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Vince Young (unemployed)

Not coming back too Tenn.....

Titans plan to move Vince Young

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Titans owner Bud Adams says it's time to let Vince Young go and find his franchise's next new quarterback.

The Titans released a statement Wednesday night in which Adams said Young won't be on the team's roster next season, but he's still evaluating the coaching staff, including head coach Jeff Fisher. Adams says he wishes things had worked out better, but he thinks it's best for the franchise to move on without Young.

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There is nothing more evident that the pro game is so vastly different than the college game than this fella...

Everyone was sure Vince Young would be the quintessential QB and dominate.. and here we are wondering what bottom feeder is going to pick him up on waivers
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NJ-Buckeye;1851054; said:
There is nothing more evident that the pro game is so vastly different than the college game than this fella...

Everyone was sure Vince Young would be the quintessential QB and dominate.. and here we are wondering what bottom feeder is going to pick him up on waivers

The guy can play. He substantially improved his game this year. The problem is that people around the league are probably going to view him as a potential coach killer. I mean, if you can seriously draw into question a coach as respected as Jeff Fisher, then it really speaks volumes about him.

We all laughed at his pathetic Wonderlic scores a couple years ago, but now it seems very plausible that those scores should have been an indicator of why no teams should ever consider investing millions of dollars on a guy who exhibits a me-first and leader-less persona.

He's worth it for some teams, but I wouldn't want him on mine.
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Re: Titans QB Vince Young (official thread)

He's not even a Buffalo Bill quarterback now.

Bills release Vince Young

The arrival of quarterback Tarvaris Jackson in Buffalo means Vince Young's exit from the Bills.
The Bills officially parted ways with Young on Monday, announcing his release in a one-sentence statement. Earlier in the day, Young said on his Twitter account that he wanted to thank the Bills for the opportunity.

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Proof positive that an absolutely transcendent collegiate talent doesn't necessarily translate to being a good pro. VY was as thrilling a player as I've ever seen in a college uni, but I'd hate to see him on my pro roster.
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Six years after entering the NFL as the third player taken in the draft, Vince Young finds himself without a team and with only a fraction of the money he received from a contract that guaranteed him $26 million. The question is, where did it all go?
The quarterback who led Texas to a Rose Bowl victory in 2006 is back in Houston after being cut by the Buffalo Bills. He's also in a tenuous financial condition as a caustic series of legal actions focus on what happened to his money.
Some portray Young as an out-of-control spender who put himself deeply in the hole. Others describe him as a victim of inexperienced advisers.
Young's attorney says of his client just "needs a job."

Entire article: http://www.tsn.ca/nfl/story/?id=405581
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NFBuck;2217495; said:

I'll never comprehend how these dumb [censored]s blow through millions so easily. :shake:

Come here to Austin... eat at the Vince Young Steakhouse ... help him make his money back


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