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Agreed, if we want to be the best we have to beat the best... I guess I should have worded it that I would not naively want to schedule all of the teams like that. I hope Smith schedules Cinci, Wake, and maybe an ACC/B10 challenge against Duke or UNC, but I have seen what tough scheduling can do to good teams like MSU (or to lesser teams like IU).

Basically, we should play them, but I doubt any of us have reckless confidence regarding Duke like these Wake flamers do about playing us.
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While Indy fans hated their schedule last year, I would love to see a Buckeye schedule like that with these guys on board. I think it would speed up the learning curve, and help them prepare for the tourney run as Frosh.
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Not a bad point... I guess I just wouldn't want to get too ahead of ourselves... but I'd trust matta if he scheduled like IU did (they didn't have the experience or coaching to handle that).

Back on topic, the wake board just never disappoints, it's always good for laughing at unbridled homerism to the worst extent. Many things in life don't hold their same luster, but they just find new ways to be absurd at all times.


Half are convinced that Chris Paul leaving won't hurt their TV coverage, and that "Our exposure will be fine... people won't soon forget the talent we have been rolling out of late." Yeah, forgive me if I can't remember the talent vs. actual ACC powerhouses like Duke/UNC.

They are sure that Duncan/Paul will be MVP/ROY too (I realize they are homers, but being sure you'll land both w/ Shaq is quite a guarantee).
I expect we'll see a slight decline in national broadcasts... until we start proving the doubters wrong again with big win after win. ESPN/ABC will be scrambling to get us on the telly.
Yeah, since you've been doing that, oh wait no, you've been losing too early consistently in the tourney... including the worst coaching I've seen in quite a while vs WVU.
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ERhino said:
While Indy fans hated their schedule last year, I would love to see a Buckeye schedule like that with these guys on board. I think it would speed up the learning curve, and help them prepare for the tourney run as Frosh.
Agreed 100%. That type of non-conference schedule makes for great preparation for the B10 and then the Dance.

Those games are meaningless as are the polls...however, early victories in those games go a long way in seeding and confidence.

Losses, however, are really too early to be major issues.
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I guess I would look at it this way... my second team (especially since OSU hasn't been playing much march bball lately) has been MSU. They had a great team, but then when some of the recruits left early, and others didn't pan out, they were left with too hard of a schedule.

The more this thread is discussed, the more I am starting to agree. I just don't want us to get ourselves in a hole down the road if the potential does not translate into talent.

However, its pretty clear that some average MSU teams have knocked out some awesome bball teams due to their preparation earlier that season. So maybe I'll be officially persueded.

I think from the looks of it that Conley, Lighty, Chichester, Lauderdale, Koufos should all be there in 07 and more studs after that... so hopefully we'll be fine either way.
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The more this thread is discussed, the more I am starting to agree. I just don't want us to get ourselves in a hole down the road if the potential does not translate into talent.

Basketball schedules aren't poured in concrete years in advance like football. The schedule for the season that starts in just a few months still isn't finalized. You can always find a good team who is willing to play if the tv money is right and that can be set up very late. And you can back off somewhat if you need to.

As a season ticket holder for the past few seasons I certainly feel like I am entitled to see a few top-notch OOS teams. What they have done the last two years is almost criminal.
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I definitely agree that even with our average team, the OOS scheduling was a ripoff to fans and the players.

I wasn't sure how it worked, I just knew MSU tended to play many of the same elite teams every year, and one season it caught up with them. Tho the more I consider their track record the more appealing it looks.

I think we need a thread split, b/c this is a very good thread topic that's definitely off topic from the original thread :wink:
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back to whining

Just when I thought the wake flamers would have moved on, they reward me with more humor :slappy::

Wake Scout board
Never heard that one before. That is total bs if allowed. You choose, you sign, you play or sit out a year and transfer period. Why allow a school with a reputation for cheating and under investigation special circumstances. How could the NCAA allow this hogwash?
OSU I guess gets there own set of rules and special circumstances it appears.
Bertt:Did the NCAA make an exception for these kids or is this normal? If they made an exception, that's BS.​
Exactly Bertt. It's about fair play. I'm not sure if this is a provision avaiable to all recruits or not. But if it is special in order to help OSU sign these guys than that is biggest load of crap I have ever heard of and it pisses me off beyond belief.
Wouldn't the fact a opt-out clause exist almost force the NCAA's hand to have sanctions for another 2 years. Otherwise they will look like they got played by OSU and were in no way "punished" and made to hurt.

The NCAA will look like a bunch of clowns if they have a one year probation and then OSU is in the Final 4 the next year w/ a Fab 5 class and schools will only be encouraged all the more to cheat.
Seems OSU is above the law in reference to all the rule abiding schools in the nCAA. Your exactly right OSU has almost benefited from the investigation in this case. Wake needs to send OJ Mayo some cash and roll the dice.
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Oden aims for title at Ohio State
By Christopher Lawlor, USA TODAY
Center Greg Oden of Lawrence North High in Indianapolis, USA TODAY's reigning player of the year, says he'll sign with Ohio State when the NCAA's early, one-week signing period begins Wednesday.
Ohio State is expected to officially learn Wednesday that Indiana prep basketball star Greg Oden — shown at a hoops camp last summer — will play for the Buckeyes.
By Todd Plitt for USA TODAY
"I'm 100% sure that I'm signing with Ohio State," Oden said.
Oden's teammate, 6-1 guard Mike Conley Jr., also will go with the Buckeyes, giving them the No. 2 class behind North Carolina, according to analysts.
A new NBA rule mandates players be at least one year removed from high school and 19 years old before they can be eligible for the league's draft. That means high school players from this year's class won't be eligible for the NBA until the 2007-08 season.
Oden's options included playing professionally overseas or signing a contract with a major shoe company and waiting until 2007.
"Those sound crazy," Oden said. "I'm going to Ohio State to win a national championship."
Players such as the 7-0 Oden, 6-10 Spencer Hawes of Seattle (Wash.) Prep and 6-10 Kevin Durant of Montrose Christian (Rockville, Md.) likely would have been taken high in the 2006 draft.
"This year's class ... is going to help college basketball tremendously," says analyst Dave Telep of scout.com.
Oden's decision also means he wasn't affected by the possibility of harsh penalties against Ohio State stemming from multiple violations. The full scope of penalties won't be known until an NCAA infractions committee meets Dec. 9-10.
The Indianapolis Star had reported Oden and Conley were considering waiting until the spring to sign because of possible penalties.
• North Carolina's signing class will be boosted by three top-10 players, according to Bob Gibbons, who compiles the All-Star Sports Report - Brandan Wright, 6-9 forward, Brentwood (Tenn.) Academy; Wayne Ellington, 6-4 guard, Episcopal Academy (Merion, Pa.); and Tywon Lawson, 6-0 point guard, Oak Hill Academy (Mouth of Wilson, Va.). The Tar Heels lost seven players from their national championship squad.
• On the women's side, Connecticut and Southern California have secured the top classes, analysts say. Jacki Gemelos, who originally said she'd attend Connecticut, is expected to sign with USC.
On hold
Lance Thomas, a 6-9 forward-center from St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, N.J., will make his college decision after he visits Duke this weekend. Thomas, the No. 15 player in the senior class, according to Gibbons, also has visited Arizona, Rutgers and Florida. ... Darrell Arthur of South Oak Cliff in Dallas won't sign during the early period. Arthur, a 6-9, 215-pound power forward, is considering Baylor, Indiana, Kansas and Southern Methodist. "Darrell will wait until the spring," says his high school coach, James Mays. Arthur is the No. 12 prospect, according to Telep.
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there it is jwins
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