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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

BrianO;699032; said:
Perhaps the layover is allowing me too much creativity. :(

Perhaps I am reading too much into his comments.

I know most have taken this to mean the NFL but...

Is it Jan 8th yet?
He may not play defense on January 8th, but I'd give good odds that he's penciled himself in to do so. :p
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Jeffcat;699484; said:
i dont expect to see it on the 8th but i wouldnt be that surprised if he went back to being a CB in the pros.

why would anyone draft him to be a CB when he hasn't played the position since HS? He's fast as hell but that just doesn't make sense to me. I think of Chris Gamble. He started as a reciever but became a DB and that's the position he's playing in the pros. Teddy came in as a DB but he's become a receiver. He hasn't played DB since. I just don't see him going back. That's just my opinion, take it for what it's for it's worth.
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fourteenandoh;699530; said:
why would anyone draft him to be a CB when he hasn't played the position since HS? He's fast as hell but that just doesn't make sense to me. I think of Chris Gamble. He started as a reciever but became a DB and that's the position he's playing in the pros. Teddy came in as a DB but he's become a receiver. He hasn't played DB since. I just don't see him going back. That's just my opinion, take it for what it's for it's worth.

A few weeks back, one of the talking heads was talking about him and said if he is open to playing multiple positions, it only improves his draft status. Even if he never playes a snap on the D side of the ball, just knowing that he would presents him as a team player and you never know what situation may arise like NE a few years back.

Not like we really need a talking head to make this astounding revelation or anything, but just goes to the point. In the end, it always comes back to the team that drafts him and if the head coach is willing and creative enough to use him elsewhere.
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Okinawa's#1Buck;699545; said:
A few weeks back, one of the talking heads was talking about him and said if he is open to playing multiple positions, it only improves his draft status. Even if he never playes a snap on the D side of the ball, just knowing that he would presents him as a team player and you never know what situation may arise like NE a few years back.

Not like we really need a talking head to make this astounding revelation or anything, but just goes to the point. In the end, it always comes back to the team that drafts him and if the head coach is willing and creative enough to use him elsewhere.

First of all, I think that he will go as a WR. Having said that. It would not suprise me a great deal if, in his career, his greatest impact was on PR, KR, or CB. He has so much untapped talent, that, at this point, nothing would AMAZE me. I expect that he will go as a WR, and deservedly so, but I think that he will adapt to wherever he is needed. That is the measure of great players, is it not? He's got the goods.
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I don't know, with Yao's injury I would be willing to be that Teddy(s) have been in the coach's ear to maybe get some reps "just in case" during this bowl practice. His natural ability and previous experience would make the transition fairly easy. The biggest difference is his ability to run better pass routes now. He should be able to pick up a WR's tendencies easier now that he has had 3 years of "learning" the position. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see Ted line up anywhere!
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fourteenandoh;699530; said:
why would anyone draft him to be a CB when he hasn't played the position since HS? He's fast as hell but that just doesn't make sense to me. I think of Chris Gamble. He started as a reciever but became a DB and that's the position he's playing in the pros. Teddy came in as a DB but he's become a receiver. He hasn't played DB since. I just don't see him going back. That's just my opinion, take it for what it's for it's worth.

I don't think he'll be drafted as a CB, but with the parity of the NFL and the salary cap being what it is, it is nice to have guys that are willing to cross over if need be, like Troy Brown did for the Patriots...
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Okinawa's#1Buck;699545; said:
A few weeks back, one of the talking heads was talking about him and said if he is open to playing multiple positions, it only improves his draft status. Even if he never playes a snap on the D side of the ball, just knowing that he would presents him as a team player and you never know what situation may arise like NE a few years back.

Not like we really need a talking head to make this astounding revelation or anything, but just goes to the point. In the end, it always comes back to the team that drafts him and if the head coach is willing and creative enough to use him elsewhere.

Spot on. I agree.
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Ginn kicks back in paradise
Thursday, January 4, 2007

SCOTTSDALE The Buckeyes aren't roughing it out here. They're staying at the Scottsdale Princess Resort. Scattered among the 450 acres and seven pools are hot tubs, saunas and massages.
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Is it basically just a forgone conclusion at this point, that TG is entering the draft? I havent read much about his decision, or if he is leaning one way or another, on sites like ESPN, nearly as much as the other underclassmen.
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Holding fast to principles

Swift-footed receiver Ted Ginn Jr. is a big-time talent, but he makes sure that team's goals come first
Sunday, January 07, 2007 Bill Livingston
Plain Dealer Columnist
Scottsdale, Ariz. - A man is supposed to be born fast. Speedy players have enough fast-twitch muscle fiber to make a nervous tic look tardy.
"I wasn't born fast," said Ohio State's blur, Ted Ginn Jr.
He ran a 5.1-second 40-yard dash the first time anyone clocked him.

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