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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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This poor deluded Michigan fan (who pretends to be a Florida State fan) will never learn:

Took me a ridiculously long time to figure out this guy typed an "f" instead of a "g" as I kept telling myself calling someone/something "food" must be the hip new slang all the kids are using now.

Of course, FL did have tsun for lunch, so there's that.
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Go tell that to the Boren family.
Let me know if there are any 4-star prospects in that lady’s family and I will re-evaluate my position.

By-the-by, is there anyone happier right now than Zach Harrison? Do you think he is embarrassed he was apparently so seriously enamored by Harbaugh and Ann Arbor in the first place?

I do think if you have a son who is a football prospect, changing allegiances based on what is best for their career development is more reasonable.
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And now the DFBIA is resorting to blaming Lloyd Carr on the current mess of the program! :slappy:



December 29th, 2018 at 3:47 PM ^

A lot of that can be attributed to Loser Lloyd Carr. He fucked up this program then burned it to the fucking ground. Why anyone respects that piece of shit I’ll never understand.


December 30th, 2018 at 5:20 AM ^

Actually, the evidence was Carr signing transfer papers for 70% of the team (including Boren to go transfer to OsU) & RR lost first string and second even before having his first team meeting. I loved Carr until he pulled some shady stuff causing a lot of turmoil within the program


December 30th, 2018 at 12:09 AM ^

Yes Lloyd did everything he could to ruin the program for r.r. Can’t stand him. But Harbaugh has had enough time to at least win the big ten. Yet we have had 50 kids transfer out. Still doesn’t have an offensive line. Embarrassing.
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And now the DFBIA is resorting to blaming Lloyd Carr on the current mess of the program! :slappy:


There is a shred of truth to it imo.

St Bill Martin had the right idea, that program needed an infusion of new blood, a clean break from the shadow of Bo and his acolytes. Rich Rod (bless his soul) was just terrible execution of the right idea and as sorry as he was he was also fighting internal backstabbing from Lloyd and the M man cult who still to this very moment can't let go. I always give all the credit to GBYYMSOB but Carr had a big hand in the total failure by torpedoing a guy who was probably going to fall flat on his face anyway.

Fast forward to today and the chickens, many here predicted would come, are home to roost for tsun. They are all in on a mental defective coach who is quite literally living out his Bo role playing fantasy in the real world with predictably hilarious results. The real problem, as we have all said from day 1, is that they can't get rid of him. The amount of losing it will take to force the power brokers of that program to fire Jim Harbaugh is hard to comprehend (but I can't wait to watch).
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