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Value City Arena (official thread)

I understand that for the lesser opponents that the Schott may not be as loud, but having a closer student section can help with that too. I went to a UD game, versus Grambling State. The student section kicked ass that night. UD had just come off a big win at Cincinnatti, and they played like crap, keeping Grambling in the game much longer than they should have, but the student section kept the entire crowd into the game. Awesome atmosphere. I was also in the athletic band at tOSU, and the atmosphere was terrible. To be fair, it was at St. John's during the Moore, Bailey, and Tate years. The women's basketball games were better, because Katie Smith was kicking ass, but it still wasn't very loud.
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I do not believe Gene Smith ever promised anything... we hoped that he would move a student section down there. It may happen, but I don't think he's taken an official stance on the issue. hopefully I'm wrong.

I remember hearing an interview with him on 1460 several months ago, and I forget exactly what he said, but I took from the interview that there wouldn't be a student section down there anytime soon.
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There were probably 500 people max in the upperdeck, and there were plenty of empty seats down below.

This is pathetic. I think the problem is that students are charged $12/game, even for these out of conference games against lesser opponents. If you ask me, students should get in for $5/game, and maybe even for free to out of conference games against teams like Belmont and Tennesee St.
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This is pathetic. I think the problem is that students are charged $12/game, even for these out of conference games against lesser opponents. If you ask me, students should get in for $5/game, and maybe even for free to out of conference games against teams like Belmont and Tennesee St.

Remember to that allot of students are gone right now. Most high tailed it out of town late last week.
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I understand that for the lesser opponents that the Schott may not be as loud, but having a closer student section can help with that too. I went to a UD game, versus Grambling State. The student section kicked ass that night. UD had just come off a big win at Cincinnatti, and they played like crap, keeping Grambling in the game much longer than they should have, but the student section kept the entire crowd into the game. Awesome atmosphere. I was also in the athletic band at tOSU, and the atmosphere was terrible. To be fair, it was at St. John's during the Moore, Bailey, and Tate years. The women's basketball games were better, because Katie Smith was kicking ass, but it still wasn't very loud.

UD's student section absolutely blows ours out of the water.
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Talk about a hot button topic with OSU basketball fans. The seating arrangements at the Schott leave a lot to be desired. We all want some sort of home court advantage and I don't think that will happen until they move the students closer to the court.
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