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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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It's the same thing every year. Somehow, much of the media STILL thinks harbrau is a good coach.

Yup. MythAgain

What in the everloving fuck? I hate Cowherd and hate acknowledging anything he says but this stupidity needed to be seen.


Even when you consider the possibility that much of what he says has more to do with getting a reaction than about analysis, even from THAT point of view, this is still weapons-grade stupidity
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Year 5 of Harbaugh and they are sweating Army missing a FG that would have won the game in OT.


Anyone of them that say's they think he's lived up to expectations is a goddamn liar.

Being former Army.....

The Army Golden Knights had a 10 game winning streak coming into that game today. They are a damn good football team.

Let's not forget (for those that may not have seen it)...

Army was one and a half feet to the right from pulling the upset.

TSUN was looking past them because, quite frankly their head man is an idiot.
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Army was one and a half feet to the right from pulling the upset.

That is my point exactly.

Highest paid, highest hyped coach in CFB has his, supposed, powerhouse still in dogfights with Army (no matter how good they are for a service academy) 5 years into his tenure.

I know for 100% certainty OSU fans would be screaming for his head if the situations were reversed.
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Cowherd is a professional troll. Nothing more.

And his trolling seems so pedestrian...

But you can’t argue with the results. He’s nationally syndicated.

He’s proof that Mark Twain’s observation that “No one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people” is still in full effect in the 21st century.
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Never understood the scUM lovefest this year.

They lost everyone who mattered on defense, they have no running back, their OL has consistently been garbage, and Shea Patterson is still their quarterback. But winged helmets and winningest and quarterback whisperer and #HarbaughEffect and....

All of this. why do sportswriters/talking heads do this every year? It's not about who is due or who you want to see 'be back', it's about who, you know, actually looks like a good football team! /harrumph!
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