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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)


Ginn still has dreams about playing defense
OSU receiver says he hasn?t given up hope
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Ken Gordon

The question was simple. The answer provided a rare glimpse into Ted Ginn Jr.?s athletic soul.
Last week at Ohio State?s media day, an out-of-town reporter asked Ginn what positions he has played at OSU. "I play wide receiver, that?s basically it," Ginn said. "Throw a touchdown (pass), kick return, punt return."

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You can't help but love the guy. All the credit in the world goes the Ginn, Sr. for raising such a son, and to Ted Jr., for not getting a swelled head.

How often in the last few years have we seen this kind of attitude from one of our players? Humble, earnest, willing to do what's necessary for the team... I am so thankful for Jim Tressel, and the direction in which he's leading this program, both through the recruiting of young men with such values, and his tireless efforts to instill and strengthen those values in his players. I really do wonder if Woody's sitting up in Heaven with God and Bo, saying to them, "I like this Tressel kid..."
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Receiving praise
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer


Watching Ted Ginn race by defensive backs makes it easy to forget that he's new at this. Until two years ago, Ginn was a quarterback and a cornerback. He had no idea how to run a route, create separation on a defensive back and fight through a double team.

It's part of the reason he struggled last year after starting the season as a Heisman candidate. It's part of the reason his progress this year has been so stunning.

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Catching up with expectations

By Kelly Whiteside, USA TODAY
COLUMBUS, Ohio ? The stats were not overwhelming. The lofty postseason honors never quite came. But to judge Ohio State receiver-return specialist Ted Ginn Jr. by the vapor of outsized expectations that have trailed him since his freshman year might be missing the point.
"I'm so proud of him," Ohio State receivers coach Darrell Hazell says. "He's come so far in three years. Even this year you watch him from the first game until now. All the little details you probably don't see not studying the film ? separation techniques, how he gets vertical off a defender, his eye discipline on the football, all those little things ? he keeps getting better. You know what? He's only scratching the surface. That's the scary part."

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We've been blessed with an amazing receiving corps, but I'm amazed that after leading the team in Yards and TD receptions, and doing so in front of the best corners every game, Ted is still refered to as the 2nd best receiver on the team by every broadcaster covering tOSU.

Besides his obvious deep threat, I think his developement as a possesion receiver these last 2 years has been great.

I wish him luck whatever he decides.
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MondayAMGenius;698613; said:
We've been blessed with an amazing receiving corps, but I'm amazed that after leading the team in Yards and TD receptions, and doing so in front of the best corners every game, Ted is still refered to as the 2nd best receiver on the team by every broadcaster covering tOSU.

I'm not amazed because most of those guys don't know shit, and the ones who do haven't done their homework.
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Ginn Possibilities and Some History

Some history:

Sunday, September 22, 2002
By Curt Conrad
Gannett News Service

Split end Chris Gamble came up with his biggest catch of the season early in the fourth quarter of the Buckeyes' 23-19 win over Cincinnati on Saturday. And the 6-foot-2 sophomore did it as, of all things, a defensive back.

Inserted at cornerback in place of freshman E.J. Underwood, Gamble picked off a Gino Guidugli pass in the end zone to thwart a Cincinnati scoring drive and prevent the Bearcats from padding what was a 19-17 lead. Gamble's first career interception came on his first collegiate defensive play.


In the NC game? I would not be shocked to see Ginn in as a stop gap DB if UF?s 2nd or 3rd receiver is really hurting us, especially if it is Harvin. I think Jenkins can contain UF?s #1 guy at a given moment. I am not saying it will happen but I would not be shocked.
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Ginn has No. 1 Buckeyes on fast track
By Jon Spencer
Telegraph-Forum staff

COLUMBUS -- It's not enough for Ted Ginn Jr. to be one of the fastest football players on the plan- et. It's just as important for Ohio State's most electrifying star to make his efforts look, well, effortless. "I just try to relax; I learned that from track," said the junior wide receiver, a kick and punt returner who was a former national champion hurdler in high school. "When I relax, guys think 'He's not even running hard,' and they can't detect what's going on."

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BrianO;698948; said:
In the NC game? I would not be shocked to see Ginn in as a stop gap DB if UF?s 2nd or 3rd receiver is really hurting us, especially if it is Harvin. I think Jenkins can contain UF?s #1 guy at a given moment. I am not saying it will happen but I would not be shocked.

Ginn has played a down on defense in his three years here and now you think Tressel could put him in at corner in the title game. Lay off the crack...
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MililaniBuckeye;698987; said:
Ginn has played a down on defense in his three years here and now you think Tressel could put him in at corner in the title game. Lay off the crack...

Perhaps the layover is allowing me too much creativity. :(

Perhaps I am reading too much into his comments.

Will he leave Ohio State regretting that he never played defensive back?
"Well, you know, that?s still my first love," he said. "I?ll die and say that I was a DB. But you know, there?s still time ? there?s still time in my life to still be able to fulfill my dream."
I know most have taken this to mean the NFL but...

Is it Jan 8th yet?
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