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Vince Young (unemployed)


Vince Young not on vacation at Pro Bowl

HONOLULU - Vince Young didn't see this trip to Hawaii as a vacation. The Tennessee quarterback figured a rookie should never stop learning, even at the Pro Bowl.

So Young mined his fellow stars for any vein of information during the week leading up to Saturday's game at Aloha Stadium. He got solid coaching advice from the AFC's Bill Belichick, while Peyton Manning spoke with him about resilience.


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sandgk;747103; said:
How many folks in the media gallery of experts really had Vince Young down as anything other than a project for his first year in the NFL?

So much for their opinions.
I never heard even one say that he would be an instant star. I myself never expect it of anyone in the NFL. I guess he just fooled everyone.
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Wouldn't surprise me. VYoung won games, but his stats were shitty. that can work in college and for short stretches as a pro, but over a full season, if you can't complete passes and limit INTs, you'll fail.

The fact that he played in the pro bowl is a joke.
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tibor75;826365; said:
Wouldn't surprise me. VYoung won games, but his stats were shitty. that can work in college and for short stretches as a pro, but over a full season, if you can't complete passes and limit INTs, you'll fail.

The fact that he played in the pro bowl is a joke.

exactly. also is a joke that he got the ROY over the likes of jones-drew, addai, etc.
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Jeffcat;826364; said:
i'm callin it right now....VY will be a bust next year. i will vbet everything.

So what happens if he isn't? How about you make it interesting and change your moniker to a Vince Young picture if he has a respectable season? I'm not doubting that he may have a bad sophomore season, but let's not get prophetic with your assumptions unless your willing to back it up. :wink2:
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daddyphatsacs;826370; said:
So what happens if he isn't? How about you make it interesting and change your moniker to a Vince Young picture if he has a respectable season? I'm not doubting that he may have a bad sophomore season, but let's not get prophetic with your assumptions unless your willing to back it up. :wink2:

well technically i don't have to back it up considering how badly he has already done. hmmmm i will change my avatar as long as you lay out some guidelines as to what a "respectable" season is.
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Jeffcat;826372; said:
well technically i don't have to back it up considering how badly he has already done. hmmmm i will change my avatar as long as you lay out some guidelines as to what a "respectable" season is.

I'll think that over. Catdaddy I must give it to you, you are very good at finding a lump of coal out of a pile of gold..........a kind of think that takes talent. :wink2:
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daddyphatsacs;826411; said:
I'll think that over. Catdaddy I must give it to you, you are very good at finding a lump of coal out of a pile of gold..........a kind of think that takes talent. :wink2:

:biggrin: i know but it just bothers the hell out of me how overrated he is with nothing to show for it or there is always some lingering premise for the argument that he is overrated. with henry and pacman gone i am calling him out now to be exposed. i just can't wait for the lovefest that ESPN has for him to be sitting in shock when he does bad because they will be lost out of their minds.:slappy:
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