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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

utgrad73;1579819; said:
The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More

No, Posey is the most popular WR on the team. Not saying this a bad thing because he has helped Pryor get his confidence back, but saying he's the best will get an argument from a few of us around here. Call it bias, I like #12 plain and simple. All the WRs will certainly benefit if their QB is throwing accurately with the radar lock on. Let's hope they all get a chance to score this weekend and Pryor looks for other numbers like 12, 82, 9, 5. and 7. Who did I miss.
One problem is that Carter has shown a tendency to drop passes. Given that TP is himself a bit inaccurate he is unlikely to look kindly on receivers that don't help him out and look to those, Posey and Dane, who do.
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Not a lot of passes thrown Dane's way yesterday, but I LOVED his downfield blocking. Just loved it. Great job Dane...some of your efforts won't show up anywhere but the scoreboard, but they are noticed by those watching.
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Ohio State notebook: Sanzenbacher understands OSU-Michigan rivalry
By Todd Porter
CantonRep.com staff writer
Posted Nov 18, 2009


There are few players on either roster who understand both sides of the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry as well as Dane Sanzenbacher. The junior wide receiver grew up in Toledo and graduated from Central Catholic High School there.

There is a Buckeye-Wolverine shop near Toledo that caters to fans ? get this ? of both schools.

?I?ve been there before ... I don?t go there all that often,? Sanzenbacher said. ?The majority of the city is divided. In Toledo, I can?t speak for the rest of the state, but the Ohio State-Michigan game is its own little holiday.?

Michigan didn?t offer Sanzenbacher. He grew up a Buckeye fan, but he always paid close attention to the Wolverines because the school was close. He is surprised at the hard times Michigan?s program has fallen on. ?Yeah, just because they?ve always been such a dominant team,? he said. ?Being from Toledo, you see both sides of the spectrum.?

Ohio State notebook: Sanzenbacher understands OSU-Michigan rivalry - Canton, OH - CantonRep.com

Article published November 17, 2009
Ohio State staying wary of Michigan
Players say UM will be emotionally charged

COLUMBUS - Maybe he's seen Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, or watched a few episodes of Animal Planet. Either way, Ohio State's Dane Sanzenbacher knows the inherent danger presented by a cornered, wounded creature.

When Ohio State faces Michigan on Saturday, Sanzenbacher expects to encounter a desperate and aggressive bunch of Wolverines who have been hurt by a string of bitter defeats, and then backed into an uncomfortable corner of their own making.

"That's the thing that makes us feel that they are going to play this game more emotionally and harder than any game they've played yet," the junior wide receiver said. "That's all they have left to play for. This game absolutely means everything to them."

toledoblade.com --
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