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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

GrizzlyBuck;1849980; said:
Way to come up huge in your last game young man. Good luck in the future. I hope the youngsters who have been around Dane the last few years have picked up on his toughness, consistency and heart, because he will be tough to replace.

Yeah, there have been better receivers come through Ohio State over the years; however, I don't believe any of them had all of the intangibles that Dane has. He may be impossible to replace.

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The fumble recovery for the first TD was a monster play. Unreal.

Always remember Malcolm Jenkins saying that he hated trying to cover Dane in practice. Just to think he only got better over the next two years. This guy will certainly be missed and I really wouldn't be surprised to see him do well in the Pros guy doesn't drop the ball!!!

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loved him so much as a player....I believe one of the most, if not the most underrated WR's ever at Ohio St....kid was just a playmaker, he rarely ever made a mistake, and was one of the most clutch players over the past few years...gonna miss him a lot
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