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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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Army’s defense was statistically good last year.....this is a defense I’ve seen from some scUM fans I know. However they lost all key players from said defense. Even then 14 points in regulation against Army is a Hershey squirt fart.
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Army’s defense was statistically good last year.....this is a defense I’ve seen from some scUM fans I know. However they lost all key players from said defense. Even then 14 points in regulation against Army is a Hershey squirt fart.

The Whiskey game is going to be a watershed for the Harbaugh coaching legacy.

If they get handled along the LOS, which at this point looks like a very real possibility, and lose then they are going to be revolt on him.

The media spent the summer listing all the reasons why this should finally be their year. If it goes up in smoke in September....
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The Whiskey game is going to be a watershed for the Harbaugh coaching legacy.

If they get handled along the LOS, which at this point looks like a very real possibility, and lose then they are going to be revolt on him.

The media spent the summer listing all the reasons why this should finally be their year. If it goes up in smoke in September....

Wait, I thought last year was supposed to be his year: veteran defense, a team full of "his guys," new QB at Ohio State, off-season turmoil at Ohio State.
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