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WR DeVier Posey (2017 Grey Cup Champion and MVP)

He made an excellent catch in the end zone. Can somebody post the video of his catch in this thread, including the replay that showed he was hit in the facemask before the ball got there?

Less than 1 minute of DeVier being interviewed on the field right after the Sugar Bowl.

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Ohio State's Posey: 'I hate Wisconsin'
Buckeye can't wait for Big Ten rematch in the fall.
Dave Miller
February 12, 2011

The teams don't meet again on the football field until October 29 in Columbus, but already there is bulletin board material for the Wisconsin-Ohio State clash next fall.

Jared Sullinger and his teammates aren't the only ones upset about losing their first game of the college basketball season on Saturday afternoon at the Kohl Center against Wisconsin, as DeVier Posey, a star receiver on the school's football team, vented his frustrations on Twitter following his school's loss to the Big Ten rival Badgers on the hardwood.

"I'll be totally honest I hate wisconsin.. With a passion Yeah I said it !!! I can't wait to play them again next season!!! Just being honest.

"Watching a game like that gets yo competitive juices going something crazy !!! Can't wait."

The school's athletic director, Gene Smith, apparently also feels the same way. Smith responded to Posey's tweet with a "feel ya bro!!!"

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48. DEVIER POSEY, LA SALLE, 2008: The high school football All-American, now playing wide receiver at Ohio State, also won six individual district track titles and was the state champion in the 400 meters. As a senior he won the Maxwell Award as the best high school wide receiver in America (48 catches, 778 yards, eight touchdowns). He also started on the basketball team.

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DeVier has 124 receptions, for 1,793 yards and 16 TD in his career.

He will have 7 regular season games to play in, plus the possibility of a bowl game and a CCG.

He needs 4 TD to pass Joey Galloway and Dane Sanzenbacher to move into the Top 5 all-time at Ohio State (The next are: Brian Robiskie, 24; Santonio Holmes, 25; Cris Carter, 27; and David Boston, 34).

He needs 17 receptions to pass Santonio Holmes and move into the Top 5 all-time at Ohio State (The next are: Gary Williams, 154; Michael Jenkins, 165; Cris Carter, 168; and David Boston, 191).

He needs 503 receiving yards to pass Santonio Holmes and move into the Top 5 all-time at Ohio State (The next are: Cris Carter, 2725; Gary Williams, 2792; David Boston, 2855; Michael Jenkins, 2898).
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GeorgiaBuck2;1973052; said:
DeVier seems like he has really matured. I am very impressed with the way he spoke about the young guys and how he is teaching him. I have a feeling he will make the most out of his opportunities after his five game absence.

Yeah, I think the whole "Tat 5" fiasco has humbled him, made him a better "team player", and made him more appreciative of what he has at Ohio State. Needless to say, he will be a better man for the experience.

Ohio State won't be able to run the ball effectively in the Big 10 against a defense with "9 guys in the box". Someone will have to step up in the receiving corps and make some big plays to "streach out" the defenses. DeVier will be the man.

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