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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

Joey Galloway!

BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
Well he'd be a freak of nature, cuz no one's even come close to running a 4.15 thus far. Those guys are typically built like racehorses, but football is not a game of 100 yard dashes. Its a game of speed, agility, change of direction.

Someone with more fitness knowledge than I can comment on this, but I would imagine those guys would all get smoked by Ginn in running an obstacle course.

Mili pointed out that Teddy never got shook up despite taking a few licks. This is not to say he can't be plastered and be put at risk for injury, but he may be quite fine at his current size. He has two more years if he has to bulk up for the NFL.
I've said it before and I'll say it again! JOEY GALLOWAY! I witnessed this feat as I ran right before he did and he popped a 4.17 inside the Woody Hayes! Ranges on the watches of NFL scouts and personnel was 4.17-4.22. And if you want to put Roscoe Parish, Hester, or Ginn up against JG go for it...JG wins! I don't recall anyone recording a sub 4.2 since then!

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SI Article on Ginn

SI 4/5

Early Heisman buzz for OSU's Ginn

Posted: Tuesday April 5, 2005 4:30PM; Updated: Tuesday April 5, 2005 4:30PM

<script language=\"JavaScript\" src="http://i.a.cnn.net/si/.element/ssi/js/2.0/clickability/button2356_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="JavaScript"> window.onerror=function(){clickURL=document.location.href;return true;} if(!self.clickURL) clickURL=parent.location.href; </script> COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Midway through the 2004 season, Ted Ginn Jr. became a household name. At almost the same time, Ohio State became a better football team.

The electric freshman went on to match the NCAA record of four punt-return touchdowns in a season while helping the Buckeyes make a U-turn after splitting their first six games.

<!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude--> Now no one is surprised that Ginn's name is popping up among the early front-runners to win the Heisman Trophy this fall -- least of all Ginn himself.

"I came out and I showcased some things," he said of his rookie exploits. "I'd rather be in that [Heisman] race, you know. As far as me getting honors, I've got to do the right things off the field and on the field."

Ginn was recruited as a defensive back but saw action only on special teams and offense. He finished with 25 catches for 359 yards and two touchdowns, ran the ball 13 times for 113 yards and two scores, and averaged 25.6 yards on his 15 punt returns.

Every 7.3 times he touched the ball, he scored a touchdown.

From head coach Jim Tressel all the way down to those not exactly sure what the heck a Buckeye is know that Ohio State needs to get the ball in Ginn's hands more often.

So, Ted, are the coaches finding ways to do that?

"I'm going to keep that a secret," Ginn said slyly, outrunning the question like so many of the potential tacklers he left grabbing for air.

Tressel's offensive staff visited several campuses during the offseason, ostensibly to find ways to include Ginn in more plays. It's an ongoing process. After all, they had Ginn stationed at quarterback for several plays during the victory in December's Alamo Bowl.

With fellow speedster Santonio Holmes also a threat to break a long one at any time, defenses have no choice but to pay special attention to each.

"Teddy's got extraordinary physical abilities," Tressel said as the team continued spring practices. "I'd like him to touch it a lot. I'd like Santonio to touch it a lot. ... You'd better go into the game thinking that Teddy and Santonio have a chance to make big plays for you."

Ginn was a third-team All-American as a freshman, despite seeing only occasional action for the first half of the season. That's what has Ohio State fans and coaches so fired up -- if he could put up numbers like that in handful of games, what will he be like with a full season of plays designed to find him room to run?

This year, in addition to catching the ball, running it on reverses and being the main man on punt returns, he'll return kickoffs.

He comes into this season with a better understanding of the game and his place in it.

"I learned about the game. I know how the game goes now, how to receive punts and things like that," Ginn said, reflecting on the lessons he gained from his first year. "It's just confidence."

He caught a tipped pass and returned it 59 yards for the opening score in a 30-7 win over Indiana in Game 7 that ended a three-game losing skid to start Big Ten play. A week later, he had a 67-yard punt return in a 21-10 victory against Penn State, then followed that with a 17-yard run and a 60-yard punt return for scores in a 32-19 win over Michigan State. His 82-yard punt return -- which tied the NCAA mark -- gave the Buckeyes some breathing room in what would become a 37-21 win over No. 7 Michigan in the regular-season finale.

Ginn remains unimpressed by his 2005 accomplishments.

"Last year's last year. Now it's a new year," he said. "You have to come out and showcase yourself again."

Tressel said he's not worried that Ginn will let all the acclaim go to his head.

"You have to handle adversity; handling success is harder. We talk about that a lot. We're challenging him all the time with new things," Tressel said. "I don't think it's his nature to sit back. I expect him to compete all the time."
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"I came out and I showcased some things," he said of his rookie exploits. "I'd rather be in that [Heisman] race, you know. As far as me getting honors, I've got to do the right things off the field and on the field."
Seems like he meant to say national championship race here. I don't know if that was a typo or what.

The spring game can't get here fast enough. :cheers: to Teddy.
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osugrad21 said:
SI 4/5

"Last year's last year. Now it's a new year," he said. "You have to come out and showcase yourself again.""

I love this attitude. He is not goint settle. TGII is going to go into next year and continually improve, and I feel will be much, much improved since last year was his first full year as a receive. Even last year he only played 1/2 a season.
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No, I think he meant the national title rank. See how afterward he said "as for me getting honors," meaning he was NOT referring to "honors" in his aforementioned "race."

Plus, it doesn't seem like TGII to come out and say "yes I'd love to be honored."

I love this kid.
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Very nice article. A real pleasure to see an article written that doesn't need to mention "the dark cloud hanging over the OSU program". That dark cloud is only kept in place by those who need to rehash it ad-nauseum. Hopefully the NCAA will blow it away for good, and TGII and the rest of the Buckeyes can really shine
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From head coach Jim Tressel all the way down to those not exactly sure what the heck a Buckeye is know that Ohio State needs to get the ball in Ginn's hands more often.

So, Ted, are the coaches finding ways to do that?

"I'm going to keep that a secret," Ginn said slyly, outrunning the question like so many of the potential tacklers he left grabbing for air.
Dang, this is fun. Somebody needs to tell this kid that BPers can be trusted, though... :wink:
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osugrad21 said:
He caught a tipped pass and returned it 59 yards for the opening score in a 30-7 win over Indiana in Game 7 that ended a three-game losing skid to start Big Ten play. A week later, he had a 67-yard punt return in a 21-10 victory against Penn State, then followed that with a 17-yard run and a 60-yard punt return for scores in a 32-19 win over Michigan State. His 82-yard punt return -- which tied the NCAA mark -- gave the Buckeyes some breathing room in what would become a 37-21 win over No. 7 Michigan in the regular-season finale.

Damn, they missed his game winning TD catch at the end of the MSU game!!! :biggrin:

You also got to love the "I need to do the right things off the field" comment. The Bucks need their superstars to also be the role models. That's what true leadership is all about.
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What a great article, very respectable reporting and Ginn showed a humble attitude. Shows that his dad keeps Ginn very grounded, since he seems to be his biggest influence in football. Keep it up Ginn and this kid could easily have a Hiesman, National Championship, first round draft, Pro Bowl & Super Bowl in his future.

He makes us proud.
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