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Vince Young (unemployed)

jimotis4heisman;1255767; said:
. it also shows what a psyche can do it a game, keep this in mind. those of you booing, screaming, taunting and continuing to [censored] negativity should keep this in mind....

Oh, spare me. Teachers have to deal with troublesome kids, lawyers have to interact with criminals, doctorbs are theatened with being sued, firemen and police risk their lives daily, and we should feel sorry for pieces of shit like Vince because they get booed? Comical.

Vince should be lucky that depressed idiots with an IQ of 50 can have a job that pays millions.
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Friends have their theories about what's eating at Vince Young

Streeter Lecka/Getty Images
Quarterback Vince Young threw two interceptions in the Titans' opener agains the Jaguars, and his frustration showed.

On Day 3 of the Vince Young saga, a 78-year-old man showed up on Young's doorstep with a suitcase, unannounced. The Spirit sent him.
Pastor Samuel Smith does not question these messages; he just goes where they take him. He is Young's spiritual advisor. In the early days of 2006, after Young led Texas to the national championship, the pastor had a dream in which he saw men trying to catch a rainbow trout and make it their trophy. "Man," he said, "that trout is not meant to be on nobody's mantelpiece. Let him go free and let him do alone what he can do."
Smith used that dream to advise Young to leave Texas after his junior year and become an NFL quarterback. And now, 2? years later, football followers wonder whether Young was truly ready.
And they wonder whether Vince Young is OK.
He has been the NFL's biggest mystery since Sept. 8, when Nashville police were called to help track down the Tennessee Titans quarterback. Young was described as being "emotionally down," disenchanted with football and possibly suicidal. His inner circle went underground. Young shrugged it all off at the time, saying people were overreacting. His mother, Felicia Young, told The Tennessean that her son "needs love and support," then said she wasn't talking about it anymore.
What's eating at Vince Young? A handful of his friends and former coaches have been asked about his past, and what it might say about his future. They share stories, and theories. But the truth lies with Young, who hasn't spoken publicly in a couple of weeks.
In Houston, the man Young calls "Pops" tries, best he can, to explain what is going on in Young's head. Smith sits in an empty blue pew at the Mount Horeb Missionary Baptist Church, a dozen or so rows up from where Young parked as a kid. It's 90 degrees, but the air conditioning is off. Outside Mount Horeb's door is the steel skyline of downtown Houston; around it is the destruction of the hurricane. Ike was merciful to the church, Smith says, "He walked around us."
Before Ike hit, and hours after Young's own personal storm, the pastor says he flew to Nashville and spent four days with Young. They rested, ate well and, Smith says, "chilled out." He was called there, he says, because of Young's aching knee, not his heart.
"We all go through these things," he says, "in our youth and in our age. That's life. How much does he love football?"
Smith puts his hand on his chest.
"That's his life."

Entire article: ESPN - Friends have their theories about what's eating at Vince Young - NFL
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tibor75;1257608; said:
Oh, spare me. Teachers have to deal with troublesome kids, lawyers have to interact with criminals, doctorbs are theatened with being sued, firemen and police risk their lives daily, and we should feel sorry for pieces of [censored] like Vince because they get booed? Comical.

Vince should be lucky that depressed idiots with an IQ of 50 can have a job that pays millions.
So in summary, your argument is: "I have to put up with crap therefore everyone should have to put up with crap." Somehow I don't think that's what Woody meant with the whole "Pay it forward" thing.
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Oh, spare me. Teachers have to deal with troublesome kids, lawyers have to interact with criminals, doctorbs are theatened with being sued, firemen and police risk their lives daily, and we should feel sorry for pieces of shit like Vince because they get booed? Comical.

