigns gets the John Cena/Hulk Hogan treatment....kicking out of 2 Styles Clashes, including one on a chair? Great way to make AJ look weak. It's one of the sickest and most selling finishers alive.

Great to have Rollins back, the idea of him in battles with Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn is great. Still would love a 3 way match, Seth/Roman/Dean
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There was a rumor going around they were going to reform The Shield and have them feud with Bullet Club (or The Club), but that doesn't seem logical after last nights attack by Rollins. It'll be interesting to see how they approach this with Rollins. The crowd was obviously behind him so do they try and keep him heel or make him a tweener. I just don't get why they try and push RR as a babyface when you have 20K people yelling things like "Roman Sucks" and "you can't wrestle" and "thank you Seth" the entire night. LOL
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I have to think it will be Seth/RR at Summerslam...or a Shield triple threat.

Not sure what they will do with Lesnar, he has no one left to go with except Wyatt, and he's on the shelf.
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