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WR DeVier Posey (2017 Grey Cup Champion and MVP)

MaliBuckeye;1817488; said:
I believe TTU keeps the blocking sleds in a shed, guarded by one of the players.

At least they used to...

Maybe so...but these dudes could catch. I live down here and there is more to that story than has come out so far. It will be a really interesting trial if it ever happens. ...sorry for the mini hijack...back to DP
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And still not a penalty. Damn refs...
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWcv88tuUng"]YouTube - Bobcat Blitz: The Posey Brothers[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAPuMREFIkg"]YouTube - Bobcat Blitz: Posey vs. Posey[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2iAX_RXsXM"]YouTube - In the End Zone: Posey Bowl (Columbus Wired TV)[/ame]
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Posey's mom blames NCAA for players' money plight
Friday, December 24, 2010
By Bill Rabinowitz


Julie Posey is grateful that her son DeVier has an athletic scholarship to Ohio State.

A widow with four children, she appreciates that the scholarship provides for tuition, books and room and board. But she also is fully aware of what an athletic scholarship does not cover, which is virtually everything else.

It is a gap that she estimates costs her thousands of dollars per year in miscellaneous living expenses. DeVier Posey decided to sell his 2008 Big Ten championship ring for $1,200 to help his family, Ohio State officials said. Terrelle Pryor, Mike Adams, Daniel Herron and Solomon Thomas also sold OSU items for similar reasons, according to the school. By doing so, the NCAA ruled yesterday, the players violated rules and will be suspended for the first five games of the 2011 season.

Julie Posey said the NCAA - not her son and not Ohio State - is the real guilty party.

"The NCAA is amazing," she said. "Every time you turn around, they come up with something new to ensure that the young men that have poured their hearts and souls and energy and intellect into their craft are continually kept at a disadvantage when everybody else around them is running to the bank."

Because of limited on-campus housing, Ohio State athletes typically live in dorms only for their freshman year. They receive a stipend that's supposed to compensate them for food and housing costs their remaining years, but that doesn't cover all expenses. In the summer, when athletes are expected to remain on campus to prepare for the next season, the stipend is only half of what it is the rest of the year because it's based on academic credit hours taken.

"You have to have a car," Posey said. "You've got to have insurance. You've got to have gas money. What they give them for rent and stuff is not enough. It's just not enough.

"So it's already a financial strain on a family. The whole thing requires money, but they - the NCAA - don't want to give it to them. The NCAA is saying, 'Well, if they gave them money, they no longer have amateur status.' Well, guess what? College football and basketball players are the only amateurs not receiving any money that I see plastered all over the TV and on magazines. They're not amateurs. Who do they think they're kidding? The NCAA certainly doesn't look at them as amateurs. If they did, they wouldn't be making money off them."


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It's not "the NCAA" that's making money off the kids. It's primarily going to:

1. Coaches.

2. Other student-athletes. Football at Ohio State is why we can have so many non-revenue sport athletes on scholarship - including women's sports.

Spare me from all these feeble excuses for why these athletes broke the rules. It was greed, pure and simple. An understandable human characteristic, but don't tell me these kids are really noble.
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Drops darken Posey's season
Friday, December 24, 2010
By Ken Gordon
The Columbus Dispatch


DECISION TIME: Junior DeVier Poseysays exploring the NFL is "definitely on my agenda," but he would miss the Buckeyes' camaraderie. (Fred Squillante, Dispatch)

DeVier Posey's numbers were down this year. The Ohio State receiver had more drops. He had a bad year.

Darrell Hazell would agree with the first two premises, but not the last.

"If you take away a few of those drops, maybe three or four, you would say he had a really nice year," said Hazell, the OSU receivers coach, who on Monday accepted the head coaching position at Kent State. "I think he had a very productive season."

Buckeyes fans might scratch their heads at that. Coming off a 60-catch, eight-touchdown sophomore season in 2009, when Posey emerged as OSU's clear go-to guy, it appears that he did not deliver on preseason promise.

With the Jan. 4 Sugar Bowl against Arkansas remaining, his catches are down (from 4.62 per game to 4.17). He has fewer touchdown catches (six). And there were those drops.

