So what did everyone think of the ending of this week's episode where the new woman told Hurley that flight 815 was found and there were no survivors?
My first reaction was that DARHMA or the Others, or whoever the freak is in charge, must have stagged a crash on another island in the South Pacific to lead searchers astray so as not to discover the island. Seems like the most logical...or at least simple explanation.
However, I've discussed this with a few people at work who also watch the show and they've come up with some other ideas:
1) The island is a nexus of alternative realities and when the woman crashed she slipped from our reality where the flight crashed and everyone was dead to another reality where the crash site was not found and there were survivors.
2) The characters are not who they think they are. Rather this is some type of DARHMA experiment where people have been implanted with false memories--those of the people who died on the flight 815.
3) The island is purgatory/they really are all dead (which my wife still argues). I don't buy this one unless the writers are lame.
My first reaction was that DARHMA or the Others, or whoever the freak is in charge, must have stagged a crash on another island in the South Pacific to lead searchers astray so as not to discover the island. Seems like the most logical...or at least simple explanation.
However, I've discussed this with a few people at work who also watch the show and they've come up with some other ideas:
1) The island is a nexus of alternative realities and when the woman crashed she slipped from our reality where the flight crashed and everyone was dead to another reality where the crash site was not found and there were survivors.
2) The characters are not who they think they are. Rather this is some type of DARHMA experiment where people have been implanted with false memories--those of the people who died on the flight 815.
3) The island is purgatory/they really are all dead (which my wife still argues). I don't buy this one unless the writers are lame.