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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

Paul Warfield Receiver Award: Dane Sanzenbacher

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9_qzMcCf7k]YouTube - Dane Sanzenbacher named top OSU wideout[/ame]

And no, Alvin of the Chipmonks did not do the TV story on him. It was Theodore. :biggrin:
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I remember being at the Iowa game and being so proud of Dane for how much of a team player he was downfield blocking in Saine's long TD run. I just got done watching Lexco's video recapping the game and I noticed he had the clinching block on EVERY touchdown we scored. Take a look for yourself. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLybljaiDks]YouTube - Ohio State VS. Iowa 2009[/ame] First one is at 1:20. 2nd one is at 1:58. Final one is at 2:55.
Dude is a baller. Gotta be a captain next year. Guarantee it.
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Dane certainly is a clutch player and knows his place on the team. I love watching Dane's toughness and what he adds to this team. I see him as a team captain in the 2010 season (assuming he stays and I think he will). Here's Dane's take on his QB and what it means for the future confidence on this team as they look ahead next season. Dane is quoted here on TP's drive and growing command of the offense.

"I think he wanted to have a game that puts him out there in the national ranks, puts him on the map," said receiver Dane Sanzenbacher, who had nine catches for 64 yards. "You could see it with Terrelle in the huddle. He kept his poise and kept us moving. It's something we see in practice all the time, but everybody else can see it now, too."

Ohio State ends BCS struggles, captures first Rose Bowl win since '97 - NCAA College Football Recap - ESPN
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Article published January 02, 2010
Sanzenbacher leaves his mark
Central grad has 9 catches in victory

PASADENA, Calif. - Under normal circumstances, Ohio State wide receiver Dane Sanzenbacher is the model of composure on the football field. The vagaries of the game do not usually elicit any kind of profound reaction from the 5-11, 175-pound junior.

There was nothing normal about the final minutes of last night's Rose Bowl win over Oregon. It purged the Buckeyes' tank of everything sour and bitter that had built up inside them over the past three years of bowl game defeats.

So Sanzenbacher, who was the leading receiver in the game with nine catches, stepped out of character as the emotion of the moment consumed the Buckeyes. He held his arms in the air as if victory had come in a lengthy, physical battle - it had.

"There was just a ton of feelings about to be released, once we knew we were holding on to the ball, and the game was ours," Sanzenbacher said. "There is no possible way to describe the feeling of relief. I kept looking up, but the time couldn't come off the clock fast enough."

toledoblade.com --
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FrancisSawyer;1633093; said:
Hats off to Dane for his performance yesterday. The dude gives all he has and never complains. Definitely one of the best and toughest players on this team.

There are alot of players that would have ripped their QB for the way he got hung out on that skinny post, but Dane took the hit got up and went right back to the same route the next play. Met him on the field after the Iowa game.... Classy guy..... and the ladies love him to boot.... there were more screams for him on the field than you'd hear in a line going into seeing "New Moon".
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ysubuck;1632950; said:
Just re watched the game.

This just in...

Dane takes a beating with the way he plays.

What a gutsy kid. Always pops up after getting smacked around. Kid is all heart.

There were a lot of posts I could have quoted to make my point here, but this seems the best fit.

The toughness that Sanzenbacher showed in the 2010 Rose Bowl was unbelievable. Do what ysu' did; rewatch the game. When you do; try to imagine getting up and lining up after taking those shots like he does.

I've seen kids quit football permanently for less, and DS won't even take a play off.
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DaddyBigBucks;1634671; said:
There were a lot of posts I could have quoted to make my point here, but this seems the best fit.

The toughness that Sanzenbacher showed in the 2010 Rose Bowl was unbelievable. Do what ysu' did; rewatch the game. When you do; try to imagine getting up and lining up after taking those shots like he does.

I've seen kids quit football permanently for less, and DS won't even take a play off.

He nearly scored on the next play after the hit he took where he got up ended. That shows that he is not only physically tough but mentally as well. Tressel said that you wear out quicker mentally than physically in football - Dane is giving lessens in that in the off season.

Do you remember the game film right after that hit, the cameras went to Masoli and he was laughing? Seemed strange until the kid comes back and pulls down another catch and a first down. Who's laughing now? Quack
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The kid is tough as nails and makes the perfect complement for Posey. He really came up clutch in the RB both blocking and catching the ball. He had a sure TD if Terrell could have hit him near the end zone instead of rushing the throw and throwing behind him.

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BuckeyeRob;550055; said:
While I do agree about the young mans attitude and desire to be a buckeye, I think this young man is a serious reach by this staff. I can see making an offer if you have room in December (late) but in July????

His current offers are all MAC schools with the exception of Iowa. I just dont see him ever making a major contribution.

A POST FROM JULY 2006 - my oh my - I guess this is why the "trust the coaches" cliche is used so often.

Dane is a Baller!
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