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WR DeVier Posey (2017 Grey Cup Champion and MVP)

BB73;1841981; said:
Posey said in the press conference today that he is committed to return for his senior year and get a degree.

I think that's a smart move, both generally and professionally (if he's looking there), because I doubt he gets a nibble in next year's draft if he leaves.
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Bucklion;1841986; said:
I think that's a smart move, both generally and professionally (if he's looking there), because I doubt he gets a nibble in next year's draft if he leaves.

I agree with the professional part. Him coming back with a 5 game suspension lingering speaks volumes of his character. There has been plenty of WR's entering the draft that have drama and character issues, this move will certainly set him ahead of other players in the draft. Maturity is very complimentary to GM's.
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Yeah I think it's the right decision for Devier to come back, really is the right decision for all of them to come back with the only question mark being Boom..just because he'll be pushed for carries by some of these younger guys that will really be able to show what they can do in the first 5 games.
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BB73;1841981; said:
Posey said in the press conference today that he is committed to return for his senior year and get a degree.

BuckeyeNation27;1841983; said:
That is surprising. I had Posey pegged as gone before this season (and this mess) even started.

Maybe he read the NFLPA site: http://www.nflplayers.com/about-us/FAQs/NFL-Hopeful-FAQs/

Why is education important in becoming an NFL player?

Education is crucial for success to become an NFL player or a success at any career. Completing a college degree will not only prepare players for life after football, but it also seems to pay off during a player's career. Players with degrees earn 20 to 30% more than players who don't have degrees. They also have a career that lasts about 50% longer. While there is not one answer for why players with degrees have stronger careers, one theory is that players who show the intelligence, concentration, and mental discipline to complete a degree show these qualities on the field more. Doing well in school from an early age also helps players develop the concentration they will need to memorize plays and avoid eligibility problems in high school and college.
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