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Value City Arena (official thread)

If we were a basketball school, they could get away with charging that much, but like I said, we're not.

How does being a football school have anything to do with basketball ticket prices?

The issue is that our AD is in the red big time because of the stadium renovations and construction of the Schott. They are trying to make $ any way possible. This comes at a price to the students.
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How does being a football school have anything to do with basketball ticket prices?

The issue is that our AD is in the red big time because of the stadium renovations and construction of the Schott. They are trying to make $ any way possible. This comes at a price to the students.

I'm just saying that if we were a basketball school, the current prices would be acceptable. But we arent a basketball school.
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There are a lot more bball games than football in a season, so if the students want to attend all the games they are going to have to spend a pretty penny, just to do that. They need to have half price games, or even a say two dollars to get into a game like say FAMU b/c the crowd is going to be dead on a nite like that, b/c not many people are going to care about a game like that.

Also weeknight games should not have the same prices as weekend games. The demand for a weeknights is not the same for weekend.

Also IMO the Schott is really big, and while it is great when it is full, but the thing is that it doesnt fill up all that often.
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lso, out of all those "intimidating environments" - how many of them belong to shitty teams?
Maryland, Duke, NC, IU, MSU, Illinois, Kansas, etc all have great atmospheres. This is not a little school trend.

With the way Matta has this program on the rise, aren't we going to be generating a lot more money from TV contracts and such? I realize it's probably not an overwhelming amount, but with a likely increase in overall revenue from bball, couldn't we afford to cater a little bit less to the rich, silent fans?
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move the press from down on the court up into the press box. then add a student section there.

the reality is now though that the "student section" behind the basket is only full half the time. why double the area if you cant get kids to go?

the one thing about the schott, is when it rocks, it ROCKS. when it doesn't rock it has the feeling you are at church. other things can be done to greater increase the atmosphere. you see that theyve used the t shirt cannons of the jackets once the had a show in town to compete with. maybe they should look into how other arenas do it. the reality is 19,500 at the schott are louder than 9,314 at cameron indoor, when the crowd at the schott shows up.

the reality is wait til next year things will change, but dont forget the impact each and every person had in the last 5 mins of the illinois game last year next time you have the oppurtunity to go watch your buckeyes...
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Maryland, Duke, NC, IU, MSU, Illinois, Kansas, etc all have great atmospheres. This is not a little school trend.

With the way Matta has this program on the rise, aren't we going to be generating a lot more money from TV contracts and such? I realize it's probably not an overwhelming amount, but with a likely increase in overall revenue from bball, couldn't we afford to cater a little bit less to the rich, silent fans?

Who do you think this is, Notre Dame? All the big TV money is negotiated at the NCAA and Big Ten level. Getting better will increase demand for tickets, demand for signage at the games, and increase sales of officially licensed merchandise, but it will not affect TV money because the largest chunk of that is negotiated collectively.
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Who do you think this is, Notre Dame? All the big TV money is negotiated at the NCAA and Big Ten level. Getting better will increase demand for tickets, demand for signage at the games, and increase sales of officially licensed merchandise, but it will not affect TV money because the largest chunk of that is negotiated collectively.
when OSU starts appearing on national TV more often, does the money go to the big ten, and then get dispersed? I would expect to see OSU on national TV more often in the next few years, however I am not familiar with the system enough to know if those games would merely replace other big ten national broadcasts.
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move the press from down on the court up into the press box. then add a student section there.

the reality is now though that the "student section" behind the basket is only full half the time. why double the area if you cant get kids to go?

the one thing about the schott, is when it rocks, it ROCKS. when it doesn't rock it has the feeling you are at church. other things can be done to greater increase the atmosphere. you see that theyve used the t shirt cannons of the jackets once the had a show in town to compete with. maybe they should look into how other arenas do it. the reality is 19,500 at the schott are louder than 9,314 at cameron indoor, when the crowd at the schott shows up.

the reality is wait til next year things will change, but dont forget the impact each and every person had in the last 5 mins of the illinois game last year next time you have the oppurtunity to go watch your buckeyes...

I agree, I scratch my head at the area behind one of the baskets that is filled with the press. Can't you move them somewhere else, and put some fans there? Just a thought.

I also think that if people would get off their asses during the game it would help the noise. I was at Wisconsin last week, and it was embarassing. I looked into the low level seating and only saw people stand when we'd go on a run. It seems that the most noise comes from those in the upper deck, and the students. They seem to want to be there the most.
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As someone who has held season tickets for over 25 years I can appreciate the need to make the Schott a more hostile environment (although it can never approach my beloved St. John). I would love to see that. I really would.

That said, the OSU students can kiss my big pink hiney.

Never saw a petition when we were struggling so don't try that line of BS with me. This is about everybody wanting to stand courtside and see Greg Oden up close. Those who have been waiting patiently - literally for decades - for a team like this to come along can just take a step back and say "Hey, it's your school, let me just grab my things and get our of your way."

I'm bending over as we speak. It's hairy and sweaty and ready for a big old smooch - but first I need to see your student ID.
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Never saw a petition when we were struggling so don't try that line of BS with me. This is about everybody wanting to stand courtside and see Greg Oden up close. Those who have been waiting patiently - literally for decades - for a team like this to come along can just take a step back and say "Hey, it's your school, let me just grab my things and get our of your way."
Riiiight, and it couldn't be that basketball is finally gaining excitement again... and yet the homecourt advantage is still comparable to IU in football. That bothers me quite a bit, and a lot of others also from what I've seen. I don't disagree that there are plenty of bandwagon fans that will jump on board this year and next.

These changes are being called for by everyone, not just students. I've heard a lot of people here and elsewhere that want students to make the Schott at least comparable to many other big ten schools in terms of noise/atmosphere.
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As someone who has held season tickets for over 25 years I can appreciate the need to make the Schott a more hostile environment (although it can never approach my beloved St. John). I would love to see that. I really would.

Then can you do me a favor. Please tell the fat cats to get off their asses, stop complaining about the people standing in front of them, and cheer.

I agree that the students have made their own bed somewhat. But it's not all the students. There are plenty (count me in from '99-'02) of students who want to sit closer to the court, but are stuck in the 400 section. With one of my half-season tickets, I sat down with the block O section. With the other half, I saw how the other half lives. And it sucked.

Like I said before: 1. The Athletic Department needs to do a much, much better job of letting the students know when the tickets go on sale and when the deadline is. 2. Split-season tickets suck.
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herbie was talking about this on the fan today.

basically said the only viable option is the one i listed above (man am i smart).
taking over part of the faculty section and giving it to the student. these tickets are $21 dollars though. gene smith said this wasnt feasible b/c of money reasons. herbie basically called out a local business to foot the bill and have it named after them. saying good write off, good pub this team is going to be all over national tv, and that the kids would see this company(ies) as a hero.
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