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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

Dane's one hander should have been looked at again. Just another thing that went against us last Saturday. We probably got the worst ref crew last week because it was Purdue. :smash: He didn't see the ball much last week.
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Taosman;1573308; said:
Dane's one hander should have been looked at again. Just another thing that went against us last Saturday. We probably got the worst ref crew last week because it was Purdue. :smash: He didn't see the ball much last week.

He saw the ball, it was just landing 5 yards out in front of him everytime...
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ThirdGenBuckeye;1574176; said:
He saw the ball, it was just landing 5 yards out in front of him everytime...

Need more passing accuracy grasshopper. Maybe TP will have settled down and this game will slow down for him. Still keeping a bottle of Advil next to the TV remote just in case. Dane can catch the ball but he's not Gumby. :biggrin:
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The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More

Wide Receiver & Tight End
What to expect: Pryor admitted during the week that has had some tunnel vision for classmate DeVier Posey in recent weeks, and it shows in the numbers. After eight games, Posey has 38 of Ohio State?s 106 catches this season, nearly 20 more than any other player on the roster. Pryor isn?t going to stop looking for Posey, because let?s face it, he feels most comfortable with him and in all honesty, he?s the best receiver on the team.
Do expect to see him go through his progressions a little more this week and look for guys like Sanzenbacher, Ray Small and Duron Carter to come up with more catches than they have had in Big Ten play. With such a large gap in talent, also look for Lamaar Thomas and Taurian Washington to see the field this week, but probably not until the second half.
At tight end, Jake Stoneburner played more last week than he has since early in the season. Tight ends coach John Peterson talked about him turning the corner with his understanding of the position, but mostly he was just asked to help protect Pryor. That will probably continue this week with two starters missing on the offensive line, but it?s clear the staff wants to see more of Stoneburner.

No, Posey is the most popular WR on the team. Not saying this a bad thing because he has helped Pryor get his confidence back, but saying he's the best will get an argument from a few of us around here. Call it bias, I like #12 plain and simple. All the WRs will certainly benefit if their QB is throwing accurately with the radar lock on. Let's hope they all get a chance to score this weekend and Pryor looks for other numbers like 12, 82, 9, 5. and 7. Who did I miss.
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utgrad73;1579819; said:
The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More

No, Posey is the most popular WR on the team. Not saying this a bad thing because he has helped Pryor get his confidence back, but saying he's the best will get an argument from a few of us around here. Call it bias, I like #12 plain and simple. All the WRs will certainly benefit if their QB is throwing accurately with the radar lock on. Let's hope they all get a chance to score this weekend and Pryor looks for other numbers like 12, 82, 9, 5. and 7. Who did I miss.

could throw in 86 or 11
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OregonBuckeye;1581661; said:
Dane makes every catch look so easy. Only receiver I have never have doubts about.

Glen Mason thought he should have tried harder to make that endzone catch he missed. He saw the one hand go out instead of two, Glen must have missed a few clicks along the way. I saw Dane make a one handed interception in HS as junior that he returned for 97 yards for a TD (in a State Playoff game). Amazing catch. He's been doing that for years. He has a gift for catching the ball and it's good to see him use that ability this year.
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Watch Dane on the first offensive play of the second half for tOSU against NM St. He de-cleats a guy on Small's end around that went for 23 yards.
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BB73;1582879; said:
Watch Dane on the first offensive play of the second half for tOSU against NM St. He de-cleats a guy on Small's end around that went for 23 yards.

From the game thread....:biggrin:

Bucky Katt;1580322; said:
Sanz with a big block on the edge to spring Small. Nice to see Shugarts down field blocking, too.

BB73;1580324; said:
Nice to see Shugarts in front of Small 15-20 yards downfield on that end-around.

Bucky Katt;1580325; said:
Get out of my head!

Seriously. Stay out of there. It's not safe.
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