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Waiting to get my rejection notice for their Board. How sad it that? Did any Ohio State board shut down after a lost recruit, any recent violations, the Clarett mess?

What a bunch of high strung pussies. I guess they realized that it would only take 5% of Ohio State posters in order to take over their board.
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Oh come on... isn't there anyone shoe didn't get banned... I want to see the "Oden's overrated" and "Conley's a HAnger on" stuff...

I love that crap.
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Here are some posts that sum up most of the negative stuff... (there actually are a lot of posters that are reasonable over there)...

Can't and won't pull for Ohio State or these players ever. They did not picl Wake so I hope their team is awful next year, goes on probation, and Matta and the players all go pro early leaving them in disarray.

Ho, hum. We move on. Would have been nice to have them, but this is not a setback for WFU.
I still predict that Greg Oden will not play any college ball. I'd put money on him playing a year at IMG Academy over him playing for OSU.

On the bright side, exclusiveclothes will get far more entourage benefits now that they are going to OSU.
some of the "positive" propaganda is hilarious; they keep insisting that losing Oden/Cook/Conley did not hurt Wake basketball. Yeah, since they land kids like this all of the time and their average top100 recruits can compare in anyway.
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Ho, hum. We move on. Would have been nice to have them, but this is not a setback for WFU.
I still predict that Greg Oden will not play any college ball. I'd put money on him playing a year at IMG Academy over him playing for OSU.

That's a gem... Someone should ask how much he thinks he can afford to lose on his Taco Bell Salary.
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They have now started this brilliant thread:
So what ill do you wish upon OSU athletics?

However, if you want to see additional messages, you need to visit their forum index b/c their forum software doesn't allow you to refresh a thread. Here is the link to the forum index:

I hope all the bad things in life happen to them and only them and nobody else...

Torn ACLs or .....
high ankle sprains that never heal which result in their players losing their athleticism and getting in a two year funk.
Other great quotes found elsewhere:
bring those little bitches on in the ACC-Big 10 challenge. Conley wasnt the best PG recruit anyway and Oden was only gonna stay 1 year
yeah, nm that they were never in on any of the "better" ones.
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Their true colors have come out. I hope other prospective recruits are reading what they are now saying about the same people that were "your basic basketball gods" just a few months ago. Your a saint if you sign with them and the antichrist if you don't... I'd really want to spend four years of my life with that type of a person :shake:

If all their fans are like that, I'm sure Duke fans have a field day with posters/comments when they play...

What a joke...
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It would be absolute dream to play them in the challenge in 06...

Even if they figure out how to stop Oden, which I seriously doubt they can, how are they gonna slow down the arsenal of Conley, Cook, Lighty, Mayes, Lewis, Butler?
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Taosman said:
Jeez! When I suggested some one go over there and razz them after the presser I didn't think it would be Mili! Oh, my, God! I feel soooo guilty! Is Tibor available?

WTF are you yakkin' about? I didn't go over there, because I can't (like I said above)...
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jwinslow said:
They have now started this brilliant thread:
So what ill do you wish upon OSU athletics?

However, if you want to see additional messages, you need to visit their forum index b/c their forum software doesn't allow you to refresh a thread. Here is the link to the forum index:

Other great quotes found elsewhere:
yeah, nm that they were never in on any of the "better" ones.
Spare us all the pain of seeing "Application Denied" every time we click on those threads and just give us the juice winslow! :biggrin:

It just is astonishing to me that they are so defensive that they deny an app to view a message board.

scott91575 said:
Waiting to get my rejection notice for their Board. How sad it that? Did any Ohio State board shut down after a lost recruit, any recent violations, the Clarett mess?

What a bunch of high strung pussies. I guess they realized that it would only take 5% of Ohio State posters in order to take over their board.
Absolutely true words. All our boards weathered the storms. Their's is at flood stage apparently. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen isn't the WF motto. Instead they put their heads in the sand and hope the source of the heat will go away.

Guess what WF -- it isn't going away. It's going to get stronger. No more MidWest recruits for you.

What these asinine fools do not comprehend is that the underlying dynamic has Zero, Zilch, Nada to do with WF. They were never important in the scheme of things. The key dynamic here is the direction and choice of the players in the tr-state area. Emblematically this year, a trio from Indiana. In years gone by, this was a a fair heavyweight contest between Indiana (with Bobby Knight), other schools in Indiana (like Purdue w/ the erstwhile Gene Keady) and the "Southern schools" like Kentucky and Duke.

There is a recruiting vacuum formed by the loss of influence in the MidWest previously enjoyed by IU, Purdue et al. Matta has skillfully filled that vacuum.

As for the deplorable attitude of their posters (when we were "privileged" to view the venom they spouted.) Those Panty-Waist, girl scout WF nancy boys don't deserve any schollies next year. They have no respect whatsoever for the kids (inner-city mostly) that they are inviting down for 2+ years in Thai Carolinas.

Kinda reminds me of a film I saw once.
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It's very easy to visit the archives and contrast the reaction on this board when we have lost a good recruit in football and the reaction on the WF board to this. Clearly, these two boards react differently to disappointment. It speaks volumes about something we used to call "class".
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The sense of entitlement being displayed by some of these WF fans/alum is astonishing, not just with the misguided belief that their university is somehow academically superior but even the notion that a basketball prospect would attend WF purely on name recognition. Apparently playing basketball at an ACC school in the state of North Carolina is all that a 17 year old, young man really wants to hear. Even if it is only the fourth best option in the state.

What bothers me though is that some of these Wake fans believe that they should snag any recruit they want simply because of the tradition of WF. Why is this? Tim Duncan and Billy Packer? After Duncan and Packer, what tradition in men's basketball is there at WF?!

How many Men's Basketball National Championships has Wake Forest won exactly? 0
How many Men's Basketball Tournament Final Four appearances does Wake Forest have? 1

The one and only time Wake has ever been to a Final Four was 1962. Guess who they lost to? Yup ... Ohio State.

Interestingly, '62 was also the year that Jack Nicklaus turned pro, almost immediately kicking WF-grad Arnold Palmer to the curb with his '62 win at the US Open.

Meh ... no wonder Wake fans hate us. :tongue2:
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