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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

  • 11 - 2 and win the national championship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 - 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8 - 5 or worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
spurrier;1509306; said:
well, the choices available for 12-1 are to win the ncg, to lose the ncg, or to get screwed by the bcs...what about just finishing 12-1 and let it be at that?

i see an 11-1 regular season, no invite to the bcs ncg game to win or lose, but a great bcs bowl win to give u win number 12.

last time i checked u can be 12-1 and not get in the bcs game or get screwed.

Imo, Florida will go undefeated or, with the help of the seccg, get one of the top 2..Texas will get the other..
Believe me, if Ohio State manages to go 11-1 during the regular season but not get invited to the title game, then almost every Buckeye fan on the planet will believe that his/her team got screwed by the BCS. The few who think otherwise are welcome to vote for "Other".
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LordJeffBuck;1509315; said:
Believe me, if Ohio State manages to go 11-1 during the regular season but not get invited to the title game, then almost every Buckeye fan on the planet will believe that his/her team got screwed by the BCS. The few who think otherwise are welcome to vote for "Other".

If tOSU goes 11-1, and there are two undefeated teams from the group of Florida-Texas-Oklahoma-USC, there would be no 'screwing by the BCS'.

There would be the usual grumbling about the lack of a 4-team, 8-team, or 16-team playoff; but any feeling that the BCS should have placed tOSU in the top-2 in that situation would be extremely difficult to justify.
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BB73;1509489; said:
If tOSU goes 11-1, and there are two undefeated teams from the group of Florida-Texas-Oklahoma-USC, there would be no 'screwing by the BCS'.

There would be the usual grumbling about the lack of a 4-team, 8-team, or 16-team playoff; but any feeling that the BCS should have placed tOSU in the top-2 in that situation would be extremely difficult to justify.
You've been a Buckeye fan how long...? :wink:

From my experience, the typical Buckeye fan would have absolutely no problem in justifying a screwing, given the hypothetical situation that you have described. Now rational fans, on the other hand....
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louts8wings;1510071; said:
i voted 13-0 and screwed out of a championship. the only reason i went this route because i picked texas vs a one loss florida team. i am sure we will beat usc but i feel the media will make excuses for that win.

OSU would never get screwed out of a NC to a 1 loss Florida team if they were undefeated...don't be stupid
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I think we lose one game and honestly I don't want us to get into the title game. I think that this year Florida is on another level. I think they have a chance to be the best team ever. I'd rather us get into a BCS game and prove that we can beat a big time team in the Rose Bowl or another BCS game. Pull a Texas basically.

In 2004 they lost one game and beat Michigan in the Rose Bowl. They set themselves up for their big 2005 season. They came back and won it all. Vince Young went from good sophomore to god like Junior.

I'd like to see us win a big game to end the season and go into next season with a lot of confidence. I'd like to see us prove to the national media that we can beat a big name in the bowl game. If we can beat USC and a big time bowl team then we are going to go into next year looking pretty good.

Honestly it's not that I'm scared of Florida, but I just dont see any other team beating them. Instead of losing once again in the title game, I'd rather see us do this and set us up for a strong NC run in 2011/2012 (when I'm a student).

TP will be a junior/senior, RB's will have more expierence, Posey will be developed, the line will be beastly, and once again the defense will be expierenced.

I think we have a chance to be special in 2011/2012, but very very good next year.
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NextBuck;1515954; said:
I think we lose one game and honestly I don't want us to get into the title game. I think that this year Florida is on another level. I think they have a chance to be the best team ever.

I honestly think Florida has a chance to be as good as Miami in 2002, Oklahoma in 2003, or USC in 2005.

In other words, they have the chance to be declared the 'Best Team Evah' by ESPN, and then fail to win the NC that the vast majority of media members assumed was destined for them. tOSU should welcome the chance to take them down, just like they did to Miami after the 2002 regular season.

For any Buckeye fan to say that they 'don't want us to get into the title game' is simply something I will never understand, and will just drive me up a fucking tree.

Chances to win a national title are rare and special. Buckeye fans should take them whenever there's a chance to get them. Those worrying about national perception because of another BCS Bowl loss (which I realize may not be you, NextBuck) is a waste of energy, in my opinion.

