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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

AJHawkfan said:
USC, others coming

The Buckeyes will play Texas the next two seasons, and future schedules are packed with other marquee games.

OSU plays Washington in 2007, Southern Cal in '08 and '09, Miami (Fla.) in 2010 and '11, California in '12 and '13 and Virginia Tech in '14 and '15.
Nobody can say that we are do not play a tough schedule, not with the OOC games we have coming up....
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Well those are games that are years down the road...I can see at least 3 of those teams being/satying mediocre by then...scheduling is really a crapshoot, but you can't fault them for choosing some pretty strong candidates for good teams...just look at USC 5 years ago, or Cal anytime but last year :)
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It is tough, epecially when you're talking 5-6-7+ years down the road. Coaches can leave, teams change conferences, programs become fashionable.......With the importance of the OOC schedule, I'm surprised they push it out this far. I would think they would wait as long as possible; to ensure they are getting the most "bang for their buck".
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AJHawkfan said:
With the importance of the OOC schedule, I'm surprised they push it out this far. I would think they would wait as long as possible; to ensure they are getting the most "bang for their buck".
Nah, that's just how long the waiting list is if you want to play the Ohio State University....:wink2:
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And our staff can now point to all of the elite teams we will be playing in the near future. Other than the domers, I don't think any team can claim a lineup of teams like this.
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I know if i were a high school stud choosing a college, i would look at who Ohio State is going to be playing while i'm in school. Hopefully this can help out w/ some recruiting over the next few years. Not sure about 10 years down the road though.
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buckeyeboy said:
Did anyone get through on that phone number? I tried to call it and a recording said it was a nonworking number.
Did you use the 937 area code? (I think that's Dayton's area code anyway)

If you can't get through, just show up and talk to Doug Harris at the French Field House...after a few minutes alone in his office with him, you'll be allowed to see the players :wink:

And do those asking really not understand that Doug Harris was the author of this article and not some magical autograph giver that Buckeyes fans need to make appointments with?
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ginn won't wear out. just like he didn't wear out when he was stampeding home to a ridiculous 45.3 split in the high school national championship 4x4!

if gamble could do it, so can ginn. i think a lot of people are hesitant to put ginn on D because they think that gamble became worse at offense when he made the switch. i disagree, because gamble was never that great of a WR, and drew carter and santonio holmes, two supremely talented guys, were more than ready to take over for him. ginn can do it, might as well ride him to a heisman and national championship while we have him. tressel is saying all the right things, but if you read between the lines, he is fantasizing about ginn on D. can you imagine, ginn AND youboty at CB, with our LB's???? oooh oooh oooh....GOOD LUCK moving the ball against THAT. if we put, say, a tyler everett there, he will do a good job, but it is still a potential weakness that teams with good passing games (iowa, michigan, rose bowl opponent) could take advantage of.
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I'm initially from Dayton.

Doug Harris is a newspaper sports reporter for the Dayton Daily. At the end of all articles in the DDN, the phone numbers for that particular journalist are listed along with the phrase, "Contact [insert author of article's name] 225-XXXX".

There is no need to contact Doug Harris about getting in to the the autograph session. Hope this clears up any confusion. The DDN could have made that a little clearer when putting articles like these on the internet.
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