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Vince Young (unemployed)

I have family in the Tennessee area, and there is serious talk that Vince Young doesn't want to play anymore. He seems to feel the fans have turned against him, and he isn't sure he really wants to play in the NFL, with all the pressure and criticizm that goes with it. There is rampant speculation that the team is starting to prepare like he will no longer be there, but that's just speculation at this point.

If it's not fun to play anymore, I can see not wanting to take the physical pounding and sit through hours of meetings and film study, I guess.
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Bucklion;1254807; said:
I have family in the Tennessee area, and there is serious talk that Vince Young doesn't want to play anymore. He seems to feel the fans have turned against him, and he isn't sure he really wants to play in the NFL, with all the pressure and criticizm that goes with it. There is rampant speculation that the team is starting to prepare like he will no longer be there, but that's just speculation at this point.

Bringing in Chris Simms to go with Collins says something. It's not like Young's knee injury is a season ender.

Either way, Vince needs his mommy to stop talking to the press. She's not helping his situation.
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He was a great competitor in college, but I didn't think his game would translate to the pros. I did think though that he'd be able to transform himself into a successful pro-style QB a la Donovan McNabb. So far that hasn't come to pass.

Most surprising of all however is his apparent mindset. What happened to the Vince Young that you would never, ever bet against? Never figured he'd go all Tim Couch on us. :(
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jlb1705;1255129; said:
He was a great competitor in college, but I didn't think his game would translate to the pros. I did think though that he'd be able to transform himself into a successful pro-style QB a la Donovan McNabb. So far that hasn't come to pass.
I never thought that someone who's own college coach said "got worse the more we coached him" would ever transform into a successful pro-style QB.
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This news isn't really that surprising, given the article that came out in the spring reporting that he considered quitting after one NFL season. The thing is, the guy's a phenomenal talent, and although he doesn't put up incredible passing numbers by any stretch of the imagination, he wins NFL games, which is all that really matters to an NFL GM.
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I hope for Vince's sake he figures this out, I always respected his competitiveness is college, he was one opponent that I could really appreciate. It's possible he may be struggling with some mental health issues now (we don't really know from reports), and it sounds like he is seriously reconsidering whether he fits in this line of work. Not everyone is cut out for the pros, and there is more to life than football, so I hope for him as a person he figures this one out rather than delving half-hearted back into it and disappointing/letting others down who would be depending on him.
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Young at Titans' practice

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - If Vince Young isn't sure he wants to play football anymore, he didn't show it Wednesday.
He reported to work, watched part of practice with a wrap around his sprained left knee and avoided reporters wanting to talk about his mother's comments indicating he doesn't want to play because of the negativity he's faced since being booed heavily during a 17-10 win over Jacksonville.
His coach and teammates are sticking with their quarterback and the official story that whatever happened that prompted coach Jeff Fisher to alert police to help locate Young and check on his emotional well-being was just a misunderstanding.

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I think there's something to be said about quite a few of the college game's greats that don't "make it" in the pros. It's like once they play football for a living, for a job, it loses its appeal.
lots of good college players never it make it in the pros. many are playing in college at their peak, they are maxed out or near the max phsically and mentally. somes games just dont translate. some just dont have it to compete with the competition is that much better. keep in mind how few people play in the nfl, and its just not a 4 year span like college.

on vinces story, i dont know what to say. likely this is this kids first run against some adversity in his life. sure im sure he might have faced some tough times growing up, hes never struggled, ever. its odd that someone gets all messed up over getting millions to play a kids game. it also shows what a psyche can do it a game, keep this in mind. those of you booing, screaming, taunting and continuing to piss negativity should keep this in mind....
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Police: Search for Young because of suicide talk - NFL - SI.com

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- The Tennessee Titans called police Monday night for help searching for Vince Young because his therapist told coach Jeff Fisher the quarterback mentioned suicide several times before driving away from his home with a gun.

Both Fisher and Young have said what happened Monday night was overblown by the media. But the supplemental report filed Tuesday by Nashville police showed that Fisher was worried about the quarterback after the call from Young's therapist.

:tibor: Poor wittle baby
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