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DCBuckFan said:
Weak attempt


this picture needs to go here.
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Of course - today one of the "hottest" threads on that lame-ass excuse for a board is the HBO 6/21 re-tread of BBall antics pre-Matta.

These loons seriously believe that their wish-list of HS players will tune in tonight and -- ta da tune out Matta ..

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For those of you not willing to waste their lives over there getting dumber, here are a few posts that sums it up (keep in mind the NCAA could very well have punishments finished up before this postseason):

1. Any NCAA sanctions will not be announced prior to this season starting, thus they will be in force during the 06-07 season

2. If Mike and Greg sign with OSU under this cloud every step they've taken, every call they have made, every cheeseburger and shake they have enjoyed will be investigated.

3. We know the Odens and Conleys are good people. However, your lives will be turned upside down due to the stench of OSU. Is it worth it?

4. Greg's endorsement value will tank if he goes to OSU under this cloud. That would be tragic. He seems to be a great kid. Madison Avenue won't care. OSU will have gone from no top recruits to five while under NCAA investigation.
If something seems too good to be true, 99% of the time it is. That's what everyone will think about what has happened at OSU.
If Conley and Oden -- who are now fully aware about how sleazy the OSU athletic culture is -- still want to be associated with it, then I won't miss them at Wake.

I would hope that both they and their parents would be appalled to be associated with a program like that.

In choosing between Wake and OSU, they are not just choosing a college, they are choosing a set of values. The choice could not be more starkly defined. It is about far more than basketball at this point.
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The lastest that I saw was - "Why would anyone want to move to New York from Winston-Salem?"

Seriously, someone posted that.

he would probably bet you thousands of dollars that the basketball program will get 3 more years of probation.
If he's willing to put it into escrow - where do I sign up???!!
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Wake fans should be extremely proud of Duncan... but its post like these that help them continue to outdo themselves:
What an excellent role model and athlete Tim Duncan is! Greg Oden I hope you watched carefully, cause we can do the same for you!
Good work wake fans, you really made duncan. I suppose if Oden came to Wake and showed up in the pros with his humility, you'd claim making that too...
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bucknuts44820 said:
I wonder if anyone has posted the Indstar article on the Wake site yet? The board probably blew up....:biggrin:
Only twice so far :lol:


There are some good ones so far, here are my 2 favorite:

It was sort of like watching the gratuitous naked chick in a Friday the 13th movie. You like her, you want to see more of her, but you just know she's going to choose going down in the basement as opposed to getting in the car and leaving town. And the results are predictable.

I hope it turns out well for OC at tOSU, but....

I guess the bags of cash will start showing up in the Oden mailbox any minute now.


I'd feel much worse about this if they were going to Duke or UNC.

Nothing new in that article. Same stuff we've known for 2 months. I have no problem wishing OSU ill-will. I'll be rooting for Oden and Conley to do well in the NBA, but I do not want to see OSU benefit from their cheating. They've made out like bandits from cheating and losing the Final Four and another postseason ban will be meaningless.
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I would hate getting beat up by my two big brothers as well... only problem is wake isn't going to grow up to put Duke and UNC in their place... it must get old getting your head handed to you by your two "rivals" (I doubt Duke and UNC consider Wake a rival... again poor little brother)...

little brother in both sports and academics... must suck coming in second (well actually third :wink2: ) place every year...
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Conley Sr. has denied that Oden and Conley have made a decision but does say that both will attend the same school in college.

My take is that Conley Sr. wants to wait and build the suspense for the ABCD camp in early July. The typical thing to do when news leaks of this type is for the family and friends to denie the report until they are ready to announce. Its clearly Ohio State.
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