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I want an apology from Barakat... [FONT=Verdana,Arial]( [/FONT]
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Apparently an ACC official wasn't nice to a wake fan, and now the wake board is on a mission to earn a personal apology. sounds like a tool, but it's a humorous thread as an outsider.


What a bunch of whiney cry-babies those guys are! Seriously!! That's all I've heard over there on that board
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Apparently that soap opera of a thread is now up to 12 pages and counting. Probably has legs because no-one at any of the papers they contacted with complaints has written back.

Its hard being an ignored prep-school prima donna I guess :wink2:

This one of the more twisted and delusional posts to that thread -
Team Captain

Re: I want an apology from Barakat...
Posted: 11/30/05 5:37:58 pm If he'd only touched you. Then you could have pressed assault charges. Even if they got dropped in court, the press would be all over it and his image would be completely destroyed.
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Is Duke 2005 Team Worst # 1 Ranked Team in Modern History?

Is Duke 2005 Team Worst # 1 Ranked Team in Modern History?
Posted: 11/30/05 9:32:16 pm I can't recall a team worse/unproven team ranked #1? Anyone think of a team ranked number one worse? KidA23

Re: Is Duke 2005 Team Worst # 1 Ranked Team in Modern Histor
Posted: 11/30/05 9:33:24 pm [cough]Wake Forest last season[cough] Edited by: KidA23 at: 11/30/05 9:34:09 pm
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they have already quit on themselves.....just a small melt down from the losers that are left.

of course when the losers who went to the game get back they can whine about some guy named barakat and how the refs sucked.
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