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Wrestling Chat (WWF, WWE, WCW, etc.)

So after a night to digest, my final thoughts are that this show will be a very difficult and interesting one to judge historically. Many of the matches, especially in the middle of the show, were awesome (I don’t say that lightly), but every one of them had an outcome that people would have rather seen (Zayn, Sasha, New Day, Shane, Styles, Ambrose). The first intervention of legends was awesome, and Rusev gets mad props for selling that stunner like cannon fire :lol: I don’t at all think Rusev or Styles were “buried” as some will claim, though I do think that the ceiling for Styles was clearly delineated in this match. Vince will never allow a guy he had no hand in making hold his title, or even main event, so Styles will be upper mid card. End of story. Which is a shame, but he and Jericho are almost the same age, so it’s not like he’s squelching a 23 year old either. If people want to see bad part-timer appearances and burials, they need only look at the Rock and the Wyatts. The entire Rock’s appearance felt forced and the ridiculous entrance was entirely unnecessary. Then the Wyatts were buried deeper than a tick in a Mississippi leghound. Strowman went from a guy they were considering putting in a match with Taker to a guy that took a Rock (Bottom) Roll from a 40+ year old actor. Rowan had best be making ROH contacts, because his career in WWE is over beyond 3MB treatment. And Bray just sounds like a babbling idiot if he backs up absolutely nothing that he says. Cena’s return was wasted in the same useless segment. Even if they are setting up Wyatt/Cena, we’ve seen that before already, and we all know who wins those in the end.

Then there was the “Main Event”. Not to pile on HHH, because people love to do that, but if anyone else held that belt, Shane/Taker closed the show. And that really screwed them, because nothing was going to come close to topping the Shane match, and they basically gave the outcome away ahead of time because if Shane had won, then the HHH match, and Steph coming out as super slut goth queen porn tease whateveritwas, wouldn’t really matter, because the Authority was gone anyway. So they were left with a match no one wanted to see, that one guy wasn’t ready to work like it needed to be, and with an outcome that everyone already knew and pleased absolutely no one. And no heel turn.

Which leads me to this thought…Vince obviously trolled all the internet fans with the Shane stipulation and his speech about ratings sucking and new talent being needed, which is whatever…but Raw’s ratings have sucked for years, and do they really think people are going to tune in to more Stephanie screeching, HHH proselytizing, and Roman Reigns as champion? That’s their answer to increasing interest? They had best come up with something good tonight, because people will tune in tonight. But if it is more of the same after tonight, then watch the ratings drop an entire point, likely in less than a month. So Samoa Joe, the Bullet Club, Aries, Corbin gloating about his trophy and setting up a feud with someone not named Kane or Big Slow, Wyatt setting a guy on fire with his kerosene lamp, something…because otherwise they will lose viewers faster than the Browns lose free agents.
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ambrose being buried and not on raw tonight is very disappointing to me. he was as close to 'over' as face as anyone could be. now he's an after thought to a fatal four way with two guys who just lost to the IC match the night before and two 40 somethings. i think i'm done.
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ambrose being buried and not on raw tonight is very disappointing to me. he was as close to 'over' as face as anyone could be. now he's an after thought to a fatal four way with two guys who just lost to the IC match the night before and two 40 somethings. i think i'm done.
Don't drop yet, Samoa Joe might be #4
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nope. Cesaro...Ambrose is a good 'company' man...he will never be over enough for Vince to give him a title reign...and with no other company to go to he is basically Roddy Piper...popular but never a champ...let that sink in. And who does Samoa Joe need to blow to get a call up? sorry I came back to this product, shitty booking and poor writing. the product sucks so i can't pay for it anymore. goes against everything I believe in. lol
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That was a pretty amazing four way though. PPV quality. I don't really get face vs face though in regards to Reigns vs Styles. Would have preferred Owens.

WWE is dropping the ball with Owens and Ambrose. They are basically the closest thing they've had to an Austin since Austin and they won't run with it.
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So, with me not having WWE Network, thus never really watching NXT (I know, I'm missing out)... I've never been hip to Enzo and Cass. Well, I am now and that shit is hilarious. Their appearance tonight had me cracking up.
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So, with me not having WWE Network, thus never really watching NXT (I know, I'm missing out)... I've never been hip to Enzo and Cass. Well, I am now and that [Mark May] is hilarious. Their appearance tonight had me cracking up.

I know right? I felt completely out of the loop when the whole crowd is doing their lines New Age Outlaws style and I'm like "who the hell are these guys?"

Enzo was hilarious.
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More of a time issue for me than anything. I can go back and watch anything, I just don't have the time. I did go back this morning and watch some Enzo and Cass stuff. Legit on the mic for sure. Didn't watch much in ring work though. How are they in ring?
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So, with me not having WWE Network, thus never really watching NXT (I know, I'm missing out)... I've never been hip to Enzo and Cass. Well, I am now and that [Mark May] is hilarious. Their appearance tonight had me cracking up.

I know right? I felt completely out of the loop when the whole crowd is doing their lines New Age Outlaws style and I'm like "who the hell are these guys?"

Enzo was hilarious.

He's great, but imagine him in the unrepentant Attitude Era: "HHH is set for life cuz he went down on the boss' daughter, and you CANT TEACH THAT"
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He's great, but imagine him in the unrepentant Attitude Era: "HHH is set for life cuz he went down on the boss' daughter, and you CANT TEACH THAT"

The guy has a nice house too:


Paul Levesque And Stephanie McMahon
10 Ridge Road
Weston, CT 06883 US

Just a short drive from Dad, Stephanie McMahon lives in this huge mansion with Paul Levesque better know as Triple H. Based in Weston Connecticut it is also ideal for the Stamford Connecticut headquarters where the WWE is based. As you can see from the photo, Hunter and Stephanie have a gated private driveway, they also own the land behind the house. The property itself is huge and they have their own outdoor pool for those hot New England summers. The property is quite similar to Vince’s house in design and style, proof again that Stephanie truly is her daddy’s girl.

The house is where the next generation of the McMahon empire is being raised. Hunter and Stephanie have 3 girls called Aurora, Vaughn and Murphy … who knows, perhaps we will see Aurora McMahon as the head of the WWE in Forty years, with a plush mansion of her own to go with it.

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I actually hope they give the Vaude Villains a good run too. Their ring style is unique and I love that entrance.

They debuted at the Smackdown taping this week. From what I've read, the crowd didn't really "get it" and were totally dead during their match. Time will tell as that's the frustrating thing about WWE fans right now. The fans who like NXT don't necessarily outnumber the fans that show up to watch Raw and Smackdown. So you're left with guys that were over in NXT hearing crickets once they hit the Bigs. Like what happened with The Ascension. Those dudes were certified bad asses in NXT, then they threw some shoulderpads on them and tried to make them LOD 2015 and totally killed them.
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