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that's it, im going over there to cause some shit

Darn....looks like I'm not approved afterall. They just took down the "please dont make fun of us cuz we suck ass" block.

I wasn't even going to do anything either. :sad2:
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The retards are at it again. If I could post...I wouldn't flame. I would just point out that

  • the possibility of the Oden/Conley class being banned from post season play is very slim.
  • Somebody from another country who can't read english isn't all that shocking.
  • OSU probably would have made the tourney last year.
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Now I'm just banned... no "we suck so you cannot read our boards" block anymore...

I was level headed over there... guess they shot down anything with the word buck or osu... they can go back to complaining about the lack of good looking ladies on their campus...
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PhDeac, one of the major posters on their site, posted part of a premium article b/c he rationalized it was old enough. Boy, that makes a lot of sense. Good to know the ethics of WF are strong as ever, at least in a relativistic sort of way.

Can't wait to read how they respond to this one... if history is any help they will still flame at this guy despite being cordial and logical.
Unfortunatly, SuperStudSteve, no list of facts will provide any sort of reason on this board. Wake Forest fans are mad, and I can't blame them. They need a forum to vent. Sure, it reaches fanatical proportions at times, but what is short for fanatical - cliche time...fan! They're just like OSU fans when Fred Davis committed to USC.

Now - we know that OSU's mediocre team won 20 games and probably would've been a strong candidate for the NCAA tournament (although, they were still a bubble team if elgible). We also know OSU's violations when compared to Michigan's are not as severe. Still, what O'Brien did was inexcusible. Who knows what the penalties will be.

Rjkarl says the penalty deserves 3 years, but I'm convince he's a proponent for stiffer penalties for all. If I reading him correctly, he thinks the NCAA is too soft for all. Unfortunately (to those with this type of thinking), it's doubtful the NCAA will enforce his level of stricter penalties with a cooperative university.

Finally, the venters of this board can still be convinced that Matta cheats, that players don't go to class, that requirements are easy (ask Lenix if that's so - he's qualified via NCAA requirements yet didn't past OSU admissions, and he's a homegrown 5 star football player), and that they're the scum of the earth even though the NCAA is keeping a close eye. I actually get a kick out of reading this, because I know it's therapeautic to justify why one would choose another school over yours.

Wake fans - I love your school. I've visited there, my niece is considering going there, and I have enjoyed watching your team the past several years. I admire that there's so much support for your team.
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All of a sudden, I can't stand Wake Forest!

Talk about living in a dream world! That stuff is pretty funny, to think that they can actually convince themselves that what they are saying holds any truth, if they just keep repeating it over and over to each other. The "ignorance is bliss" quote fits very nicely here. "Wake" up, and realize, that you guys are fools!! And they actually look forward to playing OSU sometime soon??? Wow, careful what you wish for. It's like begging for an ass-kicking from the town bully. Just give him your damn lunch money and go the other way!!!
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Seriously, even with the class we're bringing in I dont' wish to play Duke twice a year... too much respect for the talent level they bring in and the top coaching on their side once they are there... tho Wake knows that "Rat face" is a terrible coach (the only plausible argument seems to be the fact that he has made a couple of commercials; great ammo Wake fans)
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First of all, the thread is humorous b/c its more whining about OSU taking Macklin, claiming they didn't want him, blah blah blah.

But after further reading we learn that, *Gasp*! Skip really did coach horribly in the 2 OT loss... despite their denial when contrasted with Matta's job vs. Illinois to end the season. I just love the lies they post over there when they are arguing, yet they say the complete opposite later when they think the OSU lurkers are gone. During these slow summer days (for OSU news), I'm definitely going to continue laughing at their board.

vision, if you watched the two NCAA the team played well and together. We lost against WVU because Skip coached his worst game since becoming a Deac.

Any school battling Wake for a recruit should just send them to visit this board and see what the small community will be like once they get there...

They can be the latest Chris Paul type to be spat upon if they declare early for the draft (actually the real reason for the spitting is that Skip can't coach, and so they will continue to wallow in mediocrity in North Carolina, let alone the NCAA)
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jwinslow said:
Seriously, even with the class we're bringing in I dont' wish to play Duke twice a year... too much respect for the talent level they bring in and the top coaching on their side once they are there.
What? The respect for them is why you should want to play them twice a year. To be the best you need to play the best. Good thing the payers aren't that whimpy.

By the start of the hoop season Wake will be a distant memory and their board will be back to flaming UNC, Dook, and NC state.
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