Vince should be lucky that depressed idiots with an IQ of 50 can have a job that pays millions.
lots of good college players never it make it in the pros. many are playing in college at their peak, they are maxed out or near the max phsically and mentally. somes games just dont translate. some just dont have it to compete with the competition is that much better. keep in mind how few people play in the nfl, and its just not a 4 year span like college.

on vinces story, i dont know what to say. likely this is this kids first run against some adversity in his life. sure im sure he might have faced some tough times growing up, hes never struggled, ever. its odd that someone gets all messed up over getting millions to play a kids game. it also shows what a psyche can do it a game, keep this in mind. those of you booing, screaming, taunting and continuing to [censored] negativity should keep this in mind....

quote the whole thing if youre gonna quote it. should it impact, no. but it does. that was my point, nothing more, nothing less.
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Young returns to practice but Titans sticking with Collins

Associated Press
Updated: October 1, 2008, 7:03 PM ET

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Start the clock on the Tennessee Titans' quarterback controversy.
On Wednesday, Vince Young practiced for the first time since spraining his left knee Sept. 7 and sparking concern after police were called to help search for him. He was limited, but took a few snaps with both the scout team and the first-team offense.

Young didn't talk to reporters and hasn't since Sept. 11 when he explained his mother had overreacted to him taking off without his cell phone. That day he also said he expected he would return as starter once healthy.

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BuckeyeInTheBoro;1271602; said:
So in summary, your argument is: "I have to put up with crap therefore everyone should have to put up with crap." Somehow I don't think that's what Woody meant with the whole "Pay it forward" thing.

I think his point was more that you know what comes with the territory when you take the job. If you don't want to do it, then don't. No one is forcing him to play football, and he's getting paid more in a year than many folksmake in a lifetime to do it. Everyone gets criticized in their jobs...he shouldn't expect anything different.
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I think his point was more that you know what comes with the territory when you take the job. If you don't want to do it, then don't. No one is forcing him to play football, and he's getting paid more in a year than many folksmake in a lifetime to do it. Everyone gets criticized in their jobs...he shouldn't expect anything different.
you should see what happens when wendy's makes me a bad batch of fries...
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Bucklion;1294939; said:
Anyone else find this quote from him in an NBC article kinda, I dunno, contradictory and shit? :slappy:

"I'm a great guy, a great humble guy,"

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror 'cause I get better lookin' each day
To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doin' the best that I can

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Another Vince Young sighting, another plea to get back on the field of play ... FoxSports styles this as Vince gearing up to give the Titans an ultimatum:
Is Vince Young ready to give the Tennessee Titans an ultimatum?

Well, some comments he made to WMAR in Baltimore sure make it sound like one might be coming.
Said Young, "I definitely want to get back out there playing ball and picking up where I left off, winning games and having a good time with my teammates and with the fans. At the same time, if them guys don't want me to be in there, it's time for me to make a career change for myself."

Countdown to merciless Farks of Young as a frustrated whiner on SoonerFans.com can begin now ...
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Young surprises McNair's sons
For one day at least, Vince Young stepped up to try to fill the void for the late Steve McNair's two young sons, the Tennessean reported Thursday.

Young surprised 11-year-old Trenton and 5-year-old Tyler on Wednesday by showing up at their house and taking them to their school's "Dear Dads Breakfast" at a local restaurant.

"Those are my boys," Young told the Tennessean. "I wouldn't say it was to pay anyone back; it was just out of love. Steve would do it for me. He pretty much did it for me when I was growing up. I have a history with the boys and I want to do anything I can. I am their big brother."

Julie Dilworth, admissions director at St. Paul Christian Academy, lauded Young's actions.

"It was a great, great gesture," Dilworth told the Tennessean. "All the kids had been talking about the dads' breakfast and [Trenton and Tyler] were wondering what was going to happen with them.

"They were thrilled ... the boys came to school with huge smiles on their faces."

Young had a close relationship with Steve McNair, even before the latter was drafted by the Titans four years ago. He attended McNair's football camps when he was young. McNair was shot and killed July 4.

Besides being there for McNair's sons, Young gave other kids at the school jerseys and autographs.

"It was a surprise, and just to see the excitement on their faces, it's a great feeling," Young told the Tennessean. "We had a good time eating pancakes. I had an omelet.

"Overall they are doing cool, doing good. Just talking to their mom, I think they are going to be all right. I am always going to be here for them, always."

McNair also had two older teenage sons.
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