And assuming that Florida is making it to the BCS Title game is a stretch. They're the favorite, but they could easily lose at LSU or in the SEC CCG. And an undefeated tOSU would play an undefeated Texas-Oklahoma winner, unless the SEC champion is also undefeated.
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They are a year away from NC contention. The corners are raw and I'd like to see more production from the DT's. I'm excited about the young OLine. I think they will be improved from last year, but without as much depth. You don't lose Beanie Wells and get better at TB but I really like Boom and Saine I'm sure improved. Actually I really like what I've seen from Berry so far. Very quick, but we'll see what he can do between the tackles. I've always felt that Robo and hartline were both good second receivers but not stars. Posey will be a star. The linebackers eat raw meat. They will be fantastic. This is the year of Homan. He'll emerage as an all Big 10 player this year. I wish someone would knock me out and I could wake up on Sept. 5.
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BB73;1516096; said:
I honestly think Florida has a chance to be as good as Miami in 2002, Oklahoma in 2003, or USC in 2005.

In other words, they have the chance to be declared the 'Best Team Evah' by ESPN, and then fail to win the NC that the vast majority of media members assumed was destined for them. tOSU should welcome the chance to take them down, just like they did to Miami after the 2002 regular season.

For any Buckeye fan to say that they 'don't want us to get into the title game' is simply something I will never understand, and will just drive me up a fucking tree.

Chances to win a national title are rare and special. Buckeye fans should take them whenever there's a chance to get them. Those worrying about national perception because of another BCS Bowl loss (which I realize may not be you, NextBuck) is a waste of energy, in my opinion.

And assuming that Florida is making it to the BCS Title game is a stretch. They're the favorite, but they could easily lose at LSU or in the SEC CCG. And an undefeated tOSU would play an undefeated Texas-Oklahoma winner, unless the SEC champion is also undefeated.

Listen I'm not saying that I don't want us to win the title, but in my heart of hearts I wouldn't bet my house against Florida this year. I'm just saying that since I feel Florida is THAT good that I would rather go to another BCS bowl game and win it instead of losing the National Title. If we come out and prove that our defense is even better than last year, Pryor is the next Vick/Young, and our skill players really step it up then I'll change my opinion.

I just feel personally that in 2011/2012 we have teams that can go back-to-back or at least win one national title. I think those are the years to win the title. I'd rather see us win the Big 10, go to a BCS bowl game, and beat a big time opponent and go into the offseason as a preseason Top 3 team coming off a big win in the bowl game.

Also to touch on your first point:
2005 USC- They were overrated. Offense was probably the best ever. Defense was shit

Oklahoma 2003- Good team, but should have never been proclaimed the best ever. Had a one dimensional offense, and just wasnt the best team ever.

2002 Miami- Ok I'll be honest I thought this team was going to go all the way when the season started. I saw super QB in Ken Dorsey, passing weapons in Andre Johnson and Kellen Winslow, a super oline, and a very talented defense. Obviously we surprised and beat them. Maybe this could happen this year with us beating Florida.

The thing with UF is this. They return Tebow who in my eyes is a Top 3 QB ever for CFB, Meyer is just as good a coach as Tressel so this wont be like 2002 with Tressel vs Coker, their defense returns 11 players with starting experience, and their skill players are just as talented as any team in the country.

The only major weakness is the lack of a go to WR IMO. They return a lot more than any other team this decade and have players on the team with 2 NC type of experience.

I'd love to see us win the title this year, but at this moment as a unbiased fan I'd really rather put my NC expectations onto next year. Things can always change after the season starts, but I just have a lot of respect for that UF team. Depending on how the USC game goes may change my opinion on this. But all I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see us win a Rose Bowl or another BCS bowl game and set up for a strong 2011.
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I think the USC game will effect the entire season. I think we could defintly run the table if we win against USC. The game against Penn State will be tough but I'm not afraid of playing @ Penn St we've smashed them at their stadium before. If we beat USC it will build alot of confidence in this team early and they'll realize they can beat anyone in the NCAA and I think we have a good shot at running the table after that if we stay focused. However I think if we lose to USC we could lose another game along the road. I know Jim Tressel is a hell of a coach and will keep the team focused through anything but I truly believe if we beat USC we'll be a contender THIS year. 13-0 and National Championship :biggrin:
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