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Vince Young (unemployed)

I think that Young may be, in part, doing this to have a much greater chance of being the #1 pick in the draft. With Leinart, and Bush (if he leaves) its much more doubtful he would go #1 with them to compete with. Some of these guys really do have that ego where they wanna be that "Number 1" guy.
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tsteele316: "phillip rivers?"

I'll even add Randall Cunningham and Kerry Collins to the list of 'awkward releases' who got drafted high.

But the difference is, with all the guys that you & 'Lonesome mentioned, they made a living in the pocket with awkward releases. He's known as a 'run-first' QB with an awkward release .. that never sat too well with GMs in the draft (in the past, anyway).

I'm with Mili on this. If Young has a so-so year next year, his stock could fall to the late first round. He could go # 1 overall if Texas wins the National Title.
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He's known as a 'run-first' QB with an awkward release .. that never sat too well with GMs in the draft (in the past, anyway).

I think that he is debunking some of that this year with his play. He has been much more comfortable in the pocket this year.

Still i actually agree with both you and mili, if the money is there this year he should take it. You go to college to get a job, if his market value reaches its peak this year then go for it
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High Lonesome: "Still i actually agree with both you and mili, if the money is there this year he should take it. You go to college to get a job, if his market value reaches its peak this year then go for it"

Agreed. Leinhart is a unique case. USC is the toast of Los Angeles right now. Could you imagine being 21 years old and the king of LA?

I mean, come on: booty calls with Lindsay Lohan, partying like a rock star, playing like an All-Star, and f***ing like a porn star with the hottest chicks you could imagine .. you just can't put a price on that.

Even if he loses $10 million by falling in the Draft, it'd be well worth it.
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With everything that we lose from our defense after this year, I am not at all confident about the trip to Austin.

Yes, I know that the Backup Linebackers (for example) have acquitted themselves well. You do NOT, however, lose a Butkus/Lombardi winner & Bobby Carpenter & our safeties & etc... and stay at the same level.

Yes, I realize that their offense won't be nearly what it is this year (in my opinion anyway). Yes, I realize that it's highly unlikely that Young is coming back.

No, I don't think there offensive losses are equivalent to our defensive losses. Even if their new OL hasn't gelled yet by the time we play them (likely).

I will wish for a win more in that game than any non-UM game in a long time. But you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first.
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I'm completely with NFBuck. I'd love another shot at Texas with VY at the controls.

As far as him being the #1 pick in this years draft, that'll happen when Swoopes comes out and announces she's heterosexual.
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I don't think that Vince Young is ever going to be the number one pick in the draft. If he's a projected first rounder then he owes it to himself to give serious consideration to coming out.

Leinart on the other hand may have cost himself some money. I agree with Mili that he has probably dropped after this season. If I'm picking 1st then Reggie Bush is absolutely my guy. He is going to be the best player available in the draft and can be an immeidate game changer. You have to take a guy like that no matter what. After that, with my limited knowledge of who is coming out in this years draft, a team will probably go with need. Do the poor teams who are going to have the high draft picks need QBs? Does Cleveland need a QB? Frye is going to be the starter at some point this season, and if he lights it up would Cleveland draft Leinart? Houston? David Carr is still young. San Fran? Minny? Depending on the draft order Leinart could drop considerably.

I could be way off, though.
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I don't think that Vince Young is ever going to be the number one pick in the draft. If he's a projected first rounder then he owes it to himself to give serious consideration to coming out.

Leinart on the other hand may have cost himself some money. I agree with Mili that he has probably dropped after this season. If I'm picking 1st then Reggie Bush is absolutely my guy. He is going to be the best player available in the draft and can be an immeidate game changer. You have to take a guy like that no matter what. After that, with my limited knowledge of who is coming out in this years draft, a team will probably go with need. Do the poor teams who are going to have the high draft picks need QBs? Does Cleveland need a QB? Frye is going to be the starter at some point this season, and if he lights it up would Cleveland draft Leinart? Houston? David Carr is still young. San Fran? Minny? Depending on the draft order Leinart could drop considerably.

I could be way off, though.

there are several teams that will be in the market for a qb. tennessee is starting to realize the air mcnair era is about over. The Saints have about had their fill with Brooks. Baltimore needs to realize that kyle boller is terrible. arizona is have a qb duel with warner and mccown. those are all teams with likely top 15-20 picks. young would likely be the #2 qb overall in the draft at this point since nobody is really standing out right now.
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