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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)


COLUMBUS ? As the City League inches closer to the clock striking midnight and likely ending an era when it was one of the top high school conferences in Ohio, it could well be enjoying its finest hour in the major sports at Ohio State.

City League products Dane Sanzenbacher and William Buford have been critical contributors for the Buckeyes' football and basketball teams, respectively.


Distaste for coverage is baffling

The job, while I sit here tickling the various letters on the keyboard, is often to tell you what I think, not to tell you what to think. If we happen to agree, fine. If not, all the more fun.

But there is one thing I admittedly don't understand.

Why are there ill feelings over local media coverage of Dane Sanzenbacher?

There was a note in this space a couple weeks ago about an e-mail I received from someone who was "tired of reading about Sanzenbacher," Ohio State's leading receiver. My counterpoint was that the Central Catholic product was arguably the biggest contributor to the OSU football program from a Toledo high school since Hall-of-Fame lineman Jim Parker in the mid-1950s.

This column appears on the front page of the sports section next to the story above. Do you think the Blade writers were flying it in the faces of the emailers he refers to in the column? In any case, if they were Buckeyes fans they would know who Dane was and why he was so celebrated. He did a great job as a Buckeye but he did more to put a struggling city back on the map than any recent major (Carty was a scUM fan). I applaud Dane, Will Buford, Jack Mewhort, Pee Wee Gambrel, and Kenny Hayes for being Buckeyes and giving Toledo fans much to be proud of.

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Ohio State's Dane Sanzenbacher catching plenty of praise from admiring teammates
Published: Thursday, December 16, 2010
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer


Marvin Fong / The Plain Dealer
"He's always going to sacrifice his body to get a ball," Ohio State defensive lineman Dexter Larimore said of team MVP Dane Sanzenbacher (catching a pass against Purdue's Normando Harris). "He's not going to have alligator arms. He's going to come in there and catch it and if he comes down on his head, he'll hang on to the ball and get carted off the field."

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The speech didn't include a raised voice or any attempt to lather up the Buckeyes so they'd beat their opponent by 100 points. The captain's speech by Ohio State senior receiver Dane Sanzenbacher that fellow senior Dexter Larimore liked the most this season was more subtle and meaningful than that.

"He said he doesn't want to be just average," Larimore said. "There's a tendency in this world to just be average, and I internalized that more than someone saying 'let's go out there and beat these guys by a lot.' It was, 'Let's go excel and not be average players.'"

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'Decision' video spoof is a hit
Friday, December 17, 2010
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch

Dane Sanzenbacher will never be mistaken for LeBron James, but the Ohio State receiver gave it the good old college try in a recent spoof of James' "The Decision" commercial.

Sanzenbacher did it for college credit, actually, and his 2-minute, 14-second video earned an "A" from professor Pat West in her Marketing and Logistics course in the Fisher College of Business. More than that, the video - done to promote the organ and tissue donor program - has attracted more than 85,000 hits on YouTube.

"I guess I underestimated the power of social media," Sanzenbacher said. "I didn't really think it would blow up like it has or gotten so much attention."

That's one of the reasons Sanzenbacher and his group received an "A," West said.

"I think they did a fantastic job of hitting who they were trying to get the message to, which was I guess a pretty broad audience: sports fans," she said. "But the video stayed on target with his message. I thought it was great."


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Nicknam4;1839119; said:
Love Sanzo, I'll hate seeing him go after the Sugar Bowl. Best of luck to him wherever he ends up.

Agreed. A true leader. We'll always have a bevy of talent and talented receivers. But we'll miss Dane, not just for his talent, but for the kind of man he was/became/is.
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I said it before, and I'll say it again, Dane is my favorite Buckeye ever.

It's truly been a privilege watching him these past four years, growing from an afterthought of a recruit, turning into a contributer and then to a starter, and culminating as the team's offensive MVP. He has come to represent everything great about both this University, and this sport.

Hopefully Dane will have an excellent and healthy NFL career ahead of him. For now, hopefully he goes out on a high note with a win over Arkansas and another great performance.
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We are in trouble now :biggrin:

Ohio State Buckeye in trouble for regifting

Posted by Herman Athletes, Ohio State Buckeyes, Sporting Nudes 1:35 pm

For regifting.It is being reported that Dane Sanzenbacher regifted this morning. Dane was the leading receiver for the buckeyes and received the offensive MVP award for the season. He had the audacity of giving this gift to his mother for christmas, saving him of the $30 he normally spends for her gift. He also gave his gold pants to his father, which is less of an offense because they have lost value due to the fact that Rich Rod is coach. He then gave his brother a pair of his WR gloves because he was complaining about the cold. Then, he gave a tissue to his little sister because her nose was running. It is thought that this is the same type of tissue that is currently at the Woody Hayes Center, which is not to leave for any other purposes, especially to save on tissue paper.
In all, he will have to give $100 to charity. Hopefully he will learn and grow from this. This will not no doubt hurt him in the NFL draft.
His Bowl status is questionable.
Merry Christmas Buckeye Land. Festivus for the rest of us
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One of the many voices of Toledo - run for mayor Dane!

City proud of young athlete
When I attended Woodward High School, our rival was Central Catholic High School. More recently, a senior athlete led the Central football team to a state championship. His outstanding play resulted in a scholarship to Ohio State University.

In his freshman year, his first pass reception resulted in a touchdown. He has had nothing but success since. He has four Big Ten championships, four victories over that team up north, and four major bowl games.

This year, he was voted first-team All-Big Ten, and was voted most valuable player and most inspirational player by his teammates. No other player in OSU history was ever given both of these awards.

Unlike many other college athletes, he has never been arrested or suspended. He has shown nothing but class. For a supposedly short, undersized player, he has been outstanding.

Thanks, Dane Sanzenbacher. We are proud of you.

James Wojciechowski
East Lake Street
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Only 4th?

4. Dane Sanzenbacher?s Miraculous 24-yard Catch at Iowa.
Dane Sanzenbacher's left foot comes down just in bounds for an incredible and critical completion against Iowa.
Photo by Dan Harker

Even Dane wasn?t sure he had come down inbounds after making ?the catch of the year? in Iowa City, but when the review came back, it was officially first-and-goal for the Buckeyes. Boom Herron would finish off the drive two plays later with a 1-yard touchdown run to give Ohio State a 20-17 comeback win over the Hawkeyes.
It was Sanzenbacher?s catch, however, that will be remembered the way Anthony Gonzalez was for his catch against Michigan in 2005. Shortly after DeVier Posey dropped a sure touchdown pass on third down, the Buckeyes had the ball 1st-and-10 at the Iowa 26-yard line. That?s when Pryor remembered a play where he had been intercepted earlier in the game.
Pryor asked Tressel to run that play again, hoping the defense would defend it the same way, leaving Sanzenbacher open near the goal line. The play worked, but Sanzenbacher was forced to go up for a leaping catch over Iowa linebacker Troy Johnson. Sanzenbacher?s left foot landed just inside the sideline, with a sliver of green showing, before his butt came down right on the line. Herron scored the game-winning touchdown two plays later with 1:47 on the clock.
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