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Vince Young (unemployed)

brodybuck21;1543569; said:
What a classy gesture by Vince.

Maybe VY is growing up?

The Titans better hope so because I don't think they can ride Collins and their defense to another division title.
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Once an IQ of 50, always an IQ of 50...

Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas |

Tennessee Titans quarterback Vince Young received an assault citation after getting into a fight at a Dallas strip club and leaving before authorities arrived early Sunday, police said.

Surveillance video footage released by police showed the former University of Texas star and several people talking in a small room before Young attacked someone in the room. Others tried to break up the fight.

Young wasn't at Club Onyx when police responded to a call about the fight, said Dallas police Lt. Andy Harvey.
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He's never going to be a steady NFL quarterback. The job doesn't require brilliance, but it does require some basic cognitive ability, and Vince Young has always operated just this side of full retard. From the special "major" that was created to keep him eligible at Texas to the rocking out of a six on the Wonderlic, the guy is just not prepared to operate outside of the bubble that UT created for him.
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