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WR DeVier Posey (2017 Grey Cup Champion and MVP)

Posey has had at least 4-5 drops IIRC. When he dropped it in the endzone, it was devastating but not uncharacteristic. Contrast that with how surprising it was to see Dane drop a catch earlier in the game. Still a great weapon and major help to this team, but he'd tell you he needs to get more consistent in that area.
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I was stuck in Lubbock for a couple of days a few years ago and since I had already seen the Buddy Holly museum, I drove around the Texas Tech campus. Saw some guys on the tennis courts running back and forth on the base line of the tennis courts catching tennis balls shot at them at a pretty good speed out of one of those tennis ball cannons. I stopped and talked with them. They were the receivers from the football team working out on their own. I don't know who thought up the drill, Leach was the coach at the time, but these guys said it really helped them concentrate the ball into their hands (the kids phrase not mine), they also said it helped them catch the ball with their hands and out in front of them. These were very good receivers and it was while Tech was a very very good passing team. I don't know if everyone uses that drill now days but it was new to an old timer like me.

Maybe some of you guys could volunteer to operate the cannon....a win win if you ask me........you get to shoot them and they get to work on their skills.

F*ck Michigan, Go Bucks
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robbothehut;1817257; said:
I was stuck in Lubbock for a couple of days a few years ago and since I had already seen the Buddy Holly museum, I drove around the Texas Tech campus. Saw some guys on the tennis courts running back and forth on the base line of the tennis courts catching tennis balls shot at them at a pretty good speed out of one of those tennis ball cannons. I stopped and talked with them. They were the receivers from the football team working out on their own. I don't know who thought up the drill, Leach was the coach at the time, but these guys said it really helped them concentrate the ball into their hands (the kids phrase not mine), they also said it helped them catch the ball with their hands and out in front of them. These were very good receivers and it was while Tech was a very very good passing team. I don't know if everyone uses that drill now days but it was new to an old timer like me.

Maybe some of you guys could volunteer to operate the cannon....a win win if you ask me........you get to shoot them and they get to work on their skills.

F*ck Michigan, Go Bucks

Yeah, but I'll bet they had blocking sleds on the tennis court too! :p
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The problem is the label "drop". Devier has some legit drops like we saw Saturday...but most of my personal perception of inconsistency comes from the catches that an elite WR makes but Devier seems to drop. The drag/cadillac route on 3rd down was not an easy catch...but it is a catch an elite WR makes.

If we are calling Devier an elite WR, he should be expected to make those catches.
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I think he might just have average hands. I've seen him compared to Braylon Edwards but Edwards also made a lot of incredible catches and absolutely owned the football when it was high in the air. I can't think of many spectacular "NFL" catches Devier's made in the last 2 years. He's made plenty of big plays. But very few highlights that show off his hands. Dane makes the catches you expect someone with Devier's physical ability to make. He's made one-handers, gone into traffic, gone up in the air, tippy-toed the sideline, etc. Only truly great catch I can think of off the top of my head is the TD against UW in '09. I've sort of readjusted my expectations for him. I still think he's a dangerous WR who will likely improve if he returns next season, but I don't anticipate him morphing into that franchise WR we all expected out of HS. I also wouldn't be surprised if he completely proves me wrong.
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osugrad21;1817493; said:
The problem is the label "drop". Devier has some legit drops like we saw Saturday...but most of my personal perception of inconsistency comes from the catches that an elite WR makes but Devier seems to drop. The drag/cadillac route on 3rd down was not an easy catch...but it is a catch an elite WR makes.

If we are calling Devier an elite WR, he should be expected to make those catches.

This is essentially what I was getting at with my original post. I know many fans felt that Posey was an elite receiver, and I'm DAMN sure Posey feels he can/should be one as I'm sure he has NFL aspirations. So yeah, expectations are sky high, but I doubt that fan expectations are any higher than what Posey places on himself. If he's gonna be elite, leave a legacy, etc, then there are a few catches that he needs to make.

He's still a damn good receiver and I'm glad he plays for the good guys, but he seems to have the tools to be even better.
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The thing i keep wondering about is that if Posey makes that catch does it give Iowa more time on the clock to score a TD or even a field goal with 4:02
left in the game. Ohio State actually scored with 1:27 left. And 2 and a half minutes were a blessing or a favor for the Buckeyes. Iowa then had to go into hurry up offense to try to score, where as 4 minutes left would have changed thier scoring strategy. Just a thought here but Pryor really saved the day with that 4th down saving run to keep it alive for the Win. I,ve seen too much Tressel ball even when he was at Youngstown State. He will always be this way no matter what. He drives alot of fans crazy with his game plans but you have to give him credit. How he remains so calm is beyond my thinking. "GO BUCKS''
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kippy1040;1817732; said:
The thing i keep wondering about is that if Posey makes that catch does it give Iowa more time on the clock to score a TD or even a field goal with 4:02
left in the game. Ohio State actually scored with 1:27 left. And 2 and a half minutes were a blessing or a favor for the Buckeyes. Iowa then had to go into hurry up offense to try to score, where as 4 minutes left would have changed thier scoring strategy.

Agreed. It was kind of a blessing in disguise. Still, gotta make that catch.
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Great receivers attack the ball with their hands and take it from the air. To me, Posey seems to still be waiting for the ball to get to him. Then it gets to his body and he loses control of it at times. Own the ball, don't let the ball own you.
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The problem is the label "drop". Devier has some legit drops like we saw Saturday...but most of my personal perception of inconsistency comes from the catches that an elite WR makes but Devier seems to drop. The drag/cadillac route on 3rd down was not an easy catch...but it is a catch an elite WR makes.

If we are calling Devier an elite WR, he should be expected to make those catches.

but then again, maybe hes not. oh well.

at the end of the day he missed a big opportunity, that being said he came out a couple of plays and went back into the game. he continued to play hard and help his team win in multiple facets of the game.
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I'm just glad for him that hardly anybody is going to remember that drop before long. Plays like that can bring out the worst in some Buckeye fans (see also: Ryan Hamby). I'm glad not just for the win, but that his teammates were able to pick him up and spare him that disgusting treatment.

As for his NFL Draft prospects, I think he needs another year. Right now, I see him as a good, but not elite college receiver. This year's draft promises to be deep with guys who I think might be a step ahead of him at the moment, and I think he could benefit from another year of development and being part of a less crowded draft class at his position.
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kippy1040;1817732; said:
The thing i keep wondering about is that if Posey makes that catch does it give Iowa more time on the clock to score a TD or even a field goal with 4:02
left in the game. Ohio State actually scored with 1:27 left. And 2 and a half minutes were a blessing or a favor for the Buckeyes. Iowa then had to go into hurry up offense to try to score, where as 4 minutes left would have changed thier scoring strategy.

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