The most egregious of those came Nov.20 at Iowa, when a perfectly thrown pass - and potential winning score late in the game - fell through his hands in the end zone. The Buckeyes won anyway.

"Obviously, everybody has had our moments out there," fellow receiver Dane Sanzenbacher said. "But I think (Posey) has been a reliable guy for us this year."


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MaxBuck;1839892; said:
It's not "the NCAA" that's making money off the kids. It's primarily going to:

1. Coaches.

2. Other student-athletes. Football at Ohio State is why we can have so many non-revenue sport athletes on scholarship - including women's sports.

3. The schools; including the operating costs and paying off the huge debt of all the sports facilities (i.e. build the Schottenstein Center/Bill Davis Stadium/Jesse Owens stadium, Woody Hayes Practice Complex and the renovation of Ohio Stadium, etc.)
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I agree with the amount of the stipend needs to be increased especially the limits of where and when athletes can work. Having said that Ms. Posey there are 100+ football players who seem to have been able to follow the rules and the restrictions of the NCAA.

I am sorry the thoughts of repression of these athletes is utter bull sh**. They have the god damn best opportunities the university offers and most students would feel very fortunate to have the same things offered to them. Your son is being paid very well paid Ms. Posey, perhaps a lesson in being appreciative of what he has is needed, not new NCAA rules.

If the NCAA were so terrible why did you sign and agree that your son understands them and play under these rules. Ohio State and the NCAA is a system that is giving your son a damn fine education and an opportunity to play for pay..... Just terrible the repression your son was under!
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MaxBuck;1839892; said:
It's not "the NCAA" that's making money off the kids. It's primarily going to:

1. Coaches.

2. Other student-athletes. Football at Ohio State is why we can have so many non-revenue sport athletes on scholarship - including women's sports.

Spare me from all these feeble excuses for why these athletes broke the rules. It was greed, pure and simple. An understandable human characteristic, but don't tell me these kids are really noble.
That's a pretty incomplete characterization of who is making money off of these kids.
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Posey's Mom said:
"My son in Athens basically lives down the street from the stadium," she said. "Nobody's clawing to talk to him or get his autograph. That's not the case for DeVier. If DeVier lived on campus, he'd have chaos most of the time."

That's a load of BS. Mangold, Hawk, and Carpenter lived in a house right across the street from me for a couple years. It's about as close as you can get to the stadium without being on campus. I never noticed any stalkers or people pounding the doors for autographs.

I assume football players are allowed to apply for student loans like any other student?
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I don't know...A single mom with 4 kids. 2 kids on college scholarship but it seems like that whatever they get doesn't cover everything. I didn't know athletes got less in the summer while they are still on campus and their expenses remain the same.

I guess they could just go home and live with mom for the summer. Of course, they would be in the doghouse for missing voluntary workouts and have to earn their spot on the field come fall camp.

I know it doesn't make it right that he broke the rule....but I understand. as Chris Rock once said....I would never hit a woman, but I understand.
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I just can't see lines wrapping around DeVier's house waiting for autographs and a glimpse at him.

Excuse making at its finest. Julie Posey should spend less time talking about why it was OK for DeVier to sell his memorabilia and more time about how his selfish acts let the whole team down.
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CleveBucks;1839946; said:
That's a load of BS. Mangold, Hawk, and Carpenter lived in a house right across the street from me for a couple years. It's about as close as you can get to the stadium without being on campus. I never noticed any stalkers or people pounding the doors for autographs.

I assume football players are allowed to apply for student loans like any other student?

I'm pretty sure that their place was burglarized, though not sure if it's the place you're talking about.

And I find it very doubtful that a football player would be allowed to take a student loan seeing as those are used to pay for school and that is what their scholarship would be for. So any type of loan they would probably get based on the idea that it would be repaid by their NFL earning. That would probably not sit well with the NCAA.
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This answer is coming from someone a lot older than these kids but....If your family needs money that badly, don't spend it getting expensive tats. Maybe OSU should add some money management presentations to the compliance curriculum.
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