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Who will be tOSU's head coach on July 1, 2012? (betting closed)


He and I both went to the OSU College of Engineering. The only difference I can see is that I'm using the education that I received there and he isn't.

Well... That and he'd be a good person to interview for the HC job.

Smith;1931901; said:
Someone I'd like to see get considered - Jeff Davidson. He needs to fully commit to the beard but everything else makes him a great candidate IMO... :tongue2:

Carolina Panther bio (Vikings bio not up yet)

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Ranking college football's 20 most desirable head coaching jobs

We're #2:

2. Ohio State


Luke Fickell will hold the nation's second most desirable job while serving as Ohio State's interim head coach in 2011.

Yes, the NCAA might still come down hard on the Buckeyes for the rules violated during the Jim Tressel era. Short of the Death Penalty, which won't happen, that shouldn't scare away anyone from applying for the job. (It might, but it shouldn't.) Consider this: Miami won a national title in 2001, a little more than five years after it received crippling sanctions from the NCAA. Alabama won a national title in 2009, seven years after receiving crippling sanctions from the NCAA. Ohio State is in better position to bounce back than either of those two programs, regardless of what the NCAA does. Ohio State owns a state loaded with excellent players. As an added bonus, many of those recruits come from high schools with small college-quality coaching. Ohio State enjoys a recruiting advantage no other Big Ten school -- with the possible exception of Penn State -- can duplicate. As any reporter covering the recent scandal knows, the fan base's passion is unmatched by anyone outside the state of Alabama. The program brings in more money than everyone but Texas ($451.9 million over the past five years), so the coach essentially has a blank check for facilities and staffing needs. When Ohio State officials go in search of a new coach in 2012, they should have no shortage of willing candidates -- no matter how severe the NCAA's sanctions.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...ollege-football-jobs/index.html#ixzz1OGaTSuBh
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My gut tells me that Fickell gets the job on three conditions

  1. He's not implicated in anything by the ncaa.
  2. He has an above average season.
  3. Urban Meyer and Gruden say no.

I'm not crazy with Meyer's off-field record (and I'm nauseated at the thought of Tebow hanging around the program), but I still think he'll get an offer.

Fitzgerald wouldn't interview with Notre Dame, and he's not going to leave NW for Ohio State.

Too much smoke around Oklahoma's program to bring in Stoops. For the Ohio State admin to turn around and bring in a coach with a history of shady car deals around his program would be going utterly full retard in a manner unprecedented in major college sports. Then again, they've had a tin ear to everything else about this scandal, so who knows?
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ORD_Buckeye;1933988; said:
My gut tells me that Fickell gets the job on three conditions

  1. He's not implicated in anything by the ncaa.
  2. He has an above average season.
  3. Urban Meyer and Gruden say no.

I'm not crazy with Meyer's off-field record (and I'm nauseated at the thought of Tebow hanging around the program), but I still think he'll get an offer.

Fitzgerald wouldn't interview with Notre Dame, and he's not going to leave NW for Ohio State.

Too much smoke around Oklahoma's program to bring in Stoops. For the Ohio State admin to turn around and bring in a coach with a history of shady car deals around his program would be going utterly full retard in a manner unprecedented in major college sports. Then again, they've had a tin ear to everything else about this scandal, so who knows?

I agree with your first two, and add this as the third:

On the recruiting trail sell, OSU, academics, graduating, our API rating, playing for a team, beating Michigan, winning the Big Ten, and bringing home another national title.

BTW, who are Gruden, and Meyer? We could have our man!
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One thing you may have to deal with is former NFL coach (Jon Gruden).

If you fail or are fired in the NFL, sometimes you want to return to redeem yourself. It happens with basketball coaches and sometimes has happened with football.

Who says if Gruden has five good seasons an NFL team wouldn't make him an offer. Ohio State is a very high-profile job, which would help if a former NFL coach wanted to go back to the NFL.

With Urban Meyer, who knows if he'll get burned out again.

Lots of questions with all the candidates (including Fickell). One thing, OSU must make sure it has the right leadership to go forward at the AD position and with Compliance.
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I have to admit that I am hugely intrigued by the prospect of Gruden. There's a chance that he might turn out to simply not be a good fit for college coaching, but on the other hand, he could absolutely kick ass for 15 or 20 years (wouldn't leave for another school and if his decisions of the last couple of yours are any indication wouldn't go back to the nfl).

I'm not enamored with Meyer. How long until he flakes out and quits? Are we going to have a revolving door of his recruits going in and out of the Franklin County Courthouse? What happens to JT's huge strides in grad rates and apr? TEBOW? I figure he'll be offered, and I hope he'll turn it down.

Stoops is out for the reason I laid out above.

Honestly, I want Ohio State to make a play for Gruden. If that doesn't work out, and barring any ncaa implications, I think we should give Fickell five years and see if we've found our own homegrown Fitzpatrick.

Gruden or Fickell. Fickell or Gruden. Gruden or Fickell. Either way, I'd be just fine with the decision.
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For Luke to get this job...Ne needs the right people to believe he is the man. It really does not mean shit that the fans or players want him. Hopefully, his age and lack of "head coaching experience" is not held against him too much.
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Elephant;1934079; said:
For Luke to get this job...Ne needs the right people to believe he is the man. It really does not mean [Mark May] that the fans or players want him. Hopefully, his age and lack of "head coaching experience" is not held against him too much.

His association may be held against him, for some administrators.

The games against Michigan State (Dantonio) and Nebraska (Pelini) will be fun. Reminds me of when Glen Mason went against coach Tressel.
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[quote='BusNative;192980;3]Who knows... apparently no search until December? what the [censored], Gene?[/quote]

Fickell deserves a shot and no point in looking elsewhere until you know what the punishment is going to be (which supposedly we'll find out in December.)
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ORD_Buckeye;1934078; said:
I have to admit that I am hugely intrigued by the prospect of Gruden. There's a chance that he might turn out to simply not be a good fit for college coaching, but on the other hand, he could absolutely kick ass for 15 or 20 years (wouldn't leave for another school and if his decisions of the last couple of yours are any indication wouldn't go back to the nfl).

I was not a big believer in Gruden until he landed at ESPN. Seeing the 'inside look' at how he has handled kids at events such as Senior Bowl practices and pre-draft workouts makes me think that he 'gets it' and could be a great college coach.

The flip side is whether he can handle the NCAA compliance boogeyman, and whether he views a college stop as a stepping stone back to the NFL, so would he even care?
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