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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

  • 11 - 2 and win the national championship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 - 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8 - 5 or worse

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  • Poll closed .
Jaxbuck;1502870; said:
I am pretty much a pessamist by nature but try as I might I can't get real negative looking at our schedule.


Logic says just write in a split here. I say if we can beat USC there is no reason we shouldn't be undefeated heading into Happy Valley.

Conference Middleweights

All the up and coming B10 teams have to come to Columbus. Only Iowa presents and type of letdown danger (week after PSU). You have to show up against everyone but there is no one on this list who can go athlete for athlete with us or has a great returning SR dominated team.

Lightweights and OOC
@ IU
@ Purdue

Respect all fear none. Nice break not playing MSU and having two of our B10 road games in the state of Indiana.

The Game
@ scUM

I am going to go one more year with giving scUM the respect they deserve from The Games past and not put them in the lightweight category.

I have concerns about our OL. I have concerns about our RB's. I have concerns about Pryor throwing until I see different. I have concerns about our secondary and I don't buy the hype of the interior DL.

All that said, when I look at the schedule the way I have it broken up I just don't see anything worse than a 10-2 regular season.


Our streak of 53 (I think) games without losing to a non-BCS-participant will end at some point; but I don't see it happening this year (but do you ever see it coming?)

And while I agree with all of your concerns and raise you a suspect pass rush until they prove otherwise; Pryor's improvement fall-to-spring has me more excited than I want to be at this point.
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DaddyBigBucks;1502461; said:
This implies that there are two games that the Buckeyes should lose or shouldn't win, assuming these are synonymous phrases.

I am having a hard time finding a game that the Buckeyes "should lose" apart from the USC game. Does "should lose" mean simply that the other team is favored by 1 pt or more? Then perhaps Penn State will be favored against the Buckeyes at home, depending on how their season goes.

I just find it hard to accept a game where the Buckeyes are a 'dog by less than a TD as a game the Buckeyes "should lose"

For this years purposes I was getting at USC being the game we "should" lose. They are loaded and we are young, and they will be favored to win the game in the Shoe. Outside of us true Buckeye fans, I doubt many nationally would expect the Bucks to win this one.

As for winning one that we "shouldn't" that would be Penn State. They should be solid and favored in their house. Hopefuly by then, someone steps up in the running game to take the pressure off of TP. I'm just very skeptical about our run offense this year.

Take your pick for lose one that you shouldn't.

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A lot of us share your concern for the running game, and I think that most of the concern results from the fact that Beanie is not there to make up for the OL.

Last year's OL was a huge disappointment; but I wonder how many people realize just how badly they under-performed.

With as much experience as that line had, there was simply no excuse for their production to just fall off the table like it did. This was most evident, not in the running game, but in pass protection.

Here are the Buckeyes' national rankings for Rushing Offense (RO) and Sacks Allowed (SA) since 2005, which was the 1st year when the latter stat was recorded by the NCAA:


As you can see, the numbers weren't that much different for rushing throughout that span; but the pass protection just fell off the table last year.

Take a moment to wrap your mind around the fact that most of the same guys were doing the blocking, and they went from Todd Boeckman at QB to Terrelle Pryor.

Now reconcile that with the fact that they went from 29th to 83rd in sacks allowed. OK, so TP had some freshman moments; but no one saw THAT coming.

The point here is that replacing 3 starters and moving the remaining starters to different positions might not always be a recipe for improved line-play. But if they can play like some of the less experienced lines of the more distant past, they'll be lot better than last year.
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DaddyBigBucks;1502986; said:
A lot of us share your concern for the running game, and I think that most of the concern results from the fact that Beanie is not there to make up for the OL.

Last year's OL was a huge disappointment; but I wonder how many people realize just how badly they under-performed.

With as much experience as that line had, there was simply no excuse for their production to just fall off the table like it did. This was most evident, not in the running game, but in pass protection.

Here are the Buckeyes' national rankings for Rushing Offense (RO) and Sacks Allowed (SA) since 2005, which was the 1st year when the latter stat was recorded by the NCAA:


As you can see, the numbers weren't that much different for rushing throughout that span; but the pass protection just fell off the table last year.

Take a moment to wrap your mind around the fact that most of the same guys were doing the blocking, and they went from Todd Boeckman at QB to Terrelle Pryor.

Now reconcile that with the fact that they went from 29th to 83rd in sacks allowed. OK, so TP had some freshman moments; but no one saw THAT coming.

The point here is that replacing 3 starters and moving the remaining starters to different positions might not always be a recipe for improved line-play. But if they can play like some of the less experienced lines of the more distant past, they'll be lot better than last year.

Good post and points. Let's hope that this years OL crew can catch on to some of the magic of the 2002 OL that basically had a hot-shot freshman in Mangold and a bunch of underacheiving upperclassmen, that were anything but spectacular at any point during the season. But then again, that crew had MoC running behind it.

We'll see.

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I'm thinking 12-1 "get screwed" but I don't think that 12-1 and no NCG is being screwed, even if there are other one loss teams in the game.

I expect wins against USC and PSU, but an upset loss against someone like Iowa or Purdue during a "letdown" week.

It takes maturity to win them all and this team isn't quite there yet. Of course, all it takes is a little luck at the right time, and Holy Buckeye, were right back in the mix.

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Had no clue where to put this, so this is where it is for now. Rivals' Tom Dienhart picks Ohio State to win the B10.


CHICAGO - Jim Tressel just shrugs. The Ohio State coach really can't provide one specific reason why the Buckeyes have dominated the Big Ten in recent years. It's four Big Ten championships in a row for the Buckeyes, who also won the crown in 2002 en route to claiming the BCS national championship.
And the media attending the Big Ten Media Days selected Ohio State to win the 2009 conference crown. Now, the question begs: Can any school end Ohio State's run of superiority that only is trumped by USC's current skein of seven Pac-10 crowns in a row? cont...
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So do you guys finally plan to play in the Rose Bowl? NC game is there and the rose bowl are both in Pasadena(obviously).
I've always wondered if Buckeye fans get pissed that they never get to play in the rose bowl but manage to play in some other BCS game.
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Pissed? Not really.

It has been a terrific decade for Buckeye fans, but it has been interesting that the Rose Bowl continues to evade us. Five league championships in seven years, but no Rose Bowls... It has been a nice situation where when we win the Big Ten, we are getting into the NCG.

Either way, it has been a fantastic decade with more BCS games than any other team in the country. It is always nice to get the RB, but i can't complain with our recent results.
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Yertle;1508655; said:
Pissed? Not really.

It has been a terrific decade for Buckeye fans, but it has been interesting that the Rose Bowl continues to evade us. Five league championships in seven years, but no Rose Bowls... It has been a nice situation where when we win the Big Ten, we are getting into the NCG.

Either way, it has been a fantastic decade with more BCS games than any other team in the country. It is always nice to get the RB, but i can't complain with our recent results.

FYI, USC and Oklahoma have 7 BCS bowls since the 2000 season, tOSU has had 6. Since the BCS started in the 1998 season, the 3 teams are tied for the most BCS bowls with 7. USC has 6 wins, tOSU is tied with LSU and Florida for second place with 4 wins.
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well, the choices available for 12-1 are to win the ncg, to lose the ncg, or to get screwed by the bcs...what about just finishing 12-1 and let it be at that?

i see an 11-1 regular season, no invite to the bcs ncg game to win or lose, but a great bcs bowl win to give u win number 12.

Imo, Florida will go undefeated or, with the help of the seccg, get one of the top 2..Texas will get the other for the same reason.
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