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I just read every page in that thread. I can't believe the stupidity shown over there. There are a couple of posters who seem to have some intelligence and understanding in logic, but the vast majority were pathetic.
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big boy basketball is in full swing (after narrowly escaping defeat against George Mason, they were put in their place by unranked florida)

OCC made the right choice.

Official post game thread
Can We Hold an Open Tryout?
dear skip

besides taking sinister pleasure in their meltdown, it sure is great to see the ACC struggling. I sure hope we can help bolster the Big Ten's prowess this year, b/c Illinois will be down a little. IU and MSU should be tough. Billy Packer is gonna take his own life if he has to admit how down the ACC will be this year.
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Odd reading over there. It seems that they don't have a point guard. :huh: It doesn't sound like they're going to have one anytime soon, either, which is strange -- I could have sworn that they were recruiting one of the best in the country out of Indianapolis. :tongue2:

Deacon fans: :smash: :tic: :shake: :bicker: :sad2: :tibor: :bonk: :hatepc: :cry: :dead: :pissed: :sob: :sick1: :grr: :2004:

Buckeye fans: :drunks: :groove: :beer: :banger: :cheers: :lol: :lift: :biggrin2: :slappy: :rofl: :gobucks3: :gobucks4:

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half of their board still thinks Wisky plays ball control basketball... their own members are mocking them since the new coach's fast pace has been in place for like 4 years now (with plenty of visibility in march)
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I want an apology from Barakat... [FONT=Verdana,Arial]( [/FONT]
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Apparently an ACC official wasn't nice to a wake fan, and now the wake board is on a mission to earn a personal apology. sounds like a tool, but it's a humorous thread as an outsider.
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