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I created this over on soonerfans... figured it fit nicely here :)

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I wasn't sure if the cincy tidbit warranted its own thread or not, so I put this intel here.

All spring, wake fans went on and on about how Matta is a snake that leaves programs with a bare cupboard (a false statement), that would do the same to OSU and hop to the pros or the ACC in a few years.

In an ironic twist of fate: now Prosser may very well be headed to Cincy as a head coach.


The wake fans seem to have seen the writing on the wall... sounds like Prosser may be gone.
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reality check is finally setting in... I don't think we're gonna have any smack talk coming from Winston-Salem for sometime.

CP3 was everything
- No, the team WAS CP3. He moved on like he should. Without him we are not good. Very simple. Like Howard, CP covered up a lot of weaknesses in our coaching and our team. Now we see our system for what it is: Not much of a "system" at all.

next year's prediction thread
- Deac fans had better develop some patience because it'll be worse next year, no matter how good the freshmen are. It is going to be a long haul before we are good again, and if David Weaver is even more raw than Swinton.... ouch.

Brutal Substitution Pattern Kills Momentum
- I call it substitution lobotomy. No evidence of cogent thought.

and now I will let this thread slip into mediocrity, like their program, unles they come up with something absolutely hilarious. Probably shouldn't have bumped it this time, but their comical arrogance is still fresh in my mind from last year. Oh how the mighty homers have fallen.
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I love it. All that stupid talk about, how they were the next coming of a great college bball team and they were so much better than us and now they are talking about how bad they suck.

Maybe they should of listened to the more intelligant buckeye fans.:biggrin:
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there are a few decent ones over there. The rest believe every ounce of bull they read on ESPiN.

Here are my favorite flavors of koolaid that many drink over there:
- Skip Prosser built Xavier's program, Matta was just a mooch that used Skip's players
- Columbus doesn't have anything to offer over their tiny little town
- Wake is a national talent any kid would love to go to
- OSU can't compare to Wake in any way as a basketball program

These were the posts they had going when we first started this thread.

Now they would read.

- Skip Prosser needs fired, and Matta took Xavier to places Prosser couldnt dream of.
- Columbus beats our shit hold town.
- Wake is no longer a national talent, these kids are better off going to tOSU.
- Wake can't compare to tOSU in any way as a basketball program.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: - I love seeing Wake suck it up.
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Yeah - I finally had it over there. They were talking about OSU being a JUCO and Harvard being a distant second to Wake. I tried to be nice, but I can only take so much. I basically posted that no one outside of March ever hears about them, and although they claim their school is a feeder for Wall St, the only guy from Wake I have ever met here is a guy a I got a job for in our middle office as a favor to his sister. (True story. Coincidentally, he was on their football team). I told them to ban me if they wanted, because I didnt give a shit at that point. To this day, Im not sure if they have.

Perhaps the best part of this story is a guy over there with the handle "BrianFellows" started an PM war with me. I think I may still have them. I was quite humorous watching him put his foot in his mouth over and over. I will post them here if I can find them.
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Gregg Doyel's front page feature article on CBSSportline will not endear him to Deacon loyalists! :slappy:

Visit http://www.sportsline.com/collegebasketball/story/9195597, it is a scream!

Here's a taste of it...

You know what? It's starting to make sense, the idea that Skip Prosser would leave Wake Forest for disintegrating Cincinnati.

Posser loves Cincinnati, his family loves Cincinnati, the feeling is mutual, and so on and so forth. But this would have to be a basketball move, too, and we've just stumbled upon the basketball reason Prosser would do it:

The only program in America disintegrating as fast as Cincinnati is Wake Forest.

You think Wake Forest is in trouble this season? Wait until next season. The Deacons are tied for last in the ACC right now, and we're telling you, next season they will be worse. Not could be worse. Not might be. Will be.
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Looks like their incredible atmosphere has disappeared now that they have fallen on hard times (Fans Leaving Early?).

<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="tablexlrg bi"> ESPN.com's Bottom 10</td><td align="right"> <form name="menu" onsubmit="gotosite(document.forms[0].url.options[document.forms[0].url.selectedIndex].value);return false">
<input value="GO" onsubmit="gotosite(document.forms[0].url.options[document.forms[0].url.selectedIndex].value);return false" type="hidden"></form> </td></tr></tbody></table> Weeks: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

<table class="tablehead" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="stathead"><td colspan="6">ESPN.com's Bottom 10 Week 14</td></tr> <tr class="colhead"><td> </td><td>RANK</td><td>TEAM</td><td>REC.</td><td>COMMENT</td></tr><tr class="evenrow"><td>
</td><td align="center">10</td><td><nobr>Wake Forest</nobr></td><td><nobr>12-11</nobr></td><td>Echoing Andy Katz's Daily Word from earlier this week, there's too much talent here for this team to be 1-9 in the ACC.</td></tr></tbody></table